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Research on biological control of aquatic weeds, nutrient and pesticide management, and atmospheric processes affecting air and water quality in South Florida. Development of improved sugarcane varieties and beef cattle grazing systems for environmental conservation.
Biological Control and Management of Aquatic Weeds/ Invasive Species in South Florida • Identifies and collects natural enemies for control of invasive species • Released 13 insect species for use against five invasive, non–native plants in South Florida
Everglades Agro-Hydrology Model • Simulates water balance, agrochemical movements, soil tillage, irrigation, and crop growth • Helping farmers to cope with the hydrologic changes that may result from the Everglades restoration plan
Nutrient, Pesticide, and Water Management for Horticultural Crops • Determine the fate and transport of nutrients and pesticides • Develop management practices that reduce losses of nutrients and pesticides into water • Assess the potential of aquatic plants and algal species to purify horticultural runoff of excess nutrients and pesticides
Atmospheric Processes of Agricultural Pollutants that Affect Air and Water in South Florida • ARS established air quality sampling sites in Biscayne National Park and West Palm Beach, FL • Complements water quality research and toxicity testing by NOAA's National Ocean Service scientists in the St. Lucie Estuary and Florida Bay areas
Beef Cattle Grazing Systems to Protect Water Resources • Develop better forages and grazing practices to improve the profitability of beef cattle production and protect water quality
Development of Improved Sugarcane Varieties and Their Use in Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems • Improve sugarcane’s tolerance to wetter conditions • Develop agronomic practices that sustain or improve profits under changing hydrological conditions • Improve sugarcane’s ability to yield well with less phosphorus fertilizer or take up more soil phosphorus • Quantify the effects of raised water tables and flooding on the microbial activity that causes soil subsidence