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HMDA / CRA Data Collection

This training covers how to accurately identify and report HMDA and CRA loans, including community development loans and loan categories like small business, small farm, and commercial real estate. The course provides in-depth knowledge on loan purposes, amounts, borrower identification, property security, and how to report loans compliant with federal regulations. Proper data collection is emphasized to avoid compliance risks and penalties, ensuring successful loan reporting. Key topics include HMDA loan purposes, loan exemptions, reporting hierarchy, and essential loan data information for HMDA LAR.

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HMDA / CRA Data Collection

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  1. HMDA / CRA Data Collection How to Correctly Identify and Report Loans

  2. Purpose of Training – • To provide a full understanding of how to correctly identify a HMDA reportable loan. • To provide a full understanding of how to correctly identify a Non-HMDA reportable but CRA reportable loan. • To provide a full understanding of how to correctly identity a “Community Development Loan”. • To provide a full understanding of how to correctly report the following; • HMDA applicable loans • Small Business Loans • Small Farm Loans • CRE – Commercial Real Estate Loans • Community Development Loans

  3. Table of Contents – • HMDA Purpose • Home Purchase • Home Improvement • Refinance • Small Business Loans • Less than or equal to $1 million • NOT secured by Residential Real Estate • Small Farm Loans • Agricultural Purpose • Secured by Farm land • CRE – Commercial Real Estate • Secured by Commercial Real Estate • Over $1 million • Community Development Loans • Affordable Housing – Primarily for LMI individuals • Community Services – Primarily for LMI individuals • Economic Development • Revitalization or Stabilization of LMI census tracts or areas targeted by government

  4. Why and What For? There are two Federal regulations that govern the collection and reporting of HMDA loans and certain CRA loans; • 12 CFR 203; Regulation C; HMDA; Home Mortgage Disclosure Act • 12 CFR 228; Regulation BB; CRA; Community Reinvestment Act The proper collection and reporting of loan data is “CRITICAL” because the government uses the data for many purposes including the distribution of loan data throughout the country, determination of loan trends, borrower characteristics and demographic data. • Regulators can issue poor compliance ratings for non-compliance; and/or • Civil Money Penalties for non-compliance • Can you spell Cease and Desist? It is as bad as it sounds • Significant risk – Reputation Risk, Compliance Risk, Monetary Risk (Penalties)

  5. Four Main Aspects That Lead To Success! • Determine the loan purpose • Home Purchase, Home Improvement, Refinance • Small Business / Small Farm, Commercial Purpose, (CRE), Community Development • Determine the loan amount • Dollar amount applied for • Dollar amount granted • Identity the borrower • Individual / Business Entity • For Profit / Not For-Profit • Identity the subject property / security • Residential Real Estate • Commercial Real Estate • Multifamily Housing – 5+ Properties • Mixed Use Property / Multiple Properties • Non Real Estate Secured “The Golden Rule”

  6. HMDA Purpose! To be reportable as a HMDA loan, the loan purpose must be for; • Home Purchase • Must be for the purpose of “Home Purchase” • Must be secured by a “Dwelling” • Home Improvement • Any part of the proceeds used for “Home Improvement” purpose (renovate, rehabilitate, a dwelling or the real property on which the dwelling exists) • May be secured or unsecured, (different depending on Residential or Commercial loan) • Refinance • Includes both Cash out and No Cash out • Must replace an existing lien with a new lien, (not necessarily the same dwelling) Hierarchy of Reporting Report “Home Purchase” first, “Home Improvement” second and “Refinance” third – • If a loan is both for Home Purchase and Home Improvement – Report as Home Purchase • If a loan is a Refinance to do Home Improvements – Report as Home Improvement • If loan is a Refinance for Cash out to purchase a second home – Report as Home Purchase • Includes both “Owner” and “Non-Owner” occupied properties

  7. Loans Exempt From HMDA Reporting – • Loans on unimproved land • Unless the financing includes the construction of a dwelling and is permanent • Construction Only Loans and other Temporary Financings • Includes builder / developer loans • Loans made or purchased in a fiduciary capacity • Purchase of an interest in a pool of mortgages, such as a participation • Purchase solely of loan servicing rights • Loans acquired as part of a merger • The acquisition of only a partial interest in a home purchase or home improvement loan – Consortium or Third party Loan • Unless the bank is the lead bank in the participation • Prequalification requests • Assumptions In addition, do not report Lines or Letters of Credit

  8. HMDA LAR Information – • Application # – • Unique identifying number for the applications received. • Application Date – • The date on which the loan request is made by an applicant and received by the Bank • More specifically, the date on which the applicant has provided the Bank with enough information to START processing a loan request • Must be verifiable and documented • Not the LAF date • May not be preceded by and other documented date in the loan file such as the Credit Report Date, Appraisal Date, Flood Cert Date, Proposal or Commitment Date.

  9. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) It is imperative to determine up front whether or not a loan is HMDA reportable because you need certain information to properly collect and report required data on the LAR. Must document the Month, Day and Year of the application date. • Loan Type – • Indicate the loan application type; • Code 1 Conventional, (any loan other than FHA, VA, FSA or RHS) • Code 2 FHA insured • Code 3 VA Guaranteed • Code 4 FSA/RHS Loan • Property Type – • Indicate the property type; • Code 1 1 – 4 family dwelling (other than manufactured housing) • Code 2 Manufactured housing / Mobile Homes • Code 3 Multifamily dwelling (5+ residential properties) * • Use Code 1, not Code 3, for loans on individual condominium or cooperative units • If you cannot determine whether a loan or application relates to a manufactured home, use Code 1. * 5+ residential refers to units.

  10. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Loan Purpose – • Indicate the loan purpose; • Code 1 Home Purchase • Code 2 Home Improvement • Code 3 Refinance • Do not report a refinancing if, under the loan agreement you were unconditionally obligated to refinance the obligation, or you were obligated to refinance the obligation subject to conditions within the borrower’s control • Owner Occupancy – • Indicate the type of occupancy; • Code 1 Owner Occupied as a principal dwelling • Code 2 Not Owner Occupied as a principal dwelling • Code 3 Not Applicable • For purchase loans, use Code 1 unless the loan documents or application indicate that the property will not be occupied as a principal residence. • Use Code for second homes or vacation homes, as well as for rental properties. • Use Code 3 if the property to which the loan relates is a multifamily dwelling, (5 + units); is not located in a metropolitan area; or is located in a metropolitan area in which your institution has neither a home or branch office.

  11. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Loan Amount – • Enter the amount of the loan or application. • Show the amount in thousands, rounding to the nearest thousand, (round $500 up to the next $1,000) For example – a loan for $167,300 should be entered as 167 and one for $15,500 as 16; • For home purchase loan that you originated, enter the principal amount of the loan. • For home purchase loans that you purchased, enter the unpaid principal balance of the loan at the time of the purchase. • For home improvement loan, enter the entire amount of the loan regardless of the amount used for home improvement. • For refinance loans, enter the total amount of the new loan. • For a loan application that was denied or withdrawn, enter the amount applied for by the applicant.

  12. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Request for Pre-Approval – • Indicate whether the application or loan involved a request for pre-approval of a home purchase loan; • Code 1 Pre-Approval requested • Code 2 Pre-Approval not requested • Code 3 Not applicable • Enter Code 2 if the institution has a covered pre-approval program but the applicant does not request pre-approval. • Enter Code 3 if your institution does not have a pre-approval program. • Enter Code 3 for applications for home improvement and refinancing and for purchased loans. • Commercial Loans – always use Code 3 – Not Applicable • Type of Action Taken – • Indicate the type of action taken on the loan application; • Code 1 Loan originated • Code 2 Application approved but not accepted • Code 3 Application denied • Code 4 Application withdrawn • Code 5 File closed for incompleteness • Code 6 Loan purchased by institution • Code 7 Pre-Approval request denied (not used in commercial lending) • Code 8 Pre-Approval request approved but not accepted (not used in commercial lending)

  13. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Use Code 1 for all originated loans. • For loans where a counter offer is made and accepted by the applicant, enter Code 1. For loans where a counter offer is made and not accepted by the applicant or the applicant does not respond, use Code 3. • Use Code 2 when the original loan request is approved but the applicant does not respond to a written letter of commitment. Use code 2 if applicant withdraws the application after written commitment provided. (DO NOT USE FOR PRE-APPROVAL REQUEST) • For loan applications where the applicant expressly withdraws the application prior to a written commitment, use Code 4. (Do not use Code 4 if a request for pre-approval is withdrawn; Pre-approval requests that are withdrawn are NOT HMDA REPORTABLE) • Use Code 5 if a written notice of incompleteness was sent to the applicant and the applicant did not respond to the request within the time frame noted in the request. (Do not use Code 5 if a request for pre-approval is incomplete; Pre-approval requests that are incomplete are NOT HMDA REPORTABLE) • Date Action Taken – • Enter the date on which the action was taken on the loan or application; • For loans originated, enter the settlement or closing date. • For purchased loans, enter the date the loan was purchased by the institution. • For applications and pre-approvals denied, applications and pre-approvals approved but not accepted, and files closed for incompleteness, enter the date that the action was taken by the institution or the date the notice was sent to the applicant. • For applications withdrawn, enter the date your received the applicant’s express withdrawal, or enter the date shown on the notification from the applicant. • For pre-approvals that lead to a loan origination, enter the date of the origination.

  14. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Property Location – • Enter the MSA/MD (Metropolitan Statistical Area) • Enter the State and County Codes • Enter the Census Tract; • MSA/MD – 5 digit code • State Code – 2 digit code / County Code – 3 digit code • Census Tract – 6 digit code (xxxx.xx) Applicant Information – Ethnicity, Race, Gender and Gross Income • If the information is not provided by the applicant(s) in a face to face interview, the loan officer must complete all fields by visual observation. Applies only to individuals not business entities.

  15. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Applicant / Co-Applicant Ethnicity – • Indicate the ethnicity of the applicant and co-applicant; • Code 1 Hispanic or Latino • Code 2 Non Hispanic or Latino • Code 3 Information not provided in a mail or telephone application • Code 4 Not Applicable (Non natural person and business entities) • Code 5 No Co-Applicant • Applicant / Co-Applicant Race – • Indicate the race of the applicant and co-applicant; • Code 1 American Indian or Alaskan native • Code 2 Asian • Code 3 Black or African American • Code 4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander • Code 5 White • Code 6 Information Not provided by Applicant in mail, internet or telephone application • Code 7 Not Applicable (non-natural persons and business entities) • Code 8 No Co-Applicant • If applicant selects more than one racial designation, enter all codes listed. • Use code 4 (for ethnicity) and code 7 (for race) for “Not Applicable only when the applicant(s) are not natural persons or the information is not available. • If there is more than one co-applicant, provide the required information only for the first co-applicant listed. If there are no co-applicant(s), use code 5 (for ethnicity) and code 8 (for race) for “no co-applicant” in the co-applicant column.

  16. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Applicant / Co-Applicant Sex – • Indicate the gender of the applicant and co-applicant; • Code 1 Male • Code 2 Female • Code 3 Information not provided in a mail, internet or telephone application • Code 4 Not Applicable • Code 5 No Co-Applicant • Use code 4 for “not applicable” only when the applicant or co-applicant is not a natural person or when applicant or co-applicant information is not available. • If there is more than one co-applicant, provide the required information only for the first co-applicant listed on the application form. If there are no co-applicants or co-borrowers, use code 5 for “no co-applicant” in the co-applicant column. • Income – • Enter the gross annual income that your institution relied on in making the credit decision; • Round all dollar amounts to the nearest thousand, (round $500 up to the next $1,000). • For loans on multifamily dwellings, enter “N/A”. • If no income information is asked for or relied upon in making the credit decision, enter “N/A” • If the applicant or co-applicant is not a natural person (Commercial Loans made to an entity), enter “N/A”

  17. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Type of Purchase – • Enter the applicable code to indicate whether a loan that your institution originated or purchased was then sold to a secondary market entity within the same calender year; • Code 0 Loan was originated or was not sold in the calendar covered by the LAR • Code 1 Fannie Mae • Code 2 Ginnie Mae • Code 3 Freddie Mac • Code 4 Farmer Mac • Code 5 Private Securitization • Code 6 Commercial Bank, Savings Bank or Savings Association • Code 7 Life Insurance Company, Credit Union, Mortgage bank, or finance company • Code 8 Affiliate Institution • Code 9 Other type of Purchaser • Use Code 0 for applications that were denied, withdrawn or approved but not accepted by the applicant; and for files closed incomplete. • Use Code 0 if you originated or purchased the loan and did not sell it during that same calendar year and sell it in a succeeding year. • Use Code 2 if you conditionally assign a loan to Ginnie Mae in connection with a mortgage-backed security transaction • Use Code 8 for loans sold to an institution affiliated with you, such as your subsidiary or a subsidiary of your parent corporation.

  18. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • Reasons For Denial – • Indicate the reasons for denial. This filed is optional. You may indicate up to three reasons. Leave this column blank if the action taken on the application is not a denial; • Code 1 Debt – to – income ratio • Code 2 Employment History • Code 3 Credit History • Code 4 Collateral • Code 5 Insufficient cash (down-payment, closing costs) • Code 6 Unverifiable Information • Code 7 Credit Application Incomplete • Code 8 Other • Use Code 0 for applications that were denied, withdrawn or approved but not accepted by the applicant; and for files closed incomplete. • Use Code 0 if you originated or purchased the loan and did not sell it during that same calendar year and sell it in a succeeding year. • Use Code 2 if you conditionally assign a loan to Ginnie Mae in connection with a mortgage-backed security transaction • Use Code 8 for loans sold to an institution affiliated with you, such as your subsidiary or a subsidiary of your parent corporation. • Rate Spread (HOEPA Loans only) – • Enter “N/A” – This section is not applicable for Commercial loans. Only applicable if Regulation Z applies.

  19. HMDA LAR Information – (Continued) • HOEPA Status – • Enter Code 2 – for “N/A”. Only applies to loans subject to Regulation Z. • Lien Status – • Enter the lien status for loans originated and for applications not originated; • Code 1 Secured by first lien • Code 2 Secured by secondary or subordinate lien • Code 3 Not secured by a lien • Code 4 Not applicable, (purchased loan) • Use Codes 1 – 3 for loans that you originate, as well as for applications that do not result in an origination, (applications that are approved but not accepted, denied, withdrawn, or closed incomplete). • Use Code 4 for loans that you purchase.

  20. Mixed Use Properties and Multi-Purpose Loans – • Mixed Use Property – • A mixed use property is one that involves both “Residential” and “Commercial” real estate; • Retail “Strip Mall” with multiple retail stores and residential rental apartments included in same structure. • Residential single family or 1-4 family residence with business attached. • Horse Farm with residential dwelling. • Restaurant with residential rental or owner occupied residence above. • For a mixed use property where both a commercial and residential purpose is evident, the loan is HMDA reportable if the total square footage used for residential purposes is greater than the square footage of the commercial usage. • Where square footage is not available or is not conclusive in making a determination, use the gross revenues derived from the residential use verses the revenues for retail purpose. • Multi-Purpose Loan – • A loan secured by commercial and or residential real estate for both a commercial and or residential purpose; • A refinance of a residential property to provide funds for home improvement. • A refinance of a residential property to provide funds to purchase a business or investment property. • A construction permanent loan to purchase and demolish a residential dwelling and construct a commercial building. • A construction permanent loan to convert an existing residence into a business property. • Remember the “Golden Rule”. If the purpose meets any of the three HMDA purpose tests, the loan is HMDA reportable. • If the purpose is a commercial purpose and none of the three HMDA tests are positive, then the loan is not HMDA reportable.

  21. HMDA Purpose Defined – • Home Purchase – • A loan secured by and made for the purpose of purchasing a dwelling; does not include a loan to purchase property used primarily for agricultural purposes even if the property includes a dwelling (may include a loan to purchase an apartment building made through a commercial lending department). The dwelling does not have to be the same dwelling. • A residential structure located in a State, the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico; includes an individual condo unit, co-op unit, or mobile or manufactured home: refers to any dwelling not necessarily owned by the borrower. • Home Improvement Loan – • A loan secured by a lien on a dwelling that is for the purpose, in whole or in part, of repairing, rehabilitating, remodeling, or improving a dwelling or real property on which it is located (may include a loan to improve an apartment building made through a commercial lending department); and • A non-dwelling secured loan that is for the purpose, in whole or in part, of repairing, rehabilitating, remodeling, or improving a dwelling or the real property on which it is located. IF CLASSIFED AS SUCH • Refinance – • A new obligation that satisfies and replaces an existing obligation by the same borrower in which both the existing obligation and the new obligation are secured by liens on dwellings. Whether or not cash out occurs is not relevant; the purpose of the refinance is not applicable; the lender need not have been the lender on the existing obligation.

  22. Special Attention LAR Reporting Fields – • Property Location – • Security as an “Abundance of Caution” – Business purpose loans that include a refinance of residential property are HMDA reportable if the property is primary security or the FMV of the property exceeds 50% of the loan proceeds when not primary. • Income – • Government Monitoring –

  23. “Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No!” There are a number of factors to consider, when determining if a loan is HMDA reportable. Sometimes, the slightest change in circumstance can change the determination. Remember to perform the “Golden Rule” test, account for exceptions and then make your determination; • Construction Loans – • Construction loans are generally not HMDA reportable unless the financing contains both the construction only and permanent component. • Loans to purchase and quickly renovate a dwelling, “Splash and Dash”, where the proceeds of the sale will repay the loan are HMDA reportable. • Construction loans to developers to build a residential development are not HMDA reportable unless the financing contains both construction and permanent financing. • Construction loans to developers to build a residential development are HMDA reportable if there is an existing dwelling on the property and the financing is not temporary. • Example – Builder A takes a construction loan to develop a 12 acre parcel of land and construct 12 residential homes on it – Loan is not HMDA Reportable • Example – Builder A enters into an agreement with builder B to purchase a failed development project. Builder A takes a construction loan to purchase the existing parcel with 3 partially completed dwellings already on the property, to finish and construct 9 additional homes – Loan is HMDA reportable.

  24. “Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No!” • Mixed Use Property – • The square footage and income or revenue tests for determining if a loan is HMDA reportable only apply if the commercial purpose and residential purpose are contained in the same structure. • If the residential purpose is fulfilled by a separate structure on the same parcel, then the loan is HMDA reportable. • Example – Commercial customer is purchasing a strip mall that contains 8 retail businesses on the first floor and apartments on the second floor. The square footage of the retail shops total of 10,000 sq feet and the total square footage of the apartments is 6,000 sq feet. Since the square footage of the retail space is greater than the residential use, the loan is not HMDA reportable. • Example – In the same example, an additional 2 family residence is located on the property and is not attached to the other structure – Loan is HMDA reportable. • Home Improvement Loans – • Secured “Home Improvement” loans where any part of the proceeds are used to renovate, rehabilitate or improve the dwelling or the real property the dwelling is located on, are HMDA reportable. • Unsecured “Home Improvement” loans are only reportable if the institution classifies the loan as a home improvement loan. Classification means – Classifying in separate category on call report; coding by color, tag or any other method the loan file differently then other loans; segregating the loan type from other loan files. For commercial loans, there is no current segregation or classification, therefore, unsecured HI loans are not HMDA reportable.

  25. “Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No!” • Transitory Residences – • A loan to purchase, improve or refinance a “Transitory Residence” is not HMDA reportable because the residence is considered temporary in nature. Transitory residences include the following; • Hotels and Motels and Dormitories • Half way houses • Church shelters • Substance abuse homes and temporary residences for mental retardation • Temporary assisted living quarters • Timeshare Purchases • Example – Commercial loan to a church or non-profit entity to finance the purchase of a group home as a temporary shelter for battered and wayward women – Not HMDA Reportable. • If the residence is considered non temporary, then the loan is HMDA reportable; • Permanent Assisted living residences • Retirement communities and living residences • Church sponsored permanent housing • Example – Commercial loan to a non-profit church or entity to finance the purchase of an assisted living and retirement group home for the elderly as permanent housing – HMDA reportable.

  26. CRA Reporting – • Reporting of Commercial Loans on the CRA LAR is based on loan type and collateral not loan purpose. In addition, unlike HMDA LAR collection you only report originations. • The CRA LAR contains only the following fields; • Application Number • Loan Type (FED CRA Loan Purpose) / State CRA Loan Type • Loan Amount • Action Taken Type • Action Date • MSA/MD, State Code, County Code, Census Tract • Gross Revenue Code • Affiliate Lending Flag • Fed CRA Type / State CRA Loan Type – • Fed CRA; Based on loan type and type of security • State CRA; Based on loan type, purpose and security Hierarchy of Reporting HMDA Small Business Small Farm CRE Community Development

  27. Call Report Schedule RC – C Line Descriptions –

  28. CRA Small Business Data Collection Grid –

  29. CRA Reporting of Commercial Loan Types – • HMDA Purpose • Permanent loan < $ 1 million to a “for-profit” entity for multifamily real estate (rental property) with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development • Permanent loan > $ 1 million to a “for-profit” entity for multifamily real estate (rental property) with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development * • Permanent loan to a “for-profit” entity for multifamily real estate without a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development • Permanent loan in any amount to a “non-profit” entity for multifamily real estate with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development * • Small Business Loans • Permanent loan to a “For-Profit” entity, < $ 1million secured by non-residential real estate • Permanent loan to a “For-Profit” entity, < $ 1 million and not secured by real estate • Small Farm Loans • Permanent loan to a “For-Profit” entity secured by “Farmland” with primary agricultural purpose • CRE – Commercial Real Estate • Permanent loan to a “For-Profit” entity secured by commercial real estate and > $ 1 million, without a purpose consistent with the definition of “Community Development” * Loan is both HMDA Reportable and Community Development

  30. CRA Reporting of Commercial Loan Types – (Continued) • Community Development Loans • Interim Construction loan to a “for-profit” entity secured by residential real estate with a purpose consistent with the definition of community development • Permanent loan > $ 1 million to a “for-profit” entity for multifamily real estate (rental property) with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development * • Permanent loan in any amount to a “non-profit” entity for multifamily real estate with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development * • Permanent loan to a “for-profit” entity secured by non-residential real estate > $ 1 million with a primary purpose consistent with the definition of community development • Loan to a “for-profit” entity not secured by real estate and greater than $ 1 million with a purpose consistent with the definition of community development. * Loan is both HMDA Reportable and Community Development

  31. CRA LAR Reporting Codes – • Application # – • Unique identifying number or loan number of the originated loan. • FED CRA Loan Type – • Indicate the FED CRA purpose; • Code 00 Not Fed CRA (HMDA Reportable and or Community Development Loan) • Code 01 Small Business Loan • Code 02 Farm Loan • Code 03 Other Business Loan • Code 09 Other Loan Data (Business purpose, letters of credit, construction loans) 2a. State CRA Loan Type – • Indicate the State CRA loan type; • Code 01 Residential 1 – 4 Family • Code 02 Residential 5 + • Code 03 Housing Rehab • Code 04 Home Improvement • Code 05 Small Business • Code 06 Farm Loan • Code 07 Community Development • Code 08 Commercial Loan • Code 09 Consumer Loan (Not Used) • Code 10 All Other

  32. CRA LAR Reporting Codes – • Loan Amount – • Enter the amount of the loan or application. • Show the amount in thousands, rounding to the nearest thousand, (round $500 up to the next $1,000) For example – a loan for $167,300 should be entered as 167 and one for $15,500 as 16. • Action Taken – • Use Code 1 – Loan Originated. • Action Taken Date – • The origination date of the loan. • Property Location – • Enter the MSA/MD (Metropolitan Statistical Area) • Enter the State and County Codes • Enter the Census Tract; • MSA/MD – 5 digit code • State Code – 2 digit code / County Code – 3 digit code • Census Tract – 6 digit code (xxxx.xx)

  33. CRA LAR Reporting Codes – • Gross Annual Revenue Code – • Enter the gross annual revenue code for the business entity; • Code 01 Less than or equal to $ 1 Million • Code 02 Over $ 1 Million • Code 03 Revenue information was not gathered or considered in the credit decision • Code 04 N/A • Round all dollar amounts to the nearest thousand, (round $500 up to the next $1,000). • If no income information is asked for or relied upon in making the credit decision, enter Code 3 • If the applicant or co-applicant is a natural person (Commercial Loans made to an individual), enter “N/A” • Affiliate Lending Flag – • Enter Code 01 – No affiliate

  34. CRA Data Collection Worksheet – Must complete a worksheet for each loan whether or not originated.

  35. HMDA Data Collection Worksheet – If loan is HMDA reportable, must complete a HMDA Data worksheet • If Section J of the CRA Data Collection sheet indicates that the loan is HMDA reportable as indicated by a check mark in either box “01”, “02” or “03”, then Section E box “00” must be checked. • If box “00” in section E of the CRA data collection sheet indicates the loan is HMDA reportable, then HMDA Data Collection worksheet must be completed.

  36. CRA LAR Reporting Codes Defined – • FED CRA Loan Type – • Indicate the FED CRA purpose; • Code 00 Not Fed CRA (HMDA Reportable and or Community Development Loan) • Code 01 Small Business Loan • Code 02 Farm Loan • Code 03 Other Business Loan • Code 09 Other Loan Data (Business purpose, letters of credit, construction loans) 2a. State CRA Loan Type – • Indicate the State CRA loan type; • Code 01 Residential 1 – 4 Family • Code 02 Residential 5 + • Code 03 Housing Rehab • Code 04 Home Improvement • Code 05 Small Business • Code 06 Farm Loan • Code 07 Community Development • Code 08 Commercial Loan • Code 09 Consumer Loan (Not Used) • Code 10 All Other

  37. FED CRA Code Descriptions – • FED CRA Loan Type – * Codes 04 – 08 are not used. They pertain to consumer lending.

  38. State CRA Code Descriptions – • State CRA Loan Type – * Codes 08 – 09 are not used. They pertain to consumer lending.

  39. Miscellaneous Descriptions – • Data Sheet Sections –

  40. Miscellaneous Descriptions – • Data Sheet Sections – * Enterprise Zones, (EZ) do not have the same boundaries that Census Tracts do. A census tract may contain only a portion of an EZ zone or vice versa. you must check street address location against Census Maps to determine if the property is located in a designated EZ-Zone.

  41. Internal Process – • Responsibility of ALL Personnel – • It is the responsibility of all personnel to ensure that each loan application is properly identified and coded correctly on both the CRA and HMDA LAR if applicable. • Process to include dual review to verify the integrity of data. • Use the following steps to ensure compliance; • Step 1 Identify the loan request; document the application date. * • Step 2 Determine the applicability of HMDA / Community Development • Step 3 Complete the CRA Data collection sheet and HMDA collection sheet if applicable • Step 4 Update the CRA and HMDA Data sheets as applicable throughout the processing of the loan • Step 5 HMDA Reportable loans must be tracked and data recorded on all originated and non- originated applications • Step 6 CRA only loans only need to track originations • Step 7 Internal Loan documentation is critical • Step 8 CLA’s responsible for verification of data from data collection sheets • Step 9 Commercial Servicing and Review Administrator responsible for input and second verification of data fields on CRA and HMDA LAR. • Step 10 Quarterly Scrub performed on all reported loans and sample of non-reported loans. • Step 11 Quarterly tie out of aggregate loan totals from call report schedule RC-C to trial balance reports. • Remember the “Golden Rule” ??

  42. Four Main Aspects That Lead To Success! • Determine the loan purpose • Home Purchase, Home Improvement, Refinance • Small Business / Small Farm, Commercial Purpose, (CRE), Community Development • Determine the loan amount • Dollar amount applied for • Dollar amount granted • Identity the borrower • Individual / Business Entity • For Profit / Not For-Profit • Identity the subject property / security • Residential Real Estate • Commercial Real Estate • Multifamily Housing – 5+ Properties • Mixed Use Property / Multiple Properties • Non Real Estate Secured “The Golden Rule”

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