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CLEAN BURNING AND EFFICIENT WOODFUEL COOKSTOVES PAY OFF LESSONS LEARNED FROM GTZ COOKSTOVE PROGRAMMES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UGANDA IAEE Pre-workshop on Clean Cooking Fuel Istanbul, Turkey, 16-17 June 2008 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Dr Marlis Kees
CLEAN BURNING AND EFFICIENT WOODFUEL COOKSTOVES PAY OFF LESSONS LEARNED FROM GTZ COOKSTOVE PROGRAMMES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UGANDA IAEE Pre-workshop on Clean Cooking Fuel Istanbul, Turkey, 16-17 June 2008 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Dr Marlis Kees Household Energy Programme - HERA
Percentage of households using biomass fuels Biomass is the prevailing energy source for cooking in developing countries Quelle: World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency, 2006
UN Millennium Project recommendation to achieve the MDGs: ‘By 2015, to reduce the number of people without effective access to modern cooking fuels by 50 percent, and make improved cook stoves widely available’ Every day, an additional 500,000 people have to get access to improved cooking energy! The Challenge
Strategies to ensure access to sustainable, clean and affordable cooking energy SustainableWoodenergy supply(afforestation, efficient charcoal production) Efficient and clean burning Stoves(Firewood, Charcoal. …) Alternative Energies(LPG, green fuels, solar. Biogas, electricity,..)
The basket of stove types offered : Example Uganda Strategy 2: Scaling up Access to efficient Cookstoves Rocket Lorena Metal Rocket Clay Rocket
highly agg. impact impacts of intervention outcomes use of outputs outputs Impact Chain OECD DAC Scaling Up of Improved Woodfuel Stoves Achieving Millennium Development Goals more time available saved househ. budget environmental protection improved safety less indoor air pollution business & job creation income generation increased access to modern cooking energy increased use of improved woodfuel stoves more stoves on the market more knowledge & awareness activities stove quality control stove marketing training of trainers & stove producers stove technology development household energy promotion campaigns mainstreaming household energy in public sector stove producers & sales persons stove users & decision makers focus on
400.000 stoves within 4 years A familyusing an improved Rocket Lorena saves: 3.1 kg firewood per day respectively 1.13 tonnes annually 7 hours per week in collecting firewood and cooking time 26 EUR per year on fuel, equal to an extra month’s pay Every second woman reports suffering less eye irritation, coughs or accidental burns Every stove saves about 1 to CO2/ per year Scaling up Access to efficient Cookstoves Example : Uganda – Benefits of the “Rocket Lorena” stove 1 EUR invested yields a return of 25 EUR! (considering 10 years and a 10% discount rate)
The technology:convenient, modern and affordable!!! The approach: commercial dissemination, building local value chains, using local partners, intensive monitoring Reaching a critical mass: once the stove becomes popular (30-50% coverage), the stove becomes a must-have for others Public sector investment from national plus international partners: Investment (German & Dutch Governments) for a stove project is <7 € per person Ugandan government very supportive in setting up favourable frame conditions (e.g. the Biomass Energy Strategy) Lessons Learned: Why does it effectively work in Uganda?
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GTZ) Division Environment and Infrastructure Sektorvorhaben Household Energy HERA marlis.kees@gtz.de www.gtz.de/hera