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Certification of Faculty Teaching Qualifications

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Certification of Faculty Teaching Qualifications

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    1. Certification of Faculty Teaching Qualifications Overview of REVISED Guidelines & Review Process October 1, 2007

    2. 2

    3. 3 Common Myths Myth # 1 “The SACS review is over. We shouldn’t have to worry about documenting faculty teaching qualifications for another 10 years!” Reality While it is true that UCF received no follow-up requirements following the 2005-06 SACS reaffirmation of accreditation process, a five-year report is required by the Commission on Colleges. Upcoming changes to the report contents may require a faculty teaching qualifications status report. More importantly, the first of the SACS Principles of Accreditation is the Principle of Integrity. Adherence to this principle means many things including: reporting accurate information to the Commission and the public, compliance with SACS requirements at all times, and adhering to the self-monitoring processes we told SACS we were committed to.

    4. 4 Common Myths Myth #2 “The SACS (or other) reviewers should be able to see that faculty member X is qualified to teach. It’s obvious!” Reality It is up to the university (specifically, the department/unit chair/director) to make a clear and compelling case for each teaching assignment and to convince the reviewers that the faculty member is appropriately qualified for the given assignment.

    5. 5 Common Myths Myth # 3 “SACS already approved faculty member X to teach. I shouldn’t have to submit additional documentation.” Reality SACS did not “approve” any of UCF’s teaching assignments. The SACS faculty teaching qualifications review resulted in either a case “being flagged” or “not being flagged.” It is unlikely that the SACS review committees reviewed every teaching assignment. It is more likely that a “spot check” was conducted.

    6. 6 Common Myths Myth # 4 “Academic Affairs is holding up our hire due to the ‘SACS’ review.” Reality AA (Faculty Relations) does not hold up hires for faculty teaching qualifications reviews. The expectation is that the chairs/directors make appropriate hires and teaching assignments. AA (Faculty Relations) reviews those decisions to make sure they are sufficiently supported with appropriate documentation to justify the case.

    7. 7 UCF Faculty Teaching Qualifications Oversight Roles Office of Faculty Relations Provides Academic Affairs level oversight for ongoing compliance with UCF & SACS faculty teaching qualifications requirements. Responsible for the UCF faculty teaching qualifications review business process and Academic Affairs approval. Contacts Dr. Lin Huff-Corzine, Assistant Vice President for Faculty Relations lcorzine@mail.ucf.edu *Ms. Heidi Watt, Assistant Director, Academic Support Services hwatt@mail.ucf.edu *Ms. Lucretia Cooney, Sr. Faculty Relations Representative lcooney@mail.ucf.edu UCF-SACS Support Office Provides university level oversight for ongoing compliance with ALL SACS Standards, including standard 3.7.1 (Faculty Competence). Also responsible for development and maintenance of the Faculty Qualifications Database (FQDB). Contact Dr. Diane Chase, Associate Vice President, Planning and Evaluation dchase@mail.ucf.edu *Primary faculty teaching qualifications contacts

    8. 8 SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1 (Faculty Competence) The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty.

    9. 9 SACS Guidelines for compliance with Standard 3.7.1 When an institution defines faculty qualifications using faculty credentials, institutions should use the following as credential guidelines: Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline). Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work: earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline. Graduate teaching assistants: master’s in the teaching discipline or 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline, direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline, regular in-service training, and planned and periodic evaluations.

    10. 10 REVISED UCF Faculty Teaching Qualifications Guidelines The complete guidelines are located on the Faculty Relations Website at: http://www.facultyrelations.ucf.edu/WrittenContent/UCFFacQualsGuidelines.pdf. Aligned with SACS guidelines Specific to UCF Clearer than previous guidelines Specify documentation requirements

    11. Teaching Qualifications Those academic credentials (degrees and coursework) and/or other demonstrated competencies and achievements (e.g., scholarship, professional experience, certification, licensure) that when taken alone or together, qualify an individual to teach at the designated level in the designated teaching discipline.

    12. 12 Two ways to qualify for Instructor of Record (IOR) ‘Academic credential(s)’ (degrees & coursework) alone Qualifications “other” than academic credentials (or combined with credentials) that are appropriate for teaching particular courses (AKA: “Other demonstrated competencies and achievements” or “other”) *Does not apply for GTAs.

    13. 13 (Academic) “Credentials” In the context of UCF faculty teaching qualifications requirements, “credential(s)” refers to all earned degrees and other coursework successfully completed at an accredited institution. This term is also used interchangeably with the term “academic credentials.”

    14. 14 Other (Teaching) Qualifications The term “other (teaching) qualifications” (often abbreviated as “other”) is used interchangeably with the expression “other demonstrated competencies and achievements” to refer to teaching qualifications other than academic credentials (degrees and coursework) that stand alone in their ability to qualify a faculty member to teach at the designated level within a particular discipline or a specific set of courses.

    15. 15 Qualification by Academic Credential(s) Alone Baccalaureate level Degree alone OR Concentration Graduate or first professional degree level Degree alone Graduate Teaching Associates (GTA’s) Degree alone OR Concentration Note: GTA’s must meet additional training & English speaking requirements

    16. 16 Faculty Teaching Baccalaureate Courses Degree alone: Master’s degree or higher in the teaching discipline or a related discipline OR Concentration: Master’s and 18 hours - Master’s degree or higher (in any discipline) with a concentration (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours) in the teaching discipline or related discipline. Master’s degree equivalency - In the absence of a completed master’s degree, a concentration may also be established via acceptable documentation confirming that 1.) as part of the individual’s doctoral or terminal degree program, master’s degree equivalency was achieved and 2.) at least 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline or related discipline have been successfully completed.

    17. 17 “Master’s Degree Equivalency” Defined Master's degree equivalency - For faculty teaching qualifications purposes, master's degree equivalency may be established by providing sufficient evidence that a faculty member enrolled in (or previously enrolled in) a doctoral or terminal degree program has, at minimum, successfully completed coursework equivalent in amount and rigor to that of a typical master's degree program in a program that requires knowledge of the literature of the discipline and ensures ongoing student engagement in research and/or appropriate professional practice and training experience.

    18. 18 Defining “Related Discipline” Two types of “related disciplines” - dependent upon the scope of courses on distinct topics the faculty member is qualified to teach. Broadly Related (Guideline: Qualifies for approx. five or more courses on distinct topics) Selectively Related (Guideline: Qualifies for approx. four or fewer courses on distinct topics) *Must identify the courses/topics the person is qualified to teach.

    19. 19 Conditions for Establishing “Related Disciplines” Must be common collegiate practice Emerging disciplines – a compelling case must be made Chair/director is responsible for determining whether or not a discipline is related and making the case when necessary

    20. 20 Faculty Teaching Graduate Coursework and First Professional Degree Coursework Degree alone: Earned doctorate or terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.

    21. 21 Terminal Degree In most fields, a terminal degree is the commonly accepted highest degree in the given field of study. In such instances, the terminal degree is usually considered to be the academic (or research) doctorate (e.g., Doctor of Philosophy). However, some academic fields have, through custom, recognized terminal degrees that are not doctorates (e.g., Master of Fine Arts, Master of Social Work).

    22. 22 Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs) Degree alone: Master's degree or higher in the teaching discipline or related discipline OR Concentration: 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline Additional Requirements for GTA instructors of record (*See Graduate Catalog for additional information) Accepted & enrolled FT in a graduate degree program Must meet training & English speaking requirements Direct supervision by a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline Regular in-service training Planned and periodic evaluations

    23. 23 Qualification by “Other” Demonstrated Competencies & Achievements Qualifications other than academic credentials (or combined with credentials) may be appropriate for teaching particular courses. Considered case-by-case Cases should be exceptional Evidence provided must be compelling Evidence should show substantial & significant evidence of professional progress as related to the faculty member’s teaching assignment

    24. 24 “Other” qualifications may include, as appropriate: RELEVANT: Undergraduate & graduate degrees Scholarly track record in the teaching discipline Contract or grant work Work experiences in the field Professional licensure and certifications Honors & awards Continuous documented excellence in teaching Other demonstrated competencies & achievements

    25. 25 UCF Faculty Teaching Qualifications Review Process

    26. 26 Certification of Faculty Teaching Qualifications (AA-20a) Form Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the AA-20a form are provided in the UCF Faculty Teaching Qualifications Compliance and Instruction Manual located on the Faculty Relations Web site at www.facultyrelations.ucf.edu (select Faculty Teaching Qualifications menu). Each teaching unit must complete its own AA-20a form. An AA-20a is required for ALL faculty who will serve as an instructor of record (IOR) for a credit bearing course at UCF (including thesis and dissertation hours, directed research, and independent studies), regardless of contract type (e.g., full-time, adjunct, volunteer, emeritus) in the situations outlined in the next slide.

    27. 27 When to process & unit responsible for processing an AA-20a form

    28. 28 Section 1: Employee and Teaching Unit Information

    29. 29 Section 2: Teaching Discipline(s) Information and Teaching Qualifications Check *In addition to the requirements listed here, please complete all other appropriate AA-20a sections.

    30. 30 Section 2: Teaching Discipline(s) Information and Teaching Qualifications Check

    31. 31 Section 3: Teaching Restrictions

    32. 32 Section 4: Degree Information

    33. 33 Section 4: Degree Information

    34. 34 Section 5: Qualifying Coursework

    35. Section 5: Qualifying Coursework Certification of Master’s Level Equivalency

    36. 36 Things to Remember when completing the AA-20a Degree major or program recorded in Section 4 should match transcript whenever possible. Only successfully completed coursework should be listed in Section 5. If no credit was earned for the course (e.g., received a failing grade) or if the individual is currently enrolled in the course, the course should not be listed. For those persons qualified to teach “concentration,” only successfully completed graduate level coursework should be listed in Section 5. All credit hours must be reported as semester hours. The quarter hour to semester hour conversion factor is .667. (i.e., Quarter Hour(.667) = Semester Hour). The qualifying coursework does not have to be part of a degree program. Avoid abbreviating qualifying course titles whenever possible.

    37. 37 AA-20a Required Documentation Copies of official transcripts (or U.S. equivalency evaluations accompanied by a transcript copy for credentials completed at non-U.S. institutions) certified by appropriate UCF personnel for: All degrees listed in Section 4 Must reflect conferred degree(s). All qualifying coursework listed in Section 5 Must reflect successfully completed coursework If qualified in whole or in part by “other” qualifications: Statement of Other Teaching Qualifications (AA-20b) form and all related supporting documentation

    38. 38 Official Transcripts Official transcripts are required for all qualifying degrees & coursework. They must reflect the successfully completed credential(s), which must have been obtained from an institution accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education (DOE) or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Official Transcript: An official transcript refers to an original copy of the individual's permanent academic record from a given institution. An official transcript usually includes all courses enrolled in, grades received, honors received and degrees conferred to the student while enrolled at that institution. An official transcript is prepared by the issuing institution (usually by the Registrar's office) containing a seal and signature of an appropriate school official (usually the Registrar). A transcript is considered official only if it is delivered to UCF in an envelope sealed by the issuing institution that is subsequently opened by appropriate UCF staff and is marked (certified) as having been received under these conditions. Appropriate certification includes marking the transcript as “official” and the signature of the UCF staff member who opened the envelope containing the official document. Effective Nov. 22, 2007 - certification required

    39. 39 Certified Official Transcripts

    40. 40 What if a final transcript is not yet available? A letter may temporarily substitute for a final official transcript… …ONLY when ALL degree requirements have been successfully completed but degree has not yet been conferred. (*Does not apply for credentials earned at non-U.S. institution.) Letter must be issued by an appropriate official at the institution where faculty member is enrolled & should contain the following information: Confirm successful completion of all degree requirements Date the degree will be conferred Identify degree major/program/specialization Note: Final official transcript must be obtained as soon as it becomes available and forwarded to Faculty Relations upon receipt.

    41. 41 U.S. Equivalency Evaluation(s) U.S. equivalency evaluations are required for all qualifying credentials obtained at a non-U.S. institution, even if the transcript/diploma is in English. Note: Currently UCF accepts foreign credential evaluations ONLY from the following two agencies: World Education Services, Inc. (WES) Josef, Silny, & Associates, Inc. (JS&A) Contact information for each is available on the Faculty Relations Website at www.facultyrelations.ucf.edu. *Always request a course-by-course evaluation. **A copy of the foreign credential transcript/diploma will suffice for the file & should be attached to the AA-20a. ***Certify evaluation as “official.”

    42. 42 Statement of Other Teaching Qualifications (AA-20b) Form Requires the following: Statement of “Other” Qualifications (demonstrated competencies & achievements) Statement of Relationship between “Other” Qualifications & Intended Teaching Assignment Statements must include dates. If qualified by related work experience in the field, should also include: Specific job titles & relevant duties. Substantial & significant evidence of professional progress related to teaching assignment

    43. 43 AA-20b Required Documentation Current CV or résumé Content should provide information relevant to the teaching assignment Content should provide support to the justification provided Other documentation as appropriate to support the case Examples: Copies of current licensures, awards, certificates, diplomas

    44. 44 Things to Remember when completing the AA-20b It is the chair’s/director’s responsibility to make a “clear and compelling” case and to provide sufficient evidence to “make the case.” The reviewer(s) (internal or external) may be unfamiliar with the teaching discipline. SO Please spell out acronyms and avoid abbreviations and arcane terminology whenever possible. Explain the relevance and significance of the faculty member’s accomplishments and contributions to the teaching discipline.

    45. 45 Authorized Signatures Note: It is the college’s/area’s responsibility to keep Faculty Relations informed and up-to-date regarding department/unit and college/area level authorized designees.

    46. 46 Department/Unit Submission Instructions Departments/units should always submit AA-20a forms and all supporting documentation (including AA-20b, if applicable) to their college dean’s/area VP’s office. This applies to resubmissions as well. Note: New signatures should be obtained for each submission/resubmission.

    47. 47 College/Area Submission Instructions

    48. 48 Revised FQ Guidelines & Review Process “Goes Live” softly for initial submissions October 1, 2007 That’s today!

    49. 49 Effective Dates All are strongly encouraged to begin using the revised AA-20a form immediately. Old AA-20a forms will no longer be accepted for initial AA-20a submissions effective November 22, 2007. Official transcripts (and U.S. equivalency evaluations) must be certified (marked “official” and signed) by appropriate UCF staff effective November 22, 2007. Start practicing now! Old AA-20a forms submitted to FR prior to Nov. 22nd and subsequently returned to the college for additional information or clarification may be resubmitted to FR on the old AA-20a form until December 31, 2007.

    50. 50 Upcoming “Events” Review & revision of department descriptions Review of course C.I.P. code assignments Exploration of feasibility of automated FQ forms FQDB restructure Incorporation of faculty teaching qualifications into 7-year program review process

    51. Questions & Discussion

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