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There are two kinds of light the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures."-James Thurber. On the note card , complete the following sentence: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three things
1. The Rehabilitation Act Illuminated:Philosophical Foundations for VR Kathe Matrone &
Katie Cissell
Region 10 TACE
4. First “rights” legislation to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities
Standards for determining employment discrimination are the same as those used in Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act Rehabilitation Act of 1973
5. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title IX of the 1973 Educational Amendments
The Education for All Handicapped Children’s Act (PL 94-142) (IDEA)
ADA of 1990
Relationships to Other Laws
6. Specific Concern w/Funding
Veto Consideration
Concern with expansion of the Program’s Goals & Objectives – Independent Living
Politics of 1973 Reauthorization
7. “In these days of budget constraints, I believe it is important to note that vocational rehabilitation is not just another welfare. It not only produces “human dividends” but also produces “cash dividends. – Jacob Javits Congressional Debate
8. “…but the question really is whether it belongs in a vocational rehab program and whether, with the demands of this particular need, of which there are considerable, indeed we may not, effect, be setting in competition with the VR programs another door for expenditure, another program which on its own perhaps might be a very worthy program..
-Senator Robert Taft Congressional Debate, cont’d.
9. The Presidential Veto Message of October 27, 1972 stated:
“This measure would seriously jeopardize the goals of the VR Program and is another example of Congressional fiscal irresponsibility. Its provisions would divert this program from its basic vocational objectives into activities which have no vocational element whatsoever. . .” So What Did Nixon Say?
10. Focus on “Most Severe Disabilities”
Requires the State Plan to show how persons with the most severe disabilities are served first
IWP (now IPE)
Required that the IWP which had previously been part of the program be jointly developed with equal participant of the client & counselor.
Further mandated that if the original goals could not be achieved, the counselor & client working together to develop a new plan What Survived?
11. The unquestioned commitment of Congress for the VR Program was eroding
Reauthorization of 1973 signaled new era for individuals with disabilities
Reauthorization ushered beginning of competition for scare resources between programs for individuals with disabilities with other “worthy” programs What were some political outcomes?
12. CILs/IL older blind, CAPS, NCD, NIDRR, PWI, Rehab Engineering, Supported Employment, State Rehab Advisory Councils, SILC, American Indian VR, Migrant/farm worker, established. 1973, 1984, 1986, 1992 Amendments
13. Amendments reauthorized in Title IV of Workforce Investment Act (WIA).
Provided for the “one-stop delivery system” for services
Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) 1998 Amendments
14. Respect for Individuals with Disabilities
Respect for Privacy
Inclusion and Integration
Inclusion of person’s representative
Principles of Rehabilitation Act
15. Title I – Describes basic structure of public VR
Title II – Research and Training issues related to disability & rehabilitation
Title III– Authorizes funding for special projects & demonstrations
Title IV –Establishes the National Council on Disability
Title V – Addresses the rights & advocacy of individuals with disabilities
Title VI –Establishes PWI & SE
Title VII–Establishes supports systems for IL
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
16. Section 100 – Definitions & Policy Principles
Section 101 – State Plan
Section 102 – Eligibility & State Plan
Section 103 – Outlines elements of VR services to individuals & groups
Section 104 – Non-Federal share for establishment of programs or construction
Section 105 – SRC Title I
17. Section 106 – Requires RSA to create a set of standards and indicators
Section 107 – outlines monitoring responsibilities of RSA
Section 108 – Expenditures
Section 109 – Training of employers with respect to ADA
Section 110 – State allotments
Title I Cont’d.
18. Section 111 – Payments to States
Section 112 – CAP
Section 121 – AIVRS
Section 131 – Data Sharing Title I Cont’d.
19. Principle One:
VR agencies will presume individuals are capable of being employed Title I of the Rehabilitation Act and it’s Principles
20. Agency to provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities in finding employment in integrated settings
Second Principle Title I
21. Individuals with disabilities must be active & full partners in the VR process
Third Principle Title I . .
22. Families & other natural support systems can be important parts of the VR process
Fourth Principle Title l
23. VR counselors and other staff are trained and qualified for their jobs
Fifth Principle Title I
24. VR agencies must involve individuals with disabilities and their representatives when developing & implementing policies
Sixth Principle Title I
25. VR agencies must use accountability measures that promote and support the goals & objectives of the VR program. Seventh Principle Title l
26. Congress Finds That . . .
Fulfills the need of an individual to be productive
Promotes independence
Enhances self-esteem
Allows for participation in the mainstream of life in America Title 1-Section 100
27. Individual with a Disability
Any individual who:
Has a physical or mental impairment which constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment
Can benefit in terms of employment outcome from VR services Title I – Section 101
28. Individualized Plan for Employment
Eligibility & Ineligibility Determination
Presumption of Eligibility
Components of IPE
Review/Revision IPE
Due Process
Informed Choice Title I – Section 102
29. Section 106 requires RSA to create a set of evaluation standards and performance indicators that judge how a state agency is performing.
Title I – Section 106
30. 1.1 – Number of people achieving an employment outcome
1.2 – Percentage of people who reach successful closure
1.3 – Percentage of people who obtain successful closure whose jobs are considered competitive employment
Performance Indicators
31. 1.4 – Percentage of people reaching successful employment who had a significant disability Performance Indicators
32. 1.5 – The average hourly pay of people who achieve a successful employment outcome compared to the state’s general population.
1.6 – Number of people who were living, primarily, off their own salary when they first came to VR for services compared to the number living off their own salary when they exit. Performance Indicators
34. Section 501 – Non-discrimination in federal hiring
Section 502 – Access to public buildings
Section 503 – Non-discrimination in hiring & accommodation by federal contractors Title V: Rights and Advocacy
35. Section 504 – Include people with disabilities in programs receiving federal assistance
Section 504
36. Section 508 – Federal agencies purchase accessible equipment, electron & information technology
Section 509 – Protection & Advocacy (P & A)
Title V Cont’d.
37. Reauthorization of the Rehab Act????
President Obama issues Executive Order to Increase Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities (Section 501)
US Dept of Labor is seeking input from the public on ways to strengthen 503 regulations
Justice Department to survey agencies compliance with Section 508
Olmstead Decision New Directions
38. “You have to know the past to understand the present”
-Dr. Carl Sagan The End