1. Vapor Generation (VG)-ICP-AES The Multimode Sample Introduction System
An Introduction
2. VG-ICP-AES Combination of Advantages!
Dual Mode Benefits Recognized
Simultaneous Vapour Generation and Nebulization
1981 – Tandem Nebulizer (Wolnik et al)
1987 – “Smoking Pipe” – Elevated Drain Systems (Benli & Zhuoyong)
1991 – Manifold (Fengzhou et al)
New System – Multimode Sample Introduction System (MSIS™)
Other Designs Offer Multimode Operation
Unique JY design – same principle as “smoking Pipe” based on an elevated drain systemJY design – same principle as “smoking Pipe” based on an elevated drain system
3. MSIS™ An Early Prototype on the Optima 4300An Early Prototype on the Optima 4300
4. MSIS™ An Efficient Cyclonic Spray Chamber
Same sensitivity and DL’s as a comparable non-baffled cyclonic spray chamber
Reduced condensation in the injector
Similar to a baffled SC – without the reduced sensitivity
An Efficient Gas/Liquid Separator
Slightly better sensitivity than a frit based GLS
Dramatically reduced noise
Vapour Generation close to excitation source Frit based GLS was a previous best design – now sitting on a shelf collecting dust
Frit based GLS was a previous best design – now sitting on a shelf collecting dust
5. MSIS™ Both!
Separate or Simultaneous Operation
Permits both vapour generation and nebulization without swapping equipment
Very little down time between modes
Simply open/close different pump channels
6. Technological Advantages Exclusive non-confined point gap mixing
Reduces noise
Optimal location
Thin flowing film exchange
Permits VG for difficult matrices i.e. 10% CaCO3
Rapid Washout
Minimal “Cross-Talk”
7. Using the MSIS™ Health and Safety
Modes: Operational Parameters
Some Recipes
8. So You Want To Do VG: Some Preliminary ConsiderationsHealth & Safety Working With Strong Acids & Bases
Powerful Reducing Agent
Wear Your PPE’s and Follow Laboratory Safety Procedures
Forming Volatile Species that are highly Toxic (i.e. SeH2) and Highly Flammable Gases (H2)
Proper Ventilation is Necessary
9. MSIS™ - Modes
10. Nebulization Mode: Recommended Parameters Top and Bottom VG lines should be blocked off
Option 1: Pump channels open, ends immersed in beaker of DI water
Option 2: Mechanically plugged
Ie. Plastic rod, parafilm etc.
Nebulizer Uptake Rate (MiraMist™)
1 – 1.5 mL per minute
Black/Black Tubing, 20-30 rpm
Nebulizer Argon Flow
0.70 – 0.80 (Should be optimized for each instrument)
11. Nebulization Mode: Recommended Parameters Con’t Drain – Always Visually Ensure Adequate Drainage Prior to Use!
Minimum Red/Red @ same pump speed as uptake line
For Nebulization Mode Only!
Or …Maintain same pump tubing as for Vapour Generation or Dual Mode (see next slides)
12. MSIS™ - Modes
13. VG Mode: Recommended Parameters 3 Channel Pump Required
Nebulizer Sample Uptake Line – Blocked
(Only necessary for self-aspirating nebulizers)
Nebulizer Ar Flow Rate
Normal Bore injector 0.45 – 0.80 L•min-1
Optimal value is element specific
Small Bore injector 0.25 L•min-1
All elements
Sample to upper or lower line
(We use the lower line to conical reaction tube)
1.0 – 1.5 mL•min-1
14. VG Mode: Recommended Parameters Continued Reductant to opposite line
Normally same flow rate as for the sample
Drain – Always Visually Ensure Adequate Drainage Prior to Use!
We use Black/White or other large bore pump tubing (3.17 mm i.d.)
15. Using Nebulization and VG Mode: A Suggestion for Routine Operation Use of a 2-way (or 3-way) valve for convenience
Divert sample to nebulizer or to VG line
Automatic line blocking
Open/Close pump channel for reductant line
16. VG Mode: Recipes Low Acid Group: As, Sb, Bi, Ge, Sn
Low acid concentrations are beneficial!
1% (v/v) HCl or HNO3
Pre-Reduction Using L-Cysteine (As, Sb)
Superior to KI or KI/ascorbic acid
As (V) ? As (III) Sb (V) ? Sb (III)
Reduction of higher oxidation states kinetically slower
1% (w/v)
Let sit for ~1 hour
17. VG Mode: Recipes High Acid Group: Se, Te
Pre-reduced using HCl + Heat
Se (VI) ? Se (IV) Te (VI) ? Te (IV)
Higher oxidation states are not reduced to the volatile hydride using NaBH4
4.2 M HCl (35% v/v) common
1.8 M HCl (15% v/v) might be sufficient
18. VG Mode: Recipes Reductant Solution – NaBH4 (KBH4)
For Hydride Work 1.0 – 1.5% (w/v)
Stabilized Using NaOH
Concentration is an important parameter!
0.05 – 0.5% (w/v)
We use 0.1% (w/v)
Bubble Formation = BAD!
Significant Source of Signal Noise
Working on a Solution
19. Signal Response to Bubble Formation in Reductant Line
20. Bonus Element: Lead A Low Acid Element
1% (v/v) HCl or HNO3
PbH4: Doubtful existence, but great results
100 ppt…no problemo!
Need to add K3Fe(CN)6
1% (m/v)
Sample or Reductant?
Oxidant or complexing agent?
Metastable lead species
21. MSIS™ - Modes
22. Dual Mode: Recommended Parameters 4 Channel Pump – Straightforward
3 Channel Pump? – Possible
Larger bore tubing for sample
Split sample line after pump using a “T” or “Y” fitting
For a self-aspirating nebulizer a proper flow splitter would be required
Use of a 3-way Valve
Easy switching between 3 Modes
23. Dual Mode: Recommended Parameters Continued Sample to Neb, Sample to VG, and Reductant to VG - Flows: All 1.0 mL•min-1
Successful up to 1.3 mL•min-1
Drainage issues above this value
Drain – Always Visually Ensure Adequate Drainage Prior to Use!
We use Black/White or other large bore pump tubing (3.17 mm i.d.)
24. Dual Mode Limitations Cannot Determine Boron and Sodium
Calcium and Magnesium are questionable
Often added to NaBH4 as Sulfate salts
Option – Use High Purity (Crystal Form) NaBH4
Oxidation State Control
Nebulization of a solution containing 1% L-cysteine?
Overall DL’s Reduced Compared to Single Mode
Slight to moderate overall
25. Appendix 1 Performance of the MSIS™
Some Non-Traditional Elements
Mini MSIS™
Speciation Possibilities
26. ICP Sample IntroductionCyclonic Spray Chamber Advantage(Optima 4300DV) Practical gains in terms of detection limits are slightly less, but still better using the MSIS in nebulization mode.
Note: City of Toronto Lab using a 4300 has gained a 3.5 x – 5 x factor for all elements by switching from the x-flow/scott.Practical gains in terms of detection limits are slightly less, but still better using the MSIS in nebulization mode.
Note: City of Toronto Lab using a 4300 has gained a 3.5 x – 5 x factor for all elements by switching from the x-flow/scott.
27. Condensation in the Injector BaseOptima 3300 DV Meinhard Nebulizer 1.0 mL/min Sample Uptake, 0.70 L/min Ar
29. Vapour Generation ModeEfficiency! Transport efficiency considerations would only yield at best a factor of 40 – 50
Fact that the atomization/excitation source energy is not required to desolvate accounts for the rest (more energy available to excite the analyte, longer residence time as free atoms is also probableTransport efficiency considerations would only yield at best a factor of 40 – 50
Fact that the atomization/excitation source energy is not required to desolvate accounts for the rest (more energy available to excite the analyte, longer residence time as free atoms is also probable
30. Vapour Generation ModeSensitivity Gain
31. Vapour Generation ModeStability Tests – 10 ppb Std’s RSD’s of Less than 1.7 % for all elements over the three hour period
RSD’s of Less than 1.7 % for all elements over the three hour period
32. Results for “Non-Traditional” Elements by VG
33. Results for “Non-Traditional” Elements by VG