1. Pollination How many different ways can plants be pollinated?
Are there any clues to help you work out which type of method a plant uses?
2. How many ways can plants be pollinated? By wind
By bumble bee
By butterfly
By beetle
By mosquitoes and flies
By bird
3. Mediterranian Pine
4. Hibiscus
5. Tulip
6. Magnolia
7. Rafflesia Arnold (The World’s Largest Flower)
8. Foxgloves
9. Cosmo Flower
10. Coneflower
11. Flower Detectives STOP HERE!
Have a look at the pictures that you have just seen. Can you work out how the flowers are pollinated? Check your ideas by doing some research.
Have a look at the flowers outside your class. How are these pollinated?
12. Mediterranian Pine
13. Hibiscus By bird
14. Tulip The tulip flower is insect pollinated and the tulip advertises with both bright colours & scent from volatile oils. The picture above shows the male & female structures, with much pollen in evidence. To remain open overnight is to both risk damage from the weather & to waste volatile scents, whilst it’s insect pollinators are not around. Thus a tulip increases its chances of successful reproduction by closing it’s blooms at night. Many flowers show this behaviour and conversely, for example, bat pollinated plants often only open their flowers at night.
15. Magnolia
16. Rafflesia Arnold (The World’s Largest Flower)
17. Foxgloves
18. Cosmo Flower
19. Coneflower