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The meson landscape

Diquarks, Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and no quarks. “Diquarks,Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and no quarks”. The meson landscape. Scalars and Glue in Strong QCD. New states beyond. Weird baryons: pentaquark problems. “Exotics: what needs to be measured”.

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The meson landscape

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diquarks, Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and no quarks “Diquarks,Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and no quarks” The meson landscape Scalars and Glue in Strong QCD New states beyond Weird baryons: pentaquark problems “Exotics: what needs to be measured” 1

  2. ??? e+e- to + X Belle

  3. Claim of Hybrid Charmonium by BELLE Is this the same as X(3940)? Is it hybrid charmonium as claimed? ….probably not, but this might be…….

  4. e+e- \to psi pi pi BaBar sees new vector cc* Y(4260)

  5. Maiani talk

  6. Y(4260) Three Possibilities Y(4260) = Non resonant S-wave threshold Experimental distinctions….later this talk

  7. Strong QCD: What theory expects Can experiment rule it out? What present and future experiments can test for… Glueballs; hybrids; diquarks; tetraquarks; pentaquarks Especially, but not exclusively, the role of charmonium in achieving these aims

  8. (cc*) 3772 1D: 1- 10023 3686 2S: 1- 3556 9913 2+ 9893 3510 1+ 9860 3415 0+ 9460 3097 1S: 1- Narrow below MM threshold

  9. (cc*) 3772 1D: 1- 10023 3686 2S: 1- 3556 9913 2+ 9893 3510 1+ 9860 3415 0+ 9460 3097 1S: 1- Lattice QCD: Linear: Flux tube…..implies…

  10. e.g. p=1 c.m. Gluonic hybrid mesons Exciting the flux tube Lattice and model agree spectrum; decays in FT not yet lattice

  11. Hybrids later: First – what can be said about glueballs? Glueballs spectrum from Lattice Far away from qq* lowest multiplets… except for 0++

  12. I=1 vector : I=0nn*; ss* + Problem of nn* ss* flavour mixing 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 1320 1270/1525 2+ 1300 1285/1530 1+ 1420 0+ 770 780/1020 1S: 1- Clean below S-wave MM thresholds And no prominent G expected

  13. Glueballs also predicted: Strong QCD spectrum from Lattice Only scalar glueball below 2 GeV Far away from qq* lowest multiplets… except for 0++

  14. I=1 vector : I=0nn*; ss* + Problem of nn* ss* flavour mixing 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 1320 1270/1525 2+ 1300 1285/1530 1+ 1420 1370/1500/1710 0+ 770 780/1020 1S: 1-

  15. I=1 vector : I=0JP =2+ 1+ 0+ 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 13201270/1525 2+ 13001285/1530 1+ 1420 1370/1500/1710 0+ 980 980/600 770 1S: 1-

  16. I=1 vector : I=0JP =2+ 1+ 0+ 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 1270/1525 2+ ? qq* + Glueball 1285/1530 Lattice G =1.6 \pm 1+ 0+ 1370/1500/1710 0+ 980/600 770 1S: 1-

  17. I=1 vector : I=0JP =2+ 1+ 0+ 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 13201270/1525 2+ 13001285/1530 1+ 1420 1370/1500/1710 0+ [qq][q*q*] 980 980/600 770 1S: 1-

  18. I=1 vector : I=0JP =2+ 1+ 0+ 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 1270/1525 2+ ? qq* + Glueball 1285/1530 Lattice G =1.6 \pm 1+ Data do not imply G But given lattice and qq* Does consistent pic emerge? 0+ 1370/1500/1710 0+ 980/600 770 1S: 1- Can data eliminate it; or even make it robust?

  19. Tensor and axial qq* G 2 – 4 GeV ss* 1525 nn* 1270

  20. Scalar Glueball and Mixing s G n

  21. Scalar Glueball and Mixing • Meson • 1710 • 1500 • 1370 s G n

  22. Scalar Glueball and Mixing • Meson G ss*nn* • 1710 0.39 0.910.15 • 1500 - 0.650.33- 0.70 • 1370 0.69- 0.15 - 0.70 s G n LEAR/WA102 Meson pair decays

  23. Scalar Glueball and Mixinga simple example for expt to rule out • Meson G ss*nn* • 1710 0.39 0.910.15 • 1500 - 0.650.33- 0.70 • 1370 - 0.690.150.70 0- 0- meson decays LEAR/ WA102 FC Kirk s n l Nontrivial correlation with relative masses middle light heavy

  24. Scalar Glueball and Mixing:how to measure flavour state • Meson G ss*nn* • 1710 0.39 0.910.15 • 1500 - 0.650.33- 0.70 • 1370 0.69-0.15 - 0.70 s n

  25. Scalar Glueball and Mixing • Meson G ss*nn* • 1710 0.39 0.910.15 • 1500 - 0.650.33- 0.70 • 1370 0.69-0.15 - 0.70 s n

  26. Coming soon from BES and CLEO-c >1 billion 1000 per meson A flavour filter for 0++ 0-+ 2++ mesons and glueballs Challenge: Turn Lattice QCD Glueball spectrum into physics

  27. OZI rule and flavor tagging in J/ hadronic decays Known ss*/nn* measure ss*/nn* Example of “known” ss*/nn* = 1– or 2+ “ideal” flavour states

  28. OZI rule and flavor tagging in J/ hadronic decays • In J/ hadronic decays, an  or Φ signal determinesthe or component, respectively.  OZI rule

  29. OZI rule and flavor tagging in J/ hadronic decays Works nicely for 2++ where BOTH are ideal 2++:(1520) 2++:(1270)

  30. OZI rule and flavor tagging in J/ hadronic decays Fails completely for 0^{++}!!!

  31. Leading diagram if 0+ meson contains qq* only

  32. Extra diagram if 0++ has glueball in its wavefunction

  33. Unusual properties off0(1370), f0(1500) f0(1710) Scalar Puzzle A consistent pattern in these two experiments can establish role of Scalar Glueball \psi \to 0^{++} V Challenge: quantify the predictions

  34. Glueballs and central production G qq* Reality: qq* (also) produced How to separate G and qq*? FC Kirk Schuler 97-00

  35. Central Production pp \to pMp 0+ and 2+ qq* G ?

  36. States outside the quark model:tetraquarks

  37. I=1 vector : I=0JP =2+ 1+ 0+ 1700 1D: 1- 1460 2S: 1- 1270/1525 2+ ? qq* + Glueball 1285/1530 1+ [qq][q*q*] 0+ 1370/1500/1710 0+ 980/600 770 1S: 1-

  38. + + How can we tell if its this - - + Or this? -

  39. Jaffe model of light scalar mesons Strong QCD attraction of 3*c 3*f qq into 0+ diquark e.g. Maiani et al heavy and light flavours

  40. Inverted flavour multiplets 1- 0+ 1020 ss* 890 su* sd* 780 uu*+dd* 770 uu*- dd* 980 (uu*+dd*)ss* 980 (uu*- dd*)ss* 800 (su*)uu* (sd*)dd* 500 uu*dd* e.g.Tetraquarks v Hybrids: One swallow don’t make a summer. Need the whole flock/multiplet.

  41. New states outside the quark model:D_s(cs*) states that might beDK or tetraquarks Leave discussion to Maiani talk

  42. New states outside the quark model:cc* X(3872) anomalous charmonium

  43. An extra narrow charmonium state Seen in B \to K X(3872)

  44. X(3872) mass compared with DD* thresholds DD* molecule “tetraquark” Mass = neutral threshold to better than 1 in 10,000 cuc*u* S-wave JPC = 1++ isospin maximally broken

  45. Close+Page Tornqvist Swanson

  46. 18 cc*1++ 3550; 1++* 3950: DD* (neutral) threshold Psi rho; psi omega P-wave cc* Mass coincidence only happens with Charm, not strange or bottom S-wave 1++ mesons Energy degeneracy will drive this >> model details. Psi rho:psi omega \sim 1 Deviations = dynamics Specific model: Swanson psi D D* uu* vector D* D pi Decays driven by meson-meson wavefunction Production by cc* residue: like psiprime D* D

  47. Molecule or radial 1++ cc*? • Suzuki: cc* with cc*uu* admixture(also FC+ Page) • Further tests: Production in B+ bigger than Bo Test: X \to K+K-\pi>> K0K0\pi CLEOc/BES precision test for 1++ 3550 also

  48. New states outside the quark model:Hybrid Mesons

  49. e.g. p=1 c.m. Gluonic hybrid mesons Exciting the flux tube

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