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This is Why we are Here Points of Emphasis for the 2013 Spring Season

“We have too many officials who do not take officiating females as seriously as when they officiate males”-Randy Vogt. This is Why we are Here Points of Emphasis for the 2013 Spring Season. And Now for the Girls-Today’s Agenda. Professionalism Concussions Mercy Rule

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This is Why we are Here Points of Emphasis for the 2013 Spring Season

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  1. “We have too many officials who do not take officiating females as seriously as when they officiate males”-Randy Vogt This is Why we are HerePoints of Emphasis for the 2013 Spring Season

  2. And Now for the Girls-Today’s Agenda • Professionalism • Concussions • Mercy Rule • 2 Man Mechanics and Positioning • Assistant Referee Area of Patrol • The Girls High School Game

  3. Professionalism: Pre-Match Contact • Referee contacts crew/partner 48 hours before match • Assistant Referee contacts crew/partner 24 hours before match if no contact is made by Referee • Regional Supervisor gets a call if AR does not hear from Referee 23 hours and 59 minutes before kickoff

  4. Professionalism: Pre-game Arrival • Get to the field ON TIME. • You must be on the field DRESSED at least 15 minutes before any match that begins before 6PM. • You must be on the field DRESSED at least 30 min. before any game which begins at 6:15 or later • If you can’t get there on time DECLINE THE GAME.

  5. Professionalism-Addressing the Players • Do not address the players with “Sweetie”, “Darling” or “Honey” • Treat the players with the respect you would expect from them

  6. Professionalism: Work Rate • Are you staying with the second to last defender or are you ball watching? • As the refeee are you hustling into the corners opposite of your AR? • PERCEPTION IS REALITY

  7. Professionalism: ”Off Duty” Attire • When you get the rosters from the coaches, what are you wearing? • Are you in full uniform? • Are your socks pulled down? • If you finish a JV game and are watching the Varsity game, are you still in uniform?

  8. Concussions • Are you checking the balls before the game….to make sure they are not too hard? • Females tend to like less air in the ball • Keep in mind the early part of the season is COLD

  9. Mercy Rule • Question: Team A scores a ninth goal with 4 minutes left in the first half of a NCHSAA game to go up 9-0. Is the game over? • Question: Team A scores a ninth goal with 5 minutes left in a NCHSAA game to go up 9-0. The coaches both agree they want to keep playing. Can you grant the wishes of the coach?

  10. 2 Referee (2 Man) System • There is nothing wrong with going into both halves of the field • Who is responsible for time keeping at places where there is not a scoreboard? • Where does the TRAIL referee stand during the taking of a corner kick?

  11. 2 Man Positioning Bonus Question: Who calls a throw in when the ball is on your touchline in the opposite half?

  12. Assistant Referee Area of Patrol • You are an ASSISTANT REFEREE, not an INSISTANT REFEREE • When thinking about raising the flag for a foul, consider: -“DOES THE REFEREE NEED THE FLAG?” (Ex. Is he or she caught on a counter-attack?) • “DOES THE GAME NEED THE FLAG?” (Ex. A player punches the ball away from the goal)

  13. Assistant Referee Area of Patrol Green=Good area to assist referee if foul is needed Yellow=Good area to assist referee is foul occurs and game needs it Red=Only raise flag if you feel the game will lose control, an improper goal occurs, or a team is cheated out of a goal AR

  14. Bench Placement • Benches should be placed opposite the AR if benches are on both sides. • NCHSAA mandate • Get to field early and move them yourself if needed AR Bench Bench AR

  15. Foul Language • What is it? Something you would not say in school. • Remember, High School athletics are an extension of the classroom. • If you can't say it in the classroom, you can't say it on the playing field • Must be dealt with. However, it does not have to be a card

  16. Foul Language • Any Foul Language + the word YOU= RED CARD (ex. “You B*%#^H” or “Ref you MotherF&%$#R”) • Any Foul Language which is audible enough to be heard by both team = YELLOW CARD (“F^*&K ME” or “Oh S&^T”) • Any incidental foul language only heard by Center Referee = Verbal Admonishment by center referee • Let's not have rabbit ears but let's not ignore it either

  17. The Women’s Game http://www.wect.com/category/240209/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default http://www.aol.com/video/soccer-mean-girl-player-slams-opponent-in-head-with-ball-twice/517532463/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl19%7Csec1_lnk1%26pLid%3D231780 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GWDyMlo4D6E

  18. Summary as we Prepare for Spring 2013 POINTS OF EMPHASIS • Treat the girl’s game with the same respect on and off the field you would treat the men • Get to the field on time so you can inspect the field and BALL PRESSURE to prevent concussions • Be cognizant of the mercy rule • Call fouls but do so only in your area if needed • Benches are to be placed opposite the AR • Deal with Foul Language. Don't look for it but rather deal with it when it occurs. • Be Fair to the game we all love

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