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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.
Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior • appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. • To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. • To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. • Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. • WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting • PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Oct. 22, 2001 • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. • APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY • TIME & ITEM • 7:00 p.m. • 1. Invocation Rev. Vicki Houk, Christ Episcopal Church
7:00 p.m. • 3. Public Hearings: • a. Six Year Plan Improvements - A public hearing has been scheduled for the purpose of discussing the proposed six-year plan for improvement of the secondary highway system in Pulaski County for establishment of priorities for the 2001-2002 budget year, pursuant to Section 33.1-70.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. The Board was provided with a draft plan prepared by Mr. Brugh, as well as the current 6-year plan and waiting list. The Board was also provided with a letter from Mr. Paul Phillips of Lowman’s Ferry Road requesting inclusion of Rt. 693, Lead Mine Road to the six year plan.
b. A rezoning request by Ruth B. McGuire from • Residential (R1) to Agricultural (A1) on property identified by tax map no. 066-001- 0000-00035, 42, 45, 46, & 066-007-0000- 0001, 2, (11.493 acres), with an address of 4591 State Park Rd., & between Cardinal Dr. & Hidden Valley Rd., Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the above request. The Planning Commission recommends approval, with a written proffer that a maximum of three horses would be allowed.
c. A rezoning request by Donald Lee Meredith from Residential (R1) to Commercial (CM1) on property identified by tax map no. 038- 007-0000-0003, 4, located at 7191 Lee Hwy., Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the above request; however, due to improper posting of signage notifying residents of the proposed change, no action can be taken by the Board. It is recommended the Board hear any comments from the public with the official public hearing to be held at the November meeting.
d. A request by Burley W. & Shirley D. Henley for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a garage without a principle dwelling per Section 5B-3 of the Residential District (R1) on property identified as tax map no. 046- 006-0000-0002, zoned Residential (R1), (5.000 acres), located at 5701 Chicwood Dr., Massie District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the above request. The Planning Commission recommends approval, with the condition that the principle dwelling be constructed within three years.
e. A request from Dennis Lee and Anita Lynn Mabe Reed and Joann D. and Roy J. Jones, to vacate a portion of a 30 ft. unimproved right- of-way adjoining the western boundary of tax map parcel 039-001-0000-0086 and the eastern boundary of tax map parcel 039-001- 0000-0085, located east off Long Way (Rt. 703), zoned Residential (R3), in the Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider the above request. The Planning Commission recommends approval with the conditions outlined on the memorandum that was provided to the Board.
7:30 p.m. 4. Highway Matters: a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: The resident engineer may have information to share on the following matters from previous Board meetings, unless noted otherwise: Mr. Dan Brugh, Resident Engineer
1. Rural Addition Status Report - The Board was provided with an update of the Rural Additions Progress Report. Based on circumstances in this report, it is recommended that Rolling Hills connector road, and Deerwood Drive be moved to the end of the priority list. Ms. Burchett met with Don Todora to discuss the possibility of him working on rural addition projects for the county. Mr. Todora has worked with VDOT for the past four years on obtaining right of ways for secondary projects. Continued
He works full time for Montgomery County PSA and has obtained right of ways and easements for the Montgomery County PSA for the past 18 years. Mr. Todora is interested in working for the county part-time and advised he will have time available this winter to work on additional projects. He further advised that Montgomery County has no problem with him working for Pulaski County. He is requesting $20.00 per hour, plus mileage. I recommend limited use of his services as may be needed by Ms. Taylor who has been coordinating rural addition staff work for the past two months. Continued
We received confirmation this week from VDOT that Harbor Point Street (Rt. 831) and Cooks Lane Extensions (Rt. 1095) had been added to the state system.
2. Informal Speed Study on Parrott River Road, Route 600 Between Railroad Trestles - The Board was provided with correspondence from Mr. Brugh advising VDOT does not recommend posting this section of Rt. 600.
3. Request for Speed Limit Study & Signs on Valley Road - An update may be provided by VDOT.
4. Request for Speed Study on Rt. 633, Powell Avenue - An update may be provided by VDOT.
5. Request for Speed Limit Posting, Rt. 755, Depot Road - An update may be provided by VDOT.
6. Request for Guardrail Placement and Reduced Speed Limit on Old Rt. 11 - VDOT was requested to perform a formal speed study. An update may be provided by VDOT.
7. Request for Speed Limit Sign (25 mph) on Winding Way Drive - An informal speed study was requested. An update may be provided by VDOT.
8. Rt. 650 Speed Study – The Board was provided with correspondence from Mr. Brugh advising VDOT does not recommend posting this section of Rt. 650.
b. Request for Speed Study on Rt. 711, Mines Road - Ms. Renee Phelps of 5320 Mines Road, Pulaski has requested a 25 mph speed limit. Supervisor Hale has reviewed the request and is concerned that a 25 mph posting may be too slow. He suggests an informal speed study be conducted.
c. Request for Cutting of Banks on road just off of Rt. 731, Bob Robert Lane - Ms. Michelle Via of 7604 Bob Robert Lane, Dublin has requested the banks be cut back just as you turn off of Bob Robert Lane. Supervisor Sheffey has reviewed the request.
d. Schoolhouse Lane Resolution - Adoption of the resolution is recommended.
8:00 p.m. • 5. Treasurer’s Report • The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer
8:10 p.m. • 6. Presentation by Planning District Commission re: Wilderness Road
8:20 p.m. • 7. Citizens’ Comments
8:30 p.m. • 8. Reports from the County Administrator & Staff: • a. Key Activity Timetable - The Board has been provided with an updated Key Activity Timetable. Copies are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.
b. Update on Property Clean-ups - The Board was provided with an update from Mr. Tickner on the following property clean up: • A request for Special Use Permit (SUP) byTara Kent Fowlkes Edwards to allow individual camping per Section 5B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance on property identified as tax parcel 099-001-0000-053A, zoned Residential (R1), located at 2524 Brown Rd., Draper District.
c. Review of Fiscal Condition & Board Goals - A report detailing revenues and expenditures for the 2000-01 fiscal year and the 2001-02 fiscal year-to-date was distributed at the October 16, 2001 administrator’s evaluation meeting. The Board was provided with a listing of projects for which funds have been reserved. In light of possible financial impact of a recession, a copy of the Board goals have also been provided to the Board for the consideration by the Board in reviewing the financial situation of the County.
d. Appointments - The following appointments are requested to be considered in closed session: 1. Western Virginia EMS Council 2. Workforce Investment Board
e. Response to Terrorist Threat – I plan to provide the Board and the public with a brief summary of defensive measures taken to date.
9. Items of Consent: • a. Minutes of October 16, September 17, 2001 & Correction to June 25, 2001 Minutes - Approval of the September 17 & October 16 minutes is requested, with corrections to • the September 17 draft minutes as requested by Supervisor Fariss. Further, • action to correct the June 25, 2001 minutes is also recommended.
c. Appropriations • Cooks Lane Relocation Costs – The Board was provided with correspondence from American Electric Power requesting payment of $12,017.00 for expenses related to the necessary engineering and cost estimates to relocate AEP facilities on Cooks Lane in Dublin.
d. Ratification: • 1. Change Order - There are no change orders at this time.
2. Agreements, Grants, & Other - The following are submitted for the Board’s review and approval: • a. Library Grant Application – LSTA – Educate the Cataloger – Maximum Amount $1,000 - Ratification of the grant application is requested. • b. Building Usage Application – Downtown Pulaski, Inc. - Ratification of the application by Downtown Pulaski, Inc. for use of the courthouse lawn on October 11 is requested.
e. Personnel Changes - Ms. Burchett has provided the Board an update of recent personnel changes.
f. Disposal of Surplus Crash Truck - As previously discussed by the Board, approval to dispose of a surplus vehicle previously donated by Volvo to the Pulaski County Lifesaving Crew is requested. The Board was provided with an article, which appeared in the Southwest Times at the time of the donation, which provides details of the donation. Mr. Crigger concurs with the facts surrounding the donation, as reported in the Southwest Times. Based on the history of the donation by Volvo to the Pulaski County Rescue Squad, the proceeds of the sale will be returned to the Rescue Squad.
g. Disposal of Newbern Fire Truck - Permission to dispose of the 1965 fire truck, with the proceeds to be retained by the Newbern Fire Department, is requested. The Newbern Fire Chief, Miller Farris, is trying to dispose of a 1965 International Truck from that department. After trying several sales in order to obtain the best price, he has received an offer of $5,000 from an individual who wants to buy it for its antique status. Since these trucks are specialized, Mr. Doug Mayberry, Director of Fleet Maintenance, does not think auction or any other type of sale will result in more money. The department wants to sell the vehicle and use the funds internally. • Continued
Since, the volunteers bought this piece of equipment and just titled it through the County for insurance and maintenance purposes, disposal by the department and internal use of proceeds is recommended for approval by the Board. A truck in the Dublin Fire Department built the same year experienced a complete brake failure in the past two weeks. Mr. Mayberry recommends removal of the vehicle from County use, if at all possible, due to the lack of redundant braking.
h. Randolph Park Signage at Intersection of Alexander Road & Rt. 100 - Dr. Fariss has offered to donate a sign at the intersection of Alexander Road and Route 100 for use in directing the public to Randolph Park. The Board was provided with a design proposal from Sign Systems. We expect to receive a proposal from Caudell Signs and will send that to the Board upon receipt. Acceptance of the donation with appropriate documentation for tax purposes is recommended.