Media Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?
Audience • To attract/address my audience I produced 2 different questionnaires, one of them for marketing research and the other was for the feedback on all three media products. The products received pretty fair feedback, people seemed to like the colour scheme as they felt it fit the genre, by using purple on the front cover of different shades my audience said this was a good idea because it keeps the front cover looking busy and well-coordinated. • My audience mainly targeted 16-18 year olds who filled out the majority of my questionnaires however I thought by stretching out the age it’d attract a wider audience. They’re mainly female with few males who answered my questionnaires.
In my opinion I feel like my magazine would mainly attract the female gender due to this gender dominating the questionnaires, within these they’d all suggested different features for the magazine. I felt like this was useful because it made them look like it was for them by giving me a variety of different colours for each product I had narrowed it down to 3 main different colours going by purple, blue and red all matched with the colours black and white. I felt like black and white were useful because by using these 2 it wouldn’t really define a specific gender which makes it useful for everyone and anyone.
However, I want my main audience to be teenagers as they are the main voice of this generation they are with today’s trends in everything especially music, this does link to my media products because with my research I’d found out that nowadays more people are into the Indie-Rock genre and by researching my audience through questionnaires I found out many of the bands that they were into which is also useful for me. • This meant that I could include them in my product by either putting them on the front cover and even including them on the contents page. The product addresses the audience by using the strap-line, ‘where the music is’ on the front cover also because this shows them that this is for them and it means they can access the music that they love right here. Even my DPS is relatable to teenagers as my artist is a teenager!
“I’m a fan of the pastel colours, big contrast to the Indie-Rock genre but it’s believable” - Katie I asked a few people their thoughts on what they thought about the magazine… “I like the colours and how a band I’m into is on the contents page. But I wish there were more images as it looks really text heavy” - Laura “It’s bubble-gum pop looking but it challenges me because I know it’s Indie-Rock due to the article” - Natalya “The use of a young local artist is quite useful and would be inspiring for young local musicians in the area” -Ellie