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Los Colores. Colors in Spanish will agree in number and gender with the object they describe. That means masculine / feminine and singular / plural. Singular Plural . masculine feminine masculine feminine. roj o roj a roj os roj as. negr o negr a negr os negr as.
Los Colores Colors in Spanish will agree in number and gender with the object they describe. That means masculine / feminine and singular / plural.
Singular Plural masculine feminine masculine feminine rojorojarojosrojas negronegranegrosnegras blancoblancablancosblancas amarilloamarillaamarillosamarillas moradomoradamoradosmoradas Red, black, white, yellow, purple
Singular Plural masculine feminine masculine feminine verdeverdeverdesverdes café café cafés cafés grisgrisgrisesgrises azulazulazulesazules marrónmarrónmarronesmarrones Green, brown, gray, blue, maroon
Singular Plural masculine feminine masculine feminine rosarosarosasrosas violetavioletavioletasvioletas pink, purple
Lasillaesroja. Esunasillaroja.
Lacarpetaesnegra. Esunacarpetanegra.
Lacomputadoraesamarilla. Esunacomputadoraamarilla.
La pared esmorada. Esuna pared morada.
Loscuadernos son azules. Son unoscuadernosazules.
Losproyectoresson grises. Son unosproyectoresgrises.
Lospapelesson verdes. Son unospapelesverdes.
A blue chair = a chair blue A red folder = a folder red In Spanish, adjectives come after the noun. some black pens = some pens black some green erasers = some erasers green A pink door = a door pink
A pink folder 9. The green chairs The blue pencil 10. The orange light The purple books 11. The black markers Thewhite board 12. The blue sheet The brown desks 13. The yellow wall The purple ruler 14. the gray pens The orange backpack 15. thepink papers The red door 16. the pencil sharpener ¡Tetoca a ti!