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WHY EAT RAW?. If you want a fresh alive body eat fresh alive food.. WHY RAW?. Food oozing with
1. OFF THE CHARTS VITALITY! Incredible raw ideas for amazing health.
3. WHY RAW? Food oozing with bio-electricity or life-force!
4. LIVING WATER The body is up to 70% water and the blood 95% water.
5. LIVING WATER Would you like to have this water crystal in your body?
6. LIVING WATER Or would you like to have this water crystal in your body?
7. ENZYMES! Once enzymes are exposed to heat, they are no longer able to provide the function for which they were designed. Cooked foods contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is damaged and thus requires us to make our own enzymes to process the food. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.
8. GREENS! An excellent source of alkaline minerals
High in bio-electricity or life-force
Full of vita mins
A beauty secret
9. GREENS! Wild greens
Garden greens
Organic greens
Conventional greens
10. Spinach Great for the eyes
Good strength builder
Full of lutein
High in oxalates which can contribute to kidney stones so dont eat too much!
11. Kale Full of minerals
High in antioxidants (ORAC)
Vitamin K
High in lutein good for the eyes
Better than even broccoli!
12. Bok Choi and Choy Sum Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Glucosinolates for cancer prevention
13. Rocket Plenty of Iron
Vitamin C
Helps the body to detoxify pollutants.
14. Nasturtium Vitamin C
15. Chrysanthemum A good source of Protein, Niacin, Zinc, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.
This food is very high in Sodium, so dont eat too much.
16. Beet topand Carrot top Builds and cleans the blood
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C
calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, organic sodium, iron, chlorine, folic acid, iodine, manganese, sodium, potassium and fiber.
17. Lettuce The darker green the better
Vitamin C
Mix up the species of lettuce.
18. Celery Good for high blood pressure
Good for building digestive fire
Good source of natural salts
Relaxing and Yin
19. Papaya leaves A powerful antioxidant
A powerful anti-cancer source
A good source of MSM
A little spicy but nice mixed in a salad or smoothy.
20. Basil A powerful antioxidant
Loaded with phytochemicals
Excellent for stomach problems
A lovely taste and great added to dips and salads.
21. Dill and Fennel top Good for digestion
Aids with menstruation
Clears the breath
22. Cilantro or Coriander A powerful way to detoxify heavy metals
Chelates lead, mercury and aluminum from the body
Good for helping people with Alzheimers and Autism.
23. Parsley Vitamins C & A
A powerful antioxidant
A powerful anti-cancer source
Minerals beta-carotene, and folic acid
Clears the breath
Reduce your intake if pregnant.
24. Mint Packed with phytochemicals
Good for breathing and asthma
Good for digestion
Good combination with red beets in a smoothie, since mint softens the strong taste of red beet.
25. Rosemary A beauty herb rich in phytochemicals
Good for breathing and asthma
Good for blood flow and Qi
Good for anxiety and depression
Excellent to counteract wireless device radiation.
26. Oregano Easy to grow!
Powerful healing oils
Wonderful taste
Excellent to combat Candida
Good for respiratory and digestive systems
Excellent for menstruation.
27. Broccoli flowers and leaves Packed with cancer-fighting agents
The stem is the most powerful healing part of the plant
Like all cruciferous vegetables a good source of organic sulfur.
You need a lot of digestive fire to digest!
28. Spring onions and Chives Rich in chromium
Good for diabetes and asthma
Avoid cooked onions as the cooking process creates chemicals that can be bad for the eyes.
29. Asparagus Good for the kidneys
High in Vitamin K
Anti-aging and promotes beauty
Good detox
Good for the hair and eyes
30. Brussel sprouts Good for the liver
Good for the ovaries
Like all cruciferous vegetables an excellent source of organic sulfur
A good source of anti- cancer enzymes.
You need a lot of digestive fire to digest!
31. Sprouts Packed with vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and minerals
A good source of Qi
A good source of protein
A beauty food
Dont eat too much as sprouts contain small amounts of toxins that can affect you if consumed in excess.
32. Swiss Card or Silver Beet Excellent for diabetes
High in Vitamin K
Very high in vitamins and minerals.
33. Bethel Leaves Good for women and menstruation
Good for the blood
Aids digestion
Well known in an Indonesian longevity elixir called Sirih.
34. Watercress Good for Yang Qi power
Rich in some rare trace minerals like Rhodium and Iridium for mental function
A good source of organic iodine.
35. Dandelion leaves and flowers The leaves have a massive amount of vitamins and minerals
The leaves have more vitamin A than carrots
Good for the liver and gall bladder
The leaves are an excellent source of magnesium to promote proper bone density.
36. Grass Grass pulls all 92+ minerals
All the big strong wild animals eat wild grass
Wild grass juice is a super food.
Sugar cane is a form of grass and when juiced fresh is a super-food.
The coconut is in the grass family.
37. Juicing Wild Grass You need a powerful juicer to juice wild grass.
Be careful not to burn out your juicer wild grass is tough stuff!
Wheat grass is domestically grown grass.
Wheat grass juice is easy to make or buy.
38. JUICING! Green vegetable juice fits for every metabolism and fits in for every healing method.
You get all the goodness without the need to digest the fiber.
Good for building digestive fire.
Use in moderation!
39. BLENDING! You get the whole food including the fiber already broken down to the micron level so its more absorbable.
A wide array of nutrients.
A 2 to 3 hp blender is best.
Use in moderation.
40. USE A COFFEE GRINDER Good for grinding up seeds like hemp, flax, pumpkin and black sesame seeds.
The ground up seeds can be put in a smoothie, dip or on a salad.
42. Garlic - Yin Anti-viral
A good source of Vitamin C
Boosts the immune system
Lowers blood pressure
Take a break from it and use in moderation.
43. Ginger - Yang Anti-inflammatory
Good for arthritis
Boosts the immune system
Ginger stimulates blood circulation.
44. Red Beet Root A POWERFUL healing food
Cleans the blood
Mix with mint in a smoothie
Juice with other vegetables.
Like all bright pigment foods, full of anti-oxidants.
45. Turmeric A POWERFUL healing food
Good for arthritis
Boosts the immune system
Well known in an Indonesian longevity elixir called Sirih.
46. Tamarind Anti-parasitic
Cleans the blood
Full of minerals, fatty acids and amino acids
Well known in an Indonesian longevity elixir called Sirih.
47. Radish Vitamin C
Organic sulfur
Vitamins, minerals and amino acids
A warming food
Good for the thyroid.
48. Corn Good for the eyes
High in lecithin
Your brain is 30% lecithin
Eat raw off the cob or cut off into the blender or salad.
49. Carrot Good for all parts of the body but especially the eyes and lungs
Vitamin A
Best to eat whole or in a smoothie
Dont drink too much carrot juice as the juice can contain large amounts of sugar.
50. Squash Good for digestion
Improves blood circulation
Warming food
Assists the prostate.
51. Cabbage Anti-cancer
Great for the stomach
Full of Phytochemicals
People with an under-active thyroid should eat cruciferous vegetables infrequently, except for fermented cabbage found in food like Kim Chi.
52. Sweet Potato Full of minerals
Good for digestion
High in quality protein similar to what is in eggs
The purple sweet potato is a high-vibration food.
53. Sea vegetables wakame, nori, kombu, dulse etc. 80+ minerals!
Good for bone density
Folic acid
54. NUTS!
55. Brazil Nuts Highest food in selenium
Still grown wild
Eat 3 per day and no more than 5 per day.
56. Baby Coconut (water & spoon meat) A super-food
Full of minerals
A beauty food
Good for replenishing male fluids.
57. Dried Mature Coconut Meat Anti-parasitic
Good for all body systems
Builds the blood
In the grass family full of minerals.
58. Almonds Good for the lungs
Beautifies the skin
High in vitamin E
Eat in moderation
Great in a smoothie.
59. Walnuts & Pecans Good for the brain
Omega 3 fatty acids
Good for the heart
Amino acids
Buy them fresh
60. Apricot Kernel Anti-cancer
Chinese Almond
A good source of organic cyanide
The extract is called Laetrile
61. Ginkgo Nuts Improves blood circulation
Enhances Brain Power
Crack them open with a hammer and use in a smoothie!
62. Hazelnuts Good for the heart
Vitamins and minerals
High in folate
63. SEEDS!
64. Hemp Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids in the PERFECT ratio!
Awesome protein
Good for the heart
Boosts the immune system
A super-food
Chinese Medicine: Foe-Ma-Yeung
65. Flax A good source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids but NOT the perfect ratio like hemp
Good for arthritis
Cleans the digestive tract
Excellent digestive fiber.
66. Black Sesame Full of minerals especially copper
Good for the hair
Good for arthritis
Cleans the digestive tract
A good kidney tonic
Helps with asthma.
67. USE A COFFEE GRINDER Good for grinding up seeds like hemp, flax and black sesame seeds.
The ground up seeds can be put in a smoothie or on a salad.
68. Pumpkin Full of minerals, especially zinc
Good for the prostate
Good for arthritis
An excellent source of protein.
69. Sunflower Over 3 times the iron of beef
Full of vitamins and minerals
A perfect food except for vitamin D
22% protein
A beauty food.
70. BERRIES! A natural vaccination.
71. Goji or Wolfberry A super-food
18 amino acids
21 minerals
Good for the eyes
10 times the ORAC value of blueberries
Good for longevity, fertility and sexual vitality.
72. Blueberries A super-food
Good for the eyes
Packed with anti-oxidants
A beauty food.
73. Blackberries Full of anti-oxidants
Use in a smoothie that is made with a commercial blender so all the seeds are bio-available
A beauty food.
74. Raspberries The highest source of Ellagic Acid which is anti-cancer.
The Ellagic Acid is found in the seeds so make a smoothie using a commercial blender.
Raspberry seed powder is sold as an anti-cancer remedy.
75. Loganberry High in Dietary Fiber Vitamin C Manganese
Vitamin K
Good for weight loss.
76. Strawberries Anti-cancer
Good for arthritis
Good for the heart
Blend the white and green top
Important to be organic since they are porous and absorb chemicals easily.
77. Schizandra An adaptogenic super-food
Gives you energy yet helps you relax
Five-flavored seed" because it tastes sour, bitter, sweet, acrid and salty
Good in salads.
Good in teas
Can have a strong taste.
78. OILS!
79. Coconut Oil A super-food
The most stable of all oils
92% saturated fats
Good to detox other bad oils
Full of lauric acid to beautify the body.
If you do cook with oil, coconut oil is the best.
80. Olive Oil A super-food
Rich in monounsaturated fat, Vitamin E, antioxidants, chlorophyll and carotenoids
Anti-colon cancer
A beauty food
Always choose EXTRA VIRGIN from the first pressing
Never cook with it.
81. Sesame Oil A super-food
Known as the Queen of Oils
Fantastic for the skin
A good detox for oil soluble toxins
Nourishes the colon.
82. Other Important Ingredients!
83. Coconut Milk Excellent for weight gain
Contains coconut oil and other fats
From mature coconuts so use in moderation.
The older a coconut gets the more acidic it becomes.
84. Fresh Coconut Milk Shing Fat Coconut and Spices
G/F 18 Spring Garden Lane
MTR Exit A3
Wan Chai
Telephone: 2572-7725
85. Apple Cider Vinegar A super-food
A super-remedy
The testimonials of healing for many ailments are long and old.
Wonderful on salads or in dips.
86. MSM - Methyl Sulfonyl Methane Found in all green wild living things organic sulfur
Found in rain water and clouds
Promotes vibrant tissue health and hair
As necessary as water
Good for arthritis
Use in water or juice.
87. Maple Syrup Full of vitamins and minerals
Part of the Master Cleanse
Excellent replacement for white sugar
Grade B is best as it is darker and higher in minerals, although stronger in taste.
88. Pure Sun-Dried Sea Salt Good salt is essential for life!
Processed table salt is a poison it has 2 minerals, sodium and chloride
Natural Sea Salt has 84 minerals
Good for the whole body heart, skin, liver, blood muscles etc.
The blood is salty.
89. Wild Rice (rinsed and soaked) 1 to 1 1/2 cups. Soaked/sprouted wild rice. Soak for 12 hrs, rinse and soak for 24 hrs longer then drain and let set for 12 hrs, rinse and let set for 12 more hours and it should be ready. If you dont use it all it saves well in the fridge.
91. Spirulina 65% Protein
Full of Vitamins
Good source of B12
Full of Minerals
When you are green on the inside you are clean on the inside and LEAN on the outside!
92. Raw Wild Honey Full of Enzymes
Good for the skin
Good for the hair
93. Bee Pollen Vitamins
32% Proteins
Amino acids, Hormones, Enzymes
Fats all in perfect proportion
94. Royal Jelly The Tale of Two Bee Larvae
The first is fed only Royal Jelly for 3 days and lives 35-40 days.
The second is fed Royal Jelly for its entire life and lives 5-6 years!
95. Chocolate High ORAC value full of Anti-oxidants
(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
Plenty of Minerals
Can lower blood pressure
Raw Cocoa
Dark Chocolate
Excellent in smoothies
Can be filling.
96. Noni Juice Full of Vitamins
Full of Minerals
Stunning amounts of top-quality research have been done on the healing properties of Noni Juice.
Get pure Noni Juice.
97. Ginseng An adaptogen
Chinese and Korean Ginseng is good for men (yang) and American Ginseng is good for women (yin).
A potent energy booster.
Ginseng, Green Tea and the Wolfberry/ Goji Berry are well known in TCM.
98. Cinnamon Plenty of Chromium
Good for diabetes
A warming food
Excellent with honey
Awesome in a smoothie.
99. Aloe Vera Good for digestion
Good for the skin
Put the gel on cuts, burns and scrapes
Well known for its anti-cancer properties.
100. Raw Sugar Cane Juice Rich in Vitamins
Living Enzymes
In the grass family so it pulls a lot of minerals from the ground.
Green in colour
A super-food.
101. FRUITS!
102. Lemon High Vitamin C
Internal body cleanser
Part of Master Cleanse
Use the white pith and seeds in the blender
Lemon juice acidifies water and makes it more absorbable
Alkalizes the body.
103. Lime High Vitamin C
Internal body cleanser
Use the white pith and seeds in the blender
Good for the skin
Boosts immune system
Increases energy levels.
104. Pomelo Vitamin C
Use the white pith and seeds in the blender
The white pith is a very powerful healer
The seeds have the Qi of the whole tree!
105. Grapefruit Vitamin C
Internal body cleanser
Lycopene - red
Use the white pith and seeds in the blender
Weight loss
Enzymes are good for the liver and kidneys.
106. Orange Vitamin C
Use the white pith and seeds in the blender
Dont eat too many oranges as they can be irritating for the skin.
107. Papaya Full of enzymes to improve the absorption of proteins to build muscle
The seeds are excellent and anti-parasitic, but spicy/bitter and should not be eaten by pregnant women.
108. Mango Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Internal body cleanser
Other Vitamins and Minerals
Good for weight loss
Good for the skin.
109. Dragon Fruit Improves the eyesight
Seeds are good for the blood
Good for the skin
Good for the stomach.
110. Avocado (with seed if you have a commercial blender) Full of good fats
Good for the liver
Good for weight loss and weight gain (strange)
Seed has soluble fiber
Good for the heart
Good for the skin
An almost complete food.
111. Kiwi High in phytochemicalsparticularly the white centre of the fruit
High in Vitamin C
Great for asthma or respiratory difficulties.
112. Pear Vitamins
A good introduction fruit gentle for infants.
113. Grapes (with seeds) Grape seed extract is powerful but the best is simply to blend the whole grape with the seed in a blender.
Rebuilds the arteries
Potent anti-inflammatory compound.
114. Watermelon (with seeds) Lycopene good for the prostate
The seeds contain plenty of zinc
Watermelon seed tea is a potent healer
so just eat the seeds!
115. Honeydew Melon High in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folate and Potassium
Good for weight loss.
116. Cantaloupe Beta-carotene, Folic acid, Potassium,
Vitamin C and dietary fiber.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine).
Anti-oxidants, anti-cancer, good for the heart.
117. Jackfruit High Vitamin C
A slow digesting fruit
High in other vitamins and minerals
Low in sugar
118. Durian Enjoy the smell!
Good for weight gain
Vitamin C
B Vitamins
Rich in oils
Low in Phytochemicals
The King of Fruit
119. Mangosteen Good for digestive tract
Boosts the immune system
Neutralizes free radicals
Good support for cartilage and joint function
Promotes a healthy respiratory system
Use the fruit and the rind
The Queen of Fruit.
120. Rambutan and Lychee High in Vitamins and Minerals
Healing, sweetness of life, beauty, uniqueness, enchanting, high attractiveness, youth, regeneration, attractive powers against opposite sex, charm, luck, energy and inner wisdom and inner protection, wards off negative energies.
121. Pineapple (with the stem) Full of sulfur containing enzymes called Bromelain.
The majority of the enzymes are in the STEM!
Good for sore throat
Put the stem in the blender with a smoothie.
122. Pomegranate Full of antioxidants
Great for the heart and circulatory system
Lowers blood pressure
Good for the blood
Good for the ovaries
Like Mangosteen take some of the pulp and place it in the blender for an antioxidant blast.
123. Plum The phyto-chemicals in the skin help the body absorb minerals especially iron.
Very high in silica for boosting bone density
Good for osteoporosis
The kernel is similar to the apricot kernel, just crack it open.
124. Apricot Known as the Chinese Almond
The most disease fighting natural cyanide of any seed
Take 1-3 kernels per day
Laetrile is an extract of Apricot Kernel used to fight cancer.
125. Guava Rich in fiber
Vitamin C
The leaves are a particularly potent healer
Boosts the immune system
A beauty food.
126. Chinese Dates Red, Black and Blue - Jujube A strong longevity food
Full of vitamins
Full of minerals
A super-food
Detoxifies the body
Builds the blood
Boosts Libido
127. Tomato Great for the prostate full of Lycopene
Good for the heart
Buy organic since they get sprayed substantially
Call pull up to 56 minerals from the soil.
128. Bell Pepper Full of phyto-nutrients with their different colours
Plenty of Vitamin C
Plenty of other Vitamins and Minerals
A Beauty Food
The Green is simply an unripe Red.
129. Cucumber Good to balance the blood sugar
Great for diabetics
Very high in Silica, so good for Osteoporosis
Good for the joints
A beauty food
Buy organic since much of the goodness is in the skin.
130. Okra Rich in fiber
Good for the heart and arteries
Lowers cholesterol
Can reverse heart disease
A beauty food
Soothing for the digestive tract.
131. Cayenne Pepper Boosts the Immune System
Cleans the Digestive Tract
Part of the Master Cleanse
Plenty of Vitamins and Minerals
Take a break from it every once in a while.
132. Bitter Melon Very good for Diabetics
Full of insulin-like Phyto-Chemicals
Boosts the Immune System
Plenty of Vitamins and Minerals.
Good to juice
Consume infrequently if you have severe hypoglycemia.
133. ENZYME RICH FOOD! Kim Chi and Sauerkraut
Full of Enzymes to Boost Digestion
Good for any Digestive Problems
Usually made with No Preservatives
Creates Hydrogen Peroxide that Oxygenates the Blood.
134. HEALING with all types of TEA Can be good to Cleanse and Detoxify
Some Tea can can have Plenty of Vitamins, Minerals and Anti-Oxidants
Can make some nutrients more Bio-Available.
135. A Good Tea Licorice root
Astragalus root
Goji berries
Raw wild honey
136. Reishi Mushroom Extract Boosts the Immune System
Enhances Longevity
Boosts oxygenation
Best to use in teas or extract
Cleans the circulatory system.
Grass feed free-range beef
140. Cooked Food Scientific Fact: Your immune system treats cooked food like a poison.
Have at least 50% raw with each meal.
Cooked food is dead.
Give me a list of wild animals that cook their food.
141. Bread, Pasta, Noodles Contributes to fungus, yeast and mold in the body.
Bread rhymes with dead.
142. White Rice Has most, if not all of the nutrition removed
An alternative is brown rice or wild rice.
Why is brown rice more expensive than white rice when brown rice requires less processing?
143. Processed Sugar Contributes to fungus, yeast and mold in the body.
Extremely acidic!
PULLS minerals from the body!
144. Bananas Different than wild bananas, most commercially grown bananas are hybridized and abnormally sweet with a low mineral content.
145. Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils are DEADLY Avoid canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil (and soybean products in general).
Hydrogenated vegetable oils are a form of PLASTIC and clog the arteries faster than anything else.
A huge contributor to cellulite.
146. Pasteurized is COOKED Raw dairy products are a totally different food than cooked dairy.
During the cooking process the fats in dairy completely change their chemical structure.
Raw organic goats milk is the best choice.
147. Peanuts Consume peanuts infrequently since they often contain the fungus aflatoxin.
148. Soy Drinks and Products Consume soy products infrequently as soy beans have high levels of phytic acid that block the bodys uptake of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc! (Men pay attention.)
149. BLENDING! You get the whole food including the fiber already broken down to the micron level so its more absorbable.
A wide array of nutrients.
A 2 to 3 hp blender is best.
150. JUICING! Green vegetable juice fits for every metabolism and fits in to every natural healing method known.
You get all the goodness without the need to digest the fiber.
Use in moderation!
151. USE A COFFEE GRINDER Good for grinding up seeds like hemp, flax, pumpkin and black sesame seeds.
The ground up seeds can be put in a smoothie, dip or on a salad.
152. Enjoying it ALL! Salads
Gourmet Raw Food
153. Other Healing Strategies Fasting
Terminator Zapper
Cleansing and Detoxifying
Bentonite Clay
The Mojo Bed
Energetic Practices
Urine Therapy
154. Subtle Healing Strategies Positive Relationships
Having Goals
Fresh Air
Exercise you Enjoy
Orgasmic Delights
Being Open and Discerning
Observe Nature
155. www.lifeforceman.com