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THE DYNAMICS Of Christian Prayer. PART THREE _________________________ By Rev. Fr. George Ehusani. Wednesday Faith Clinic, November 11 , 2009. 1. ON PRAYER (I). Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. – St. John Damascene It is the dialogue that goes on between God
THE DYNAMICS Of Christian Prayer PART THREE _________________________ By Rev. Fr. George Ehusani Wednesday Faith Clinic, November 11, 2009
1 ON PRAYER (I) Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. – St. John Damascene It is the dialogue that goes on between God and the person in love with God The life of prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the Triune God and in communion with Him (See Brother Lawrence: The Practice of the Presence of God) Prayer is principally God’s initiative and our response
2 ON PRAYER (II) Prayer is necessary because “Man is a beggar before God” __________________________________ MANY THINGS ARE IMPORTANT IN OUR LIVES But PRAYER IS NECESSARY (Luke 10:41-42; Matt 6:33) __________________________________ St. Augustine says: Pray as though everything depended on God Work as though everything depended on you St. John of the Cross says: Without the aid of mental prayer, the soul cannot triumph over the forces of the demon St. Catherine of Siena says: By humble and faithful prayer, the soul acquires with time and perseverance, every virtue
3 ON PRAYER (III) John Paul II says: Prayer gives us light by which to see and to judge from God’s perspective and from eternity Richard J. Foster says: Prayer involves transformed passions In prayer, real prayer, we begin to think God’s thoughts after Him: to desire the things He desires, to love the things he loves, to will the things He wills Francois Fenelon says Of all the duties enjoined by Christianity none is more essential and yet more neglected than prayer…
4 HEART: SEAT OF PRAYER St. Augustine says that the Lord has created us for Himself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him _______________________________________ The heart is the hidden centre of the human person It is the seat of human emotion & feelings so prayer comes from the heart It is the heart that prays: If our hearts are far away from God the words of prayer are in vain Jesus says of the Pharisees— this people honours me with lip service but their hearts are far away from me The worship they offer me is worthless (MK 7:6-7)
5 SAMPLING OF PRAYER IN THE SCRIPTURES Abel’s offering (Gen 4:4 Enoch’s invocation of the divine name (Gen 4:26 Noah’s walk with God (Gen 6:9-7:4; 8:20-9:17) Abraham intercedes for Sodom (Gen 18:16-33) Moses encounters God in the desert (Ex 3:1-10) Moses speaks face to face with God (Ex 33:11) Moses intercedes for the children of Israel (Ex 17:8-12) Young Samuel learns to pray (I Sam 3:1-10) Prayer of King David (2 Sam 7:18-20) Psalms of David Prayer of King Solomon ( at the dedication of Temple 1 Kings 8:10-61) Prayer of Elijah (1 Kings 18:20-40; 1 Kings 19:1-14) Prayer of the Virgin Mary
6 JESUS TEACHES US TO PRAY (I) Jesus demonstrated the importance of prayer in his life and ministry (Mark 1:35; Luke 3:21; 9:28; 22:32; John 11:41-42) He constantly withdrew from the crowd… Jesus teaches his disciples and us how to pray (Matt 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4) He told a number of parables on -- the importance of prayer -- the need to persevere in prayer -- trust in God, humility & forgiveness of neighbour , love of enemies, purity of heart, etc, as necessary conditions for efficacious prayer (Luke 11:5-13; Luke 18:1-18; Matt 18:23-35)
7 JESUS TEACHES US TO PRAY (II) Jesus teaches us that for prayer to be truly Christian and to be efficacious there must be: --Purity of Heart --Filial conversion --Filial adherence to God’s will --Filial boldness --Ardent Faith/Trust --Watchfulness The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says: Jesus teaches his disciples to pray with a purified heart, with lively and persevering faith, with filial boldness. He calls them to vigilance and invites them to present their petitions to God in his name. (CCC no 2621)
8 FORMS OF PRAYER Prayer could be PERSONAL (Matt 6:5-6) or COMMUNAL (Matt 18:19-20) ADORATION & BLESSING THANKSGIVING (Eph 5:18-20) PRAISE (Rom 8:16; Eph 5:16) PETITION (Psalm 51; Luke 18:13 INTERCESSION (Gen 18:16-33; 1 Kg 18:10-61 Luke 23:28, 34; Acts 7:60; Phil 1:3-4; 2:4 ) MEDITATION CONTEMPLATION
9 THE EUCHARIST: THE GREAT PRAYER PRAYER PER EXCELLENCE The Eucharist contains and expresses all forms of prayer – Thanksgiving Adoration Praise Penance Petition Intercession The Eucharist is the “pure offering” of the whole Body of Christ to the glory of God’s name. It is the supreme “Sacrifice of Praise”
10 AIDS TO CHRISTIAN PRAYER • Scripture • Psalms/Hymns/Choruses • Holy Objects & Pictures, Candle Light • Rosary (prayer beads) • 5. Serene Environment – • (outward and inward quietude) • --in a chapel (before Blessed Sacrament • --in a dedicated part of one’s house • --in the desert • --on the mountain-top • --by a spring • --other beautiful natural phenomenon • Suitable Physical Posture • (relaxed & comfortable)
11 THE LORD’S PRAYER: MODEL PRAYER (I) OUR FATHER: Lord God and Father of us all We know you want us to approach you as Father/Daddy/Abba You desires intimacy with us You want us to spend time in prayer with you WHO ART IN HEAVEN: We acknowledge that we have you the great God in heaven as our Father HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME: Holy be your name We approach you & we pronounce your name with awe/wonder/reverence THY KINGDOM COME: Let your heavenly rule become the norm on earth – replacing human rules/governments which are often driven by greed & lust for power
12 THE LORD’S PRAYER: MODEL PRAYER (II) THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN: You are the potter We are only clay Keep us spinning on your potter’s wheel— shaping and reshaping us as you please Your will be done - not mine – not ours GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD Lord we trust our self into your hands We believe you will provide for our needs We know that you care for the lilies of the fields and the birds of the air And that you care for us even more so FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS: Forgive us the wrong we have done – Merciful One We pledge to forgive those who do wrong to us too We know that we cannot ask for your forgiveness while withholding it from others
13 THE LORD’S PRAYER: MODEL PRAYER (III) LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL: Lord keep us from falling into evil traps Save us from spiritual blindness Open our eyes to see our blind spots and the blind spots along our way Protect us and guide us in our journey through life Shield us from Satan – the Evil One Protect us from danger – seen & unseen Guide us in our journey through life Hide us in the shadow of your wings
14 LISTENING TO GOD/HEARING GOD Prayer is communication And all communication is a two-way process So Christian prayer is much more than the recitation of certain formulas or the reading of a “shopping list” of needs God our Loving Father wants to speak to us His desire to speak to us is far more than our desire to hear from him Yet we must go through the difficult process of learning to listen to God Young Samuel made three attempts before he recognised God’s voice We too must make several attempts _______________________________________ God speaks to us by touching our hearts by arousing (holy) feelings within us
15 LISTENING TO GOD/HEARING GOD Proverbs 8:34 says: Blessed is the man who listens to me watching daily at my doors waiting at my doorway… In John 10:27 Jesus says: The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice God speaks to us in many ways— Through the Scriptures Through the teaching office of the Church Through other Christians Through the promptings of our hearts (including pictures, visions & dreams…) Through natural phenomena/events __________________________________ Hearing God takes practice We must make the time available and ask him to speak to us
16 LEARNING TO PRAY • We learn to pray by praying— • there is no other way around it! • Set a time for prayer and be faithful to it • Keep a “prayer room” or “prayer corner” • 3. Ask the Lord to teach you to pray • 4. Start small with a manageable length (e.g. 5 min) • and gradually increase your prayer time • 5. Begin with prayer of Praise & Thanksgiving • then Penance & Petition, and gradually move on • to prayer of meditation & contemplation • 6. Don’t be discouraged if it appears that • “nothing” is happening. • Keep at it – persevere!
17 WHAT TO PRAY FOR: PRIORITIES IN PRAYER OF PETITION • As we mature in prayer life • our prayers of petition would often be prioritized • as follows: • Prayer for Spiritual Gifts – • for the Treasures of the Kingdom • for increase in faith hope & love • for conversion of sinners • for peace in the country & the world • for unity and stability in Christian families • Prayer for our material needs • for good health of mind & body • for success in school/work/business • and for prosperity
18 PRAYING AS HUSBAND & WIFE • The family that prays together stays together! • Our personal lives – and our married lives • do benefit immensely • from a living loving relationship with God • Adding God into marriage • strengthen the marriage • Eccl 4:12 says that a cord of three strands • is not easily broken • Prayer – • keeps Christ at the centre of marriage • builds trust between husband & wife • paves way for forgiveness & healing • in the event of hurts • _______________________________________________ • Studies show that Divorce Rate among Praying Couples • is amazingly small
19 TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY • Christian children must be taught • and encouraged to pray from very early • in life— • Begin with simple mealtime prayers: • Pray with them and encourage them • to take their turns in leading prayers • Involve them fully in family prayers • (morning and evening prayers) • Engage in “conversational prayers” • to their hearing • Say some prayer after hearing some news— • negative or positive (about national or global • issues) • 5. Encourage them to join you when you have • your quiet time
20 DEALING WITH DISTRACTIONS & WONDERING THOUGHTS A common problem when people start to pray is distractions or wondering thoughts People often live very busy lives with their minds going from one issue to the other When they now want to stop & pray it takes time for the mind to change track and focus only on God
21 DEALING WITH DISTRACTIONS & WONDERING THOUGHTS • Suggestions on dealing with distractions: • Ease into prayer gently – • * Close your eyes… • * Listen to praise & worship songs • * Read a passage of Scripture / A Psalm • * Reflect on what you have to be thankful for • Pray in a suitable place & posture— • Have a particular “prayer corner” • Pray over the issues that distract you • Strive to bring yourself back to the • the presence of the Lord • each time your mind goes wondering away
22 AIDS TO CHRISTIAN PRAYER • Scripture • Psalms/Hymns/Choruses • Holy Objects & Pictures • Serene Environment • (outward and interior quietude) • --in a chapel • --in a dedicated part of one’s house • --in the desert • --on a mountain-top • --by a spring or by a river • --other beautiful natural phenomenon • Suitable Physical Posture • (relaxed & comfortable)
23 FRUITS OF PRAYER Jesus says: Not all who say to me Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven (Matt 7:21) Prayer must have an impact in our daily lives It should improve our behaviour It should orient all our being to the Father… Our daily activities should not contradict the faith & love we profess in prayer LOVE NOURISHED IN PRAYER MUST BE PROVED IN DEEDS! The union of love we achieve in prayer must not end when we finish our prayer All our deeds must be pleasing to our God --for every tree is known by its fruits (Lk 6:44)
24 HOW TO EVALUATE OUR PRAYER LIFE • To judge the quality of our prayer • the following questions should serve as guide— • Are we faithful to our daily prayer schedule? • 2. To what extent have we been attentive? • At prayer, have we been in a loving mood? • Have we been sufficiently focused • on the Father, through the Son and • guided by the Holy Spirit?
25 HOW TO EVALUATE OUR PRAYER LIFE (II) • The final gauge of a good prayer life • is its impact on our behaviour— • Something is seriously wrong in my prayer life • if in spite of praying I do not see signs of improvement • in my life – or at least a strong desire to improve • _______________________________ • Our Prayer is good • When it arouses in us the desire – • to love God more • to discharge our duties with commitment • to improve on our charity & patience • to grow in our sense of service & generosity • to grow in our readiness to forgive & • to accept the cross • _________________________ • If these do not happen, • then we are not praying well…
27 RESPONDING Life in Christ Is the fascinating dynamic Of calling and answering Speaking and hearing The divine-human alliance Is the mysterious interplay Of invitation and response Giving and receiving The incarnation— That supreme act of communication With humanity Invites a response that is no less That the total giving of self To the One whose Son was the object Of loving communication With every man and woman The Christian life means Constantly responding To God’s loving invitation And true life True joy True peace Are to be found In this response
SOLITUDE 28 In solitude You will discover the paradox Of action without motion And dialogue without speech In solitude You will understand the irony Of profound labour In perfect repose In solitude You will appreciate the dynamics Of clear vision in total obscurity Yes in solitude You will be guided through The divine rite of passage In solitude you will be initiated Into the serenity of infinity That is the true nourishment Of the immortal soul Of humanity. Interior solitude Is the mysterious object Of the human being Which can neither be satisfied Nor assuaged By any created thing The way to the sacred abyss of solitude Is the hunger of the heart And the thirst of the mind The way to the formless sanctuary Of solitude Is the poverty of spirit And the dark night of the soul You will find solitude Not by a pilgrimage to the east Nor a voyage to the west Not by fleeing to the north Nor in descending to the south You will find solitude by standing still And looking in ---Fr George Ehusani
MYSTERIOUS DESIRE Amidst history’s dark night Of loveless toil My soul thirsts and my flesh pines for you Like parched soil awaiting the rain Give me oil in my lamp Keep me burning with passion For the Bridegroom whose deathless love Is the object of my mysterious desire Ignite the fire of your love In the sanctuary of my being Grab my soul as by a magnet And take hold of even the faintest stirring In my spirit Hush my heart, still my soul Bend my knees, still my soul In humble supplication Then at the point of convergence Between my feeble desire for you And your awesome love for me Dissolve my many loves Into the One Love That is better than life Fr George Ehusani 29