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The SIDDHARTA2 experiment. Catalina Curceanu (On behalf of SIDDHARTA2) LNF – INFN, Frascati Strangeness in Nuclei, ECT*, 4-8 October 2010. SIDDHARTA SI licon D rift D etector for H adronic A tom R esearch by T iming A pplications. LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy
The SIDDHARTA2 experiment Catalina Curceanu (On behalf of SIDDHARTA2) LNF – INFN, Frascati Strangeness in Nuclei, ECT*, 4-8 October 2010
SIDDHARTA SIlicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications • LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy • SMI- ÖAW, Vienna, Austria • IFIN – HH, Bucharest, Romania • Politecnico, Milano, Italy • MPE, Garching, Germany • PNSensors, Munich, Germany • RIKEN, Japan • Univ. Tokyo, Japan • Victoria Univ., Canada EU Fundings: JRA10 – FP6 - I3HP Network WP9 – LEANNIS – FP7- I3HP2
the determination of the isospin dependent KN scattering lengths through a ~ precision measurement of the shift and of the width of the Ka line of kaonic hydrogen (400 pb**-1) and the first measurement of kaonic deuterium (600 pb**-1) The scientific aim
SIDDHARTA measurements in 2009:- Kaonic helium 4 – published in Phys. Lett. B 681 (2009) 310; another paper in preparation - tesi PhD- Kaonic Hydrogen for about 400 pb-1 – under analysis – best measurement in the world (sensible improvement of the DEAR results) – tesi Ph D- Kaonic deuterium for about 100 pb-1, as an exploratory first measurement ever (under analysis) – tesi Ph D- Kaonic helium 3 – first measurement in the world, about 10 pb-1 (under analysis) - tesi Ph DPublications within 2010
Opportunity for SIDDHARTA2 KLOE setup
EU HadronPhysics2 LEANNIS meeting, 8-9 April 2010, LNF-INFN 8 April 9.40 – 10.00 LEANNIS status (Johann Marton) 10.00 – 10.20 Next EU call: HP2 -> HP3 (Carlo Guaraldo) 10.20 – 10.50 KbarN and KbarNN interactions: theory status (Wolfram Weise) 11.15 – 11.45 An extraction of K-neutron amplitude from kaonic atoms (Slawomir Wycech) 11.45 – 12.15 Strangeness -1 Dibaryons (Avraham Gal) 12.15 – 12.45 Nuclear systems with antikaons (Jiri Mares) 14.30 – 15.00 The Lambda1405 and even more strange resonances in pp collisions (Eliane Epple) 15.00 – 15.30 World first data of the L(1405) in pp reactions for the charged decay channels (Johannes Siebenson) 15.30 – 16.00 Status of T8 Workpackage in LEANNIS (Olaf Hartmann) 16.30 – 17.00 Strange baryon production in HI collisions at SIS (Norbert Herrmann) 17.00 – 17.20 KLOE data analyses (Oton Vazquez Doce) 17.20 – 17.40 KHe analyses and future plans (Tomoichi Ishiwatari) 17.40 – 18.00 SIDDHARTA analyses status (Antonio Romero Vidal)
EU HadronPhysics2 LEANNIS meeting, 8-9 April 2010, LNF-INFN 9 April 9.30 – 9.50 DISTO latest results (Ken Suzuki) 9.50 – 10.20 Double Strangeness Production in Antiproton-Annihilation on 3He at rest (Paul Kienle) 10.20 – 10.40 SIDDHARTA2 and AMADEUS future scientific programs (Catalina Curceanu) 10.40 – 11.00 SIDDHARTA2 and AMADEUS setup (Johann Zmeskal) 11.20 – 11.30 Report from Bonn group (Rusetsky and Meissner) 11.30 – 12.00 Perspectives of LEANNIS (Johann Marton) 12.00 – 13.15 Discussions and future plans, with special care about next EU HP call
1) Kaonic deuterium measurement 600 pb-1 (in 2012 ), R&D2) Kaonic helium transitions to the 1s level 3) Other light kaonic atoms (KO, KC,…)4) Heavier kaonic atoms measurement (Si, Pb…)5) Kaon radiative capture – L(1405) study6) Investigate the possibility of the measurement of other types of hadronic exotic atoms (sigmonic hydrogen ?)7) Kaon mass precision measurement at the level of <10 keV SIDDHARTA2 strategy – phases
the determination of the isospin dependent KN scattering lengths through a ~ precision measurement of the shift and of the width of the Ka line of kaonic hydrogen (400 pb**-1) and the first measurement of kaonic deuterium (600 pb**-1) The scientific aim
SIDDHARTA2- redo KPb- perform K-charged measurement with KN (crystal spectrometer)
Phase 1 • new IR (beam pipe) • new vacuum chamber • more cooling power • new target design • new SDD arrangement • new readout electronics • new shielding • improved trigger scheme • R&D for other measurements
New cooling systems Target cooling: 1 Leybold – 16 W @ 20 K Liquid hydrogen cooling lines, new target cell, selected materials SDD cooling: 4 CryoTiger – 60 W @ 120 K Liquid argon cooling lines: SDD cooling to 100 – 120 K
Kaon trigger / shielding planar Si SDD chip target cell kaon trigger Pb-shielding K-
Konfiguration of Sept 2009 gas density ~ 1.5% LHD upper kaon trigger scintillator 49 x 60 mm2 60 mm above IP (.. below shielding) triggered events only radial position of kaonstops gas cylindrical wall mm scintillator shielding degrader window vertical position of kaonstops (zoomed) target windows vertical position of kaonstops gas mm mm
Konfiguration of Siddharta 2 gas density ~ 3 % LHD upper kaon trigger scintillator 80 mm diameter 180 mm above IP (.. inside shielding and vacuum) triggered events only radial position of kaonstops cylindrical wall gas vertical position of kaonstops target window mm scintillator gas mm
Phase 2 • detector arrangement below IR • anti-coincidence • additional -ray detectors • R&D in first phase
Detector arrangement below IR K+- Pb shielding HP-Ge HP-Ge 20cm2, GMX coaxial 5 – 1000 keV Ortec 8cm2, semi planar 6 – 500 keV Eurisys LN2 LN2 solid target 50 cm
Additional -ray detectors -ray detection: few MeV to 100 MeV
The strategy for the first measurement campaign is obviously the measurement of kaonic deuterium in 2012. Based on the SIDDHARTA findings, the actual S/B rate for KH is at the level 1/5, meaning an S/B ratio for Kd at the level 1/50-1/100 (lower yield and larger width). With the factors gained from the setup improvement, the S/B for Kd is becoming 1/5-1/10, making a measurement in the range of a few 10 eV precision feasible for an integrated luminosity of about 600 pb-1, which will then become the first good measurement of Kd ever performed.
The other campaign measurements will be dedicated to: • kaonic helium measurements to 1s levels, and kaonic oxygen • solid target measurements : Sn, Si, Ca, Ni targets • - MeV measurements for radiative kaon capture in hydrogen (re-measuring kaonic hydrogen as well) • measurements with a setup below the beam pipe could be done in parallel with the others measurements, as soon as a preliminary setup will be ready • crystal spectrometer measurements need completely new setup – the strategy is under evaluation.
Time scale 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 KLOE2 – step0 KLOE2, IT 2010 IR SIDDHARTA2 SIDDHARTA2 (sharing with KLOE2) AMADEUS Stopped Kaons AMADEUS R&D AMADEUS Low-energy Kaons
DAFNE represents an unique opportunity to study in a complete way the kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics at low energy