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THE RAINBOW PEOPLE. In the beginning, the world was very quiet. One day a wind blew over the land and filled the people with life and love. People were all friends. They explored the world and they found coloured ribbons on the ground.

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  2. In the beginning, the world was very quiet. One day a wind blew over the land and filled the people with life and love.

  3. People were all friends.

  4. They explored the world and they found coloured ribbons on the ground.

  5. They collected them.Some chose blue, some green, some redand some yellow.

  6. Suddenly, another wind blew. It was a cold wind.

  7. They realised they were all of different colours!!!!

  8. The blues gathered together The greens gathered together The yellows gathered together The reds gathered together

  9. They forgot that they were friends.

  10. But: The reds had WATER but no food.

  11. The blues had FOOD but no water.

  12. The greens had TWIGS to make fire but no shelter.

  13. The yellows had SHELTER but no twigs to make fire.


  15. Our ending CEIP GASPAR DE PORTOLÀ Balaguer Catalonia Spain

  16. Després de dos mesos, el menjar, l’aigua i la llenya es van acabar. Els vermells, els verds i els blaus van decidir visitar els grocs. Els grocs estaven malalts i dèbils als seus refugis. Aleshores, tots es van adonar de què és impossible sobreviure sense compartir. Es van fer amics una altra vegada, i es van agafar de les mans sota la pluja i el sol. Un arc de San Martí molt bonic va aparèixer al cel. (Catalan) • Dos meses después, la comida, el agua y la leña se acabaron. Los rojos, los verdes y los azules decidieron visitar a los amarillos. Los amarillos estaban enfermos y débiles en sus refugios. Entonces, todos se dieron cuenta de que es imposible sobrevivir sin compartir. Fueron amigos otra vez y se cogieron de las manos bajo la lluvia y el sol. Un bonito arco iris apareció en el cielo. (Spanish)

  17. After two months, they had no food, no water and no twigs. The reds, the greens and the blues decided to visit the yellows. The yellows were ill and weak in their shelters. They all realized that it was impossible to survive without sharing. They were friends again and held their hands under the rain and the sun. And a nice rainbow appeared in the sky.

  18. Our ending….. Gianni Rodary school Roletto Italy Class 5

  19. We invented a new ending starting from here…..

  20. They knocked down the walls.

  21. Le persone mettono le fasce colorate dentro al cappello dello straniero e con esse colorano il mondo in cui vivono… … fiori rossi prati e alberi verdi l’acqua blu il sole giallo e tanti altri colori…

  22. The people put the colours in the hat of the stranger and they coloured the world with them…. …red flowers green grass and green trees blue water yellow Sun and many other colours…

  23. Our ending….. Ashurst Wood Primary School East Grinstead England

  24. The Greens were very sad. The baby was crying a lot. “Waaa,” screamed the baby. “Stop it!” shouted the mother, but the dad had an idea. All the other people had the same thought. Then everyone stepped out of their houses. They looked at each other just one more time and they loved each other. They realised that colours don’t matter, it’s who you are. Your heart tells you so. …..

  25. The people shared everything they had. The Reds shared most of their water. The Blues shared most of their food. The Greens shared its fire. The Yellow shared all of its shelter. By William age 6

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