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DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENTOF THE INTER-AMERICAN PROGRAM FOR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF MIGRANTS, INCLUDING MIGRANT WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES Presented by the Vice Chair of the CAM CAM / CEDI / OAS Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
GENERAL BACKGROUND • The Inter-American Program was adopted in 2005 by resolution AG/RES. 2141 (XXXV-O/05). Objectives: • To promote and protect the human rights of migrants through the identification and implementation of cooperative actions and the exchange of best practices; • Integration of considerations relating to the human rights of migrants into the work of the OAS; • Linkage of the work of the OAS with the activities of states, multilateral organizations, and civil society in this area Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
The OAS member states instructed the Committee on Migration Issues (CAM) to review, implement, and follow up on the Inter-American Program. Resolution AG/RES. 2738 (XLII-O/12) • Review process (2013-2014) - Three phases of consultations: • Organs, Agencies, and Entities of the OAS (document CIDI/CAM/doc.5/13 rev. 2, February 18, 2014) • Consultations with civil society organizations (document CIDI/CAM/INF. 7/13, September 16, 2013) • Consultations with member states: responses received from 11 member states Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
GLOBAL DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT OF THE INTER-AMERICAN PROGRAM • Introduction • Background on the Inter-American Program • Summits of the Americas/Summits Secretariat: Migration is one of the priorities of the Heads of State and Government. Agreements reached at Summits of the Americas from 2005 to date. Recommendations: • Incorporation of all related mandates in the form of an annex, including those on gender equity. Update the annex as Summits of the Americas are held. • Relocation of the Inter-American Program under the CAM and reassignment of the functions of the Summits Secretariat to the appropriate entities. • OAS General Assembly: Reflect resolutions on the creation of the CAM and the reassignment of the Inter-American Program thereto. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Conceptual Framework • Highlight the current context of migration in the Americas: Migration as a matter of regional interest; quantitative and qualitative impact of migration (greater intra- and extra-regional cooperation); acknowledgment of mixed migratory flows; new displacement trends, etc. • Deepen the gender-awareness approach:use non-sexist language; harmonize the activities entrusted to the CIM with its current mandates and functions; include a gender perspective in the activities assigned to other OAS organs, agencies, and entities; the impact of women’s migration on the family structure, labor market, etc. • Increase attention to vulnerable groups: differentiated approaches for migrant children, victims of human trafficking and human rights violations, irregular migrants, migrants deprived of liberty, economic migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and stateless persons. • Review of the current approach of the Inter-American Program: “main implementers” (organs, agencies, and entities of the OAS) and “potential implementers” (member states, international organizations, and civil society organizations (CSOs), including migrants). Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Description of Inter-American Program Implementers • Member states believe the Inter-American Program includes all those who should be involved in it. • OAS Departments and Secretariats agree that the assignment of Inter-American Program activities is not consistent with the current organizational structure of the OAS. Other departments should be incorporated that could help attain the Program's objectives. • The work plan of the General Secretariat should review, screen, and channel activities based on the current functions of departments and secretariats and their assigned budgets. • Consider the inclusion of new implementers, such as the ICRC, whose activities since 2010 have coincided with the objectives of the Inter-American Program. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Participation of Civil Society Organizations • Very few CSOs took part in the survey held by the Department of International Affairs (only 4 registered with the OAS and 9 not registered responded). • 64% of CSOs were familiar with the Program and 62% consider it useful. CSOs undertake actions consistent with the activities assigned. • They recommended greater dissemination of, coordination, and training on the Inter-American Program for CSOs. • Member states recommended active participation by CSOs that work with migrants, migrant populations, universities, research centers that specialize in migration-related issues, and the private sector. • ILO/IACHR: The Inter-American Program could benefit from greater participation by CSOs specializing in labor-related issues, such as workers' and employers' organizations. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Program Objectives • The objectives of the Inter-American Program are consistent with current challenges. However, there is scope for a review and update to introduce language with a rights-based approach. • Specific objectives should be added in new areas: migrant children; protection and security for migrants in cases of humanitarian crises or natural disasters; promotion of safe and informed migration; recognition of the right to migrate, among others. • Establish a general objective or key purpose of the Inter-American Program that includes the linkage between migration, development, and the protection of human rights. • Redefine specific objectives given their overlap with the general objectives. • Strengthen coordination among Inter-American Program implementers in pursuing the Program’s objectives. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Specific Activities • Resumption of development of the General Secretariat's Work Plan with a view to assigning the activities to be carried out by the different OAS organs, agencies, and entities; and its periodic update. • Review the ongoing validity of certain activities. • Incorporate activities in new areas: protection for migrants from non-traditional threats (violence/organized crime); differentiated activities for human trafficking and migrant smuggling; strengthen access to health for migrants; activities related to humanitarian assistance, etc. • Work to ensure that the Inter-American Program is recognized and used by its implementers, member states, and civil society organizations as a point of reference for the activities they undertake. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Program Follow-Up Activities • The Program envisages three follow-up mechanisms: (1) Annual Reports; (2) a special annual meeting; and (3) a meeting of experts to review the progress of the Inter-American Program • Recommendations received: • Establish annual work plans that include results-based methodologies and enhance mechanisms for effective implementation. • IACHR: Reformulate Program follow-up activities; establish indicators for evaluating objectives; define a thematic area every year or every two years; establish an Executive Secretariat, inter alia, to coordinate with implementers and operativize activities. • Role of the Summits Secretariat: It recommends that follow up on the Inter-American Program, as well as management of the specific fund, be reassigned to the Migration and Development Program of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development. • Involve the appropriate technical areas in developing or following up on the activities. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
Human and Financial Resources • The Inter-American Program envisages the creation of a specific voluntary fund to be managed by the Summits Secretariat, no date for which has been set. • Some member states suggest that the activities assigned to OAS organs, agencies, and entities be covered by the regular budget of the Organization; others recommend that the specific fund be set up with contributions from states or from agencies and organizations involved with migration. • Implementers recommend a strategy to raise funds that includes development of different funding sources and that the General Secretariat have specialists on migration. Seed capital would make it possible to mobilize additional or supplementary external resources. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
STRENGTHS • The only hemispheric instrument to have the consensus of 34 member states regarding the basic principles and priority lines of action for addressing migratory processes in the region. • Its primary objective is to promote and protect migrants’ human rights. • It can help change negative perceptions about migrants. WEAKNESSES OF THE INTER-AMERICAN PROGRAM • Lack of human and financial resources was identified as the main weakness. • Lack of a structure or support for promoting significant coordination and cooperation among the areas of the OAS involved. • Lack of coordination with specialized agencies. • Several implementers are unfamiliar with the Program. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OFFICERS OF THE CAM • Assess the usefulness of changing the name of the Program to better reflect the link between migration, development, and human rights. • Increase mainstreaming of migration and the objectives of the Program in CIDI. • Increase awareness of the Program and improve coordination among implementers. • Provide sufficient resources to carry out its activities and achieve its objectives Based on this analysis, the member states must make a decision as to whether it is worthwhile to conduct a review of the Inter-American Program and, if that is indeed the case, determine the criteria, methodology, and timeframe for such review, bearing in mind the suggestions received thus far by all those involved and the outcomes of related deliberations in the framework of the CAM, with a view to its swift adoption and implementation. Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Committee on Migration Issues / Inter-American Council for Integral Development / Organization of American States