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“Her seed brought forth the Savior; Satan’s seed will bring the Destroyer.”

“Her seed brought forth the Savior; Satan’s seed will bring the Destroyer.”. www.douglashamp.com. Newsletter Sign up. www.douglashamp.com Dozens of Timely Articles Leave your thoughts!. The Genetics of the Incarnation and resurrection. The Seed of Abraham and of David.

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“Her seed brought forth the Savior; Satan’s seed will bring the Destroyer.”

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  1. “Her seed brought forth the Savior;Satan’s seed will bring the Destroyer.” www.douglashamp.com

  2. Newsletter Sign up • www.douglashamp.com • Dozens of Timely Articles • Leave your thoughts!

  3. The Genetics of the Incarnation and resurrection

  4. The Seed of Abraham and of David • God … saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed[spermaσπέρμα] shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed, (Acts 3:25 KJV). • Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David[spermatos David σπερματος δαβιδ] according to the flesh, (Romans 1:3). • Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David[spermatos David σπερματος δαβιδ] (2 Timothy 2:8).

  5. The Virgin Will Conceive • And behold, you will conceive [sullepseσυλληψη] in your womb[gastriγαστρι] and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. […] and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David […]" … "The Holy Spirit will come upon [epeleusetai επελευσεται] you, and the power of the Highest will overshadowyou; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

  6. The Genetics of the Messiah Becoming Flesh • The incarnation of Jesus was nothing less than the genetic combination of the celestial (Holy Spirit) and the terrestrial (Mary). We must stress, however, that Jesus as the second person of the Godhead existed from eternity past (Micah 5:2) and did not begin to exist at the Holy Spirit's overshadowing of Mary – He is eternal and has always existed.

  7. Just What Is a Seed? • DNA is the source code of humanity and it is the essence of the “seed” that Scripture so often talks about. The term seed is in modern terms called a gamete which in the male is the sperm and in the female is the ovum. Thus when Mary conceived it meant that her ovum provided 23 chromosomes and hence the Holy Spirit provided the other gamete (23 chromosomes).

  8. Coding errors (Genetic Entropy) • The Master Programmer endowed us with perfect code and only at the fall of man did it become corrupted. This chemical code, built on the A, G, T, and C nucleic acids, becomes corrupted as a result of a shuffling of the order of those bits or a loss of one or more bits. Adam, as the father of the race and a direct creation of God, had a perfect code. There was no loss of data or corruption of the data in any way.

  9. Genetic Entropy • “The extinction of the human genome appears to be just as certain and deterministic as the extinction of stars, the death of organisms, and the heat death of the universe.” John Sanford, Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome, October 2005,pg. 83.

  10. Normal conception • During reproduction, the maternal and paternal gametes (haploid cells), “fuse at conception to produce a zygote, which will turn into a fetus and eventually into an adult human being.” http://www.answers.com/library/Genetics%20Encyclopedia-cid-50766 • “When two gametes unite during fertilization, each contributes its haploid set of chromosomes to the new individual,restoring the diploid number.” http://www.answers.com/library/Britannica+Concise+Encyclopedia-cid-50766.

  11. Uniqueness of the Y Chromosome • a son will inherit anidentical copy of his father's Y chromosome, and this copy is also essentially identical to the Y chromosomes carried by all his paternal forefathers, across the generations. Underhill, Peter A. “Y Chromosome. “ Genetics, 2003. Retrieved September 29, 2010 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3406500290.html. • “A male shares the same Y chromosome with his father, paternal grandfather, paternal great-grandfather, and so on,” Retrieved September 24, 2010 from http://www.learner.org/courses/biology/textbook/gender/gender_3.html

  12. Adam passed his y chromosome • “Genesis, chapter 5, records ‘the generations of Adam:’ Adam begat Seth, Seth begat Enosh... down to Noah of the flood. Translated into modern genetic terms, the account could read ‘Adam passed a copy of his Y chromosometo Seth, Seth passed a copy of his Y chromosome to Enosh, Enosh passed a copy of his Y chromosome to Kenan’... and so on until Noah was born carrying a copy of Adam's Y chromosome.”Neil Bradman and Mark Thomas Why Y? The Y Chromosome in the Study of Human Evolution, Migration and Prehistory. See also http://www.ramsdale.org/dna13.htm.

  13. Faulty Y Chromosome • The Y chromosome may in fact be a record of an event in the life of our original father. Bradman and Thomas suggest that the Y chromosome contains “a record of an event”in the life the man who passed on the current Y chromosome, which they say: “had no effect on the life of the man in whom the change occurred nor, indeed, on the life of his descendants,”. Is it possible that the recorded event is not something that had “little or no effect,” but is in some way the record of the genetic fall of our first father? Retrieved September 30, 2010 from: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/ScienceSpectra-pages/SciSpect-14-98.html Science Spectra Magazine Number 14, 1998.

  14. The Original Data Loss A.K.A. “Original Sin” • “For since through man is the death, also through man is a rising again of the dead, (1 Corinthians 15:21 Revised Young’s Literal Translation RYLT). • “For even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive, and each in his proper order, a first-fruit Christ, afterwards those who are the Christ's, in his presence,” (1 Corinthians 15:22-23 RYLT).

  15. Sin and death came through adam • Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned –for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass… (Rom 5:12-16)

  16. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation…For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous,(Romans 5:17-19).

  17. through the disobedience of Adam all of creation was made subject to corruption For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now…even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body,(Romans 8:19-23).

  18. Summary • Jesus, who, as eternal God, is spirit (John 4:24). As the “source code”of all living things, He is also the prime “data/information” which is/was non-material. • The Holy Spirit then fused “the Jesus” gamete with Mary’s gamete • The fusion of the two gametes is when the incarnation occurred (John 1:14). • The chromosomes from Mary and the Holy Spirit fused to make the (body of the) new Adam. • Because Jesus is the second Adam, and because we are genetically connected with the first Adam, we must also be mingled with Jesus’ DNA (“He shall see His seed,”Isaiah 53:10, see also 1 John 3:9, 1 Peter 1:23).

  19. Reborn with the Seed of the Messiah

  20. New Birth • The new birth will not merely be a clearing of our debts (though thank the Lord it includes that!) but we will truly be reborn with new bodies. We get to take possession of our new bodies (with their correct DNA, i.e. information) in heaven. Until that time we have the Holy Spirit as a down payment (guarantee).

  21. Reborn with the Seed of the Messiah • Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed[zeraזֶ֖רַע], (Isaiah 53:10) • “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed [sperma σπερμα] remains in him and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God,” (1 John 3:9). • “having been born again, not of corruptible seedbut incorruptible, through the word [logosλόγος] of God which lives and abides forever,” (1 Peter 1:23)

  22. Reborn with a New Image • “Truly, truly I tell you, unless a person is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God.” […] What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be astonished that I said to you, ‘All of you must be born from above.’ (John 3:3-7 ISV). • "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new," (2 Corinthians 5:17). • "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation," (Galatians 6:15).

  23. Who is a son of god? • Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. (Job 1:6) • Heliwas the son of Matthat (who was) the son of Levi, (who was) the son of Melchi and so on. He finishes the genealogy by arriving at the beginning of time: "the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God,” (Luke 3:38). • But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: (John 1:12) • The common thread is that they are all direct creations of God.

  24. The Spirit of God in Adam

  25. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, (Genesis 2:7). • Adam was made (physically, earthly) from the dust (he and we are carbon-based life forms). • God also breathed into Adam. • animals also have breath in their lungs (see Genesis 7:15)but God did not breathe into them. • Adam had a material (physical, earthly) part… • he also possessed an immaterial (soulish, spiritual, heavenly) side

  26. Man’s Non-material Makeup • (dichotomous – “cut in two”) just body and soul/spirit • (trichotomous – “cut in three”), body, soul, and spirit. • his spirit was troubled, (Genesis 41:8) • my soul is cast down within me, (Psalm 42:6) • now is my soul troubled, (John 12:27) • he was troubled in the spirit, (John 13:21)

  27. give his life [soul– psuekhenψυχὴν] as a ransom for many, (Matthew 20:28) • yielded up his spirit, (Matthew 27:50) • And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both souland body in hell. (Matthew 10:28 emphasis mine) • spiritsof just men made perfect, (Hebrews 12: 23) • I saw underneath the altar the soulsof them that had been slain for the word of God, (Revelation 6:9)

  28. THE TRICHOTOMOuS VERSE • “may your whole spirit and soul and body” I Thessalonians 5:23 • may be better explained in that “soul and spirit are not two distinct substances or parts, but that they designate the immaterial principle from different points of view.” Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology, 1893, 243.

  29. The Place of the Holy Spirit • God created Adam to be a three part being; • the material (body) and immaterial (soul/spirit) were uniquely his • the third part was the “compartment” for the Holy Spirit. • Thus, the Holy Spirit that was to that point dwelling in Adam departed, leaving him spiritually empty and dead; therefore man was left as a two-part being with a “God-shaped hole in his heart” (cf. Pascal).

  30. When God Breathed the First Time • And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed [vayipakhוַיִּפַּ֥ח] into his nostrils the breath of life [nishmatkhayimחַיִּ֑ים נִשְׁמַ֣ת]; and man became a living soul [l'nepheshkhayaלְנֶ֥פֶש חַיָּֽה] (Genesis 2:7). • God Himself did the breathing!

  31. God’s breath • God animated Adam's body in a manner similar to the animals in that they also have breath (neshamaנשׁמה) in their nostrils. • God did not breathe directly into the animals. • the breath that God breathed into Adam was more than the mere animation of the body (spark of life).

  32. When God Breathed Again • “And when he had said this, he breathed (literally "inbreathed") [enephusesenενεφυσησεν] on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit,’” (John 20:22). • enephusesen(stem: emphusaoἐμφυσάω) • Genesis 2:7 Hebrew (vayipakhוַיִּפַּח root naphakhנפח). • “This word used only once by the LXX translators in Gen 2:7 where God breathed on Adam and he became a living soul. Just as the original creation was completed by an act of God, so too the new creation, was completed by an act from the Head of the new creation,” (Thayer’s ἐμφυσάω entry).

  33. Ezekiel’s usage of the word • Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath [ruakhהָרוּחַ]; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe [naphakhנפח, Greek ἐμφυσάω emphusaw] on these slain, that they may live,” (Ezekiel 37:9).

  34. "Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified," (John 7:39). • Jesus had not yet been crucified and raised from the dead (glorified), no one as of then had received the Holy Spirit.

  35. When the Spirit Comes On and Not In • "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon (ἐπί) you," (Acts 1:8). • “Then the LORD came down … and took of the Spirit that was uponhim, and placed the same uponthe seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, that they prophesied…” (Numbers 11:25,). • “But the Spirit of the LORD cameuponGideon” (Judges 6:34). • “Then the Spirit of the LORD came uponJephthah,” (Judges 11:29). • “And the Spirit of the LORDcame mightily uponhim, “(Judges 14:6 and 14:19).

  36. Sons of god have the spirit of god • For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, (Galatians 3:26). • And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts…" (Galatians 4:6). • Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His…But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you, (Romans 8:11). • You received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, (Romans 8:15-16).

  37. Holy Spirit is the down payment • The Spirit was breathed into Adam, the first (earthly) son of God, • Adam lost it • Now the Spirit dwells in the sons of God who we have become by believing in Jesus’ name. • The Spirit is the guarantee or down payment of what is coming.

  38. We are his…live for him! • Do you not know that you are the temple of God and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you?If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which [temple] you are.(1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

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