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The Prophets Elijah and Elisha . Mr. Perrotti Chapter 5 –Part 2 Prophets. When did Elijah live?. Elijah is described as having lived during the reigns of Israelite kings Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram, all Northern Kings.
The Prophets Elijah and Elisha Mr. Perrotti Chapter 5 –Part 2 Prophets
When did Elijah live? • Elijah is described as having lived during the reigns of Israelite kings Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram, all Northern Kings. • King Ahab (who founded the northern kingdom in Samaria), which would put him at about 864 BCE. • Elijah’s activities were confined to the northern kingdom of Israel.
Elijah and King Ahab • Stories about Elijah are primarily about his battles against the foreign god Baal and Baal's various priestly representatives. • King Ahab had taken Jezebel as one of his wives and she worshiped this pagan god! • King Ahab had become lax in maintaining strict religious purity. His loyalties switched to Baal because of his relationship with Jezebel.
Why was Elijah important? • Elijah is regarded as a “reformer” prophet • His purpose was to call the Israelites back to the worship of Yahweh and away from the evil pagan religious cults that were growing in popularity. • Monotheism – worship of one true God • Polytheism – pagan worship of many gods
The Story of a Great Man • Not much is known about Elijah's past • Like many other prophets, he came from a poor family and appeared on the scene almost as if out of nowhere. • Born and raised from an obscure place called Tishbe in Gilead, east of the Jordan River. • Elijah stood up boldly for God in a time when idolatry had swept his land. In fact, his name means "My God is Yah(weh)."
God’s Great Miracle • Elijah appeared before King Ahab to announce God's curse, as Ahab had been worshiping false gods. • Afraid of Ahab, Elijah fled to the brook Cherith, east of the Jordan River, where ravens brought him bread and meat. • When the water dried up, God sent him to live with a widow in Zarephath.
God’s Great Miracle(con’t) • Elijah stretched himself on the boy's body three times, and God restored the child's life. • The news of this miracle spread and Elijah became more popular with the Israelites.
Elijah challenge to Ahab and Baal • Confident of the power of God, Elijah challenged the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of the false god Asherah to a showdown on Mount Carmel. • The idolaters sacrificed a bull and cried out to Baal from morning until nightfall, even slashing their skin until blood flowed, but nothing happened.
Showdown on Mount Carmel • Elijah then rebuilt the altar of the Lord, sacrificing a bull there. • He put the burnt offering on it, along with wood. • He had a servant douse the sacrifice and wood with four jars of water, three times, until all was thoroughly soaked • Elijah called on the Lord • God's fire fell from heaven, consuming the offering, the wood, the altar, the water, and even the dust around it. • The people fell on their faces, shouting, "The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God." Elijah ordered the people to slay the 850 false prophets.
Elijah prayed! • Rain fell on Israel as there had been a great drought. • Jezebel was furious at the loss of her prophets and swore to kill Elijah. • Afraid, Elijah ran to the wilderness, sat under a broom tree, and in his despair, asked God to take his life. • Instead, the prophet slept, and an angel brought him food. Strengthened, Elijah went 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb, where God appeared to him.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAG3Q2usouw.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isnNYbHX4LU.com The Story of Elijah in two parts
The Call of Elisha • Elisha was one awesome prophet of God! His name means ‘my God is salvation’ and the whole ministry of Elisha would prove to be an outworked testimony to the meaning of his name • You see, Elisha lived in dark times, yet through countless situations, Elisha stood as a light… a voice in the wilderness… showing through his life that the God of Israel was well and truly alive
Elijah Taken to Heaven • Body and Soul in a flaming chariot • One of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. • Hebrew and Jewish tradition state that he will return some day! • An empty chair is kept for him during Passover at the Seder Supper! • Joined Moses at the Transfiguration of Jesus
Who is a Elisha • Chosen by God, anointed to be Elijah’s successor! • The first thing we see about Elisha is that he was a plow man when called! • God had an even harder ground for Elisha to plow! • It would be the hard hearts of the Israelites themselves that Elisha would now be concerned with.
He also served the Northern Tribes • The Hebrew word for Elisha,"My Mighty One is Salvation. • It was an unexpected/suprising call. • Elisha's father was a wealthy farmer • Elisha's life after uniting with Elijah was not without temptations • Trials he had in abundance; but in every emergency he relied on God
He was a Miracle Worker • Elisha performed more miracles in the Bible than anyone but Jesus. • The miracles that the holy prophet Elisha so frequently performed to ease the suffering of those near to him became known far and wide. Everybody knew that Elisha was kind and generous to all, even to men who did not belong to his own people.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qm52sIiYLg.com Elisha – Man of God