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Tourettes Syndrome

Tourettes Syndrome. Made by: Jennifer Fessenden. What is Tourettes Syndrome?. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Tourettes syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involving movements and vocalizations called tics.

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Tourettes Syndrome

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  1. Tourettes Syndrome Made by: Jennifer Fessenden

  2. What is Tourettes Syndrome? • According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Tourettes syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involving movements and vocalizations called tics. • There was this doctor who’s name was Dr, Georges Gilles who was a French neurologists who first described and discovered tourettes in an 86 year old French noblewoman.

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  4. Symptoms • Eye blinking and other vision irregularities. • Facial grimacing. • Shoulder shrugging. • Head or shoulder jerking. • Repetitive throat clearing, sniffing or grunting sounds. • Make sure to look for patterns of movements involving several muscle groups.

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  6. Causes • In reality the cause of Tourettes is still unknown. • Scientists have learned that the cause of tourettes is equally complex. • It most likely has to do with the brain in Basel ganglia, frontal lobes, and cortex. • Also dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine which has to do with the circuits that interconnect.

  7. Phenotype • If you don’t have Tourettes by the age of 18 then u will not have it at all. • Many people mistake Tourettes syndrome for ADHD, PD, conduct disorder, depression, dyslexia, stuttering, mania, obesity, and alcoholism.

  8. Treatment • Before you can get any treatment it is important to get the right diagnosis. • Each condition for tourettes has a different medication of treatment. • Medications are only able to reduce the specific symptoms it will not cure it for good. Just enough to control them.

  9. Some medications for Tourettes • clonidine hydrochloride (Catapres®) • guanfacine (Tenex®), two alpha 2-adrenergic agonists. • Clonidine ( an antihypertensive drug ) is actually a blood pressure medication that was found to ameliorate tics.

  10. Medications clonidine hydrochloride (Catapres®) guanfacine (Tenex®), two alpha 2-adrenergic agonists.

  11. Clonidine ( an antihypertensive drug ) is actually a blood pressure medication that was found to ameliorate tics.

  12. Prognosis • According to the News- Medical. Net tourettes is a spectrum disorder. It ranges from mild to severe. • Majority of these cases are mild and need no treatment. • People with tourettes no matter how bad the diagnosis still have a 100% normal life span. • It may affect there living but it will not change there life span.

  13. Current research • The research for tourettes syndrome is on going. But still considered a relativley new field. • Many researchers belive that tourettes is caused by an abnormal metabolism of the neurotransmitters dopemine and serotonin. • It is said that this disorder is geneticaly transmitted with parents having a 50% chance of passing the gene onto there children. Girls with the gene have a 70% chance of displaying symptoms, boys with the gene have a 99% chance of displaying symptoms.

  14. Work cited • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/tourette/detail_tourette.htm#158813231 • http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/tourette-syndrome • http://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/GARD/Disease.aspx?PageID=4&DiseaseID=7783 • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000733.htm • http://www.tourette-syndrome.com/ts_genetics.htm • http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm • http://www.news-medical.net/health/Tourette-Syndrome-Prognosis.aspx • http://www.tourette-syndrome.com/research-on-tourette-syndrome.htm

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