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Water Quality/BASINS Mid-Project Update

Water Quality/BASINS Mid-Project Update. Tony Vessa Nov. 19, 2002. Project Goals. Better understand GIS tools in water quality assessment Understand City of Austin’s impact on water quality on the Lower Colorado River Full utilization of the EPA BASINS 3.0 software.

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Water Quality/BASINS Mid-Project Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water Quality/BASINSMid-Project Update Tony Vessa Nov. 19, 2002

  2. Project Goals • Better understand GIS tools in water quality assessment • Understand City of Austin’s impact on water quality on the Lower Colorado River • Full utilization of the EPA BASINS 3.0 software

  3. http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/

  4. BASINS Objectives • To facilitate examination of environmental information • To support analysis of environmental systems • To provide a framework for examining management alternatives

  5. BASINS Benefits specific to GIS • Data subdivided into familiar HUCs • Data completely compatible with ArcGIS • Provides shapefiles for basemaps projected in NAD1927 • Provides various downloadable data for environmental analysis

  6. Hydrologic Unit Code

  7. HUC 12090205 Austin ^ _ Austin, TX Hydrologic Unit

  8. HUC/State/EPA/ County Boundaries Urban Boundaries Drinking Water Supplies Weather Stations Data TRI Data CERCLIS(Superfund) River Reach Files Major Roads Ecoregions (level III) NAWQA Study Units Mineral Data Water Quality Observation Stations digital elevation maps RCRIS Sites Data Available

  9. Area Designations

  10. City Attributes

  11. Point Stations

  12. Temp Spec Conductance DO, BOD Alkalinity, Hardness Nutrients (Nit, Pho) Hardness Chloride Metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, Ca, Fe, Ni, Ag, Zn, Al) Chlordane Chlorophyll DDE, DDT Eldrin/Dieldrin Heptachlor Pcbs Mercury Sulfate Water Quality Data

  13. Water Quality Statistics • 4 Year Increments • Station ID • Agency ID • Number of Observations • Mean • 15th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 85th Percentiles • Standard Deviation

  14. Water Quality Criteria • Parameter Name • CAS Number • Fresh Acute/Chronic • Marine Acute/Chronic • Drinking Water • Human Health • Reference Level Source

  15. Wrap Up • BASINS -one stop shopping • Project Direction • Questions????

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