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Websites and social media should be updated frequently but coming up with effective content can be problematic for many companies. When you are creating video content for your brand, note that your video should be unique and engaging, mobile friendly and stick to a regular, optimized upload schedule. Some of the content trends to look out for in 2019 are long form, webinar, webcast and live video, voice search, social media, chatbots and Authenticity. To know more information about branding agency San Diego, visit https://www.liendesign.com/blog/2019/2/17/six-content-trends-to-look-out-for-in-2019
Content Introduction LongForm Webinars, Webcastsand LiveVideo VoiceSearch Social Media Chatbots Authenticity
INTRODUCTION Providingengagingcontentisoneofthemost important ways to stay connected with your customer base to build loyalty and a more personalconnection. Websites and social media should be updated frequentlybutcomingupwitheffectivecontent can be problematic for many companies. With that in mind, here are some trends we can expectforcontentinthecomingyear.
L ONG FORM Currentresearchhasshownthatlong formarticlesareleadinginbeingmore engagingthanshortform. Articlesofover2000wordsarepreferred andareshowntogetmoresocialshares than shorterarticles.
WEBINARS,WEBCASTSAND LIVE VIDEO Videomarketingisanothertrendthatis expected to continue to grow in the comingyear. When creating video content for your brand, note that your video should be unique and engaging, mobile friendly andsticktoaregular,optimizedupload schedule.
VOICESEARCH Consumers love their smart speakers. You can take advantage of this inyour marketing by using audio content to keep up withdemand. 2019 marketing plans shouldinclude efforts to tailor your company’s SEO strategy to respond to voice search demands.
SOCIALMEDIA Social media continues to be an effectivewaytoreachcustomers. Sitesthatareshowinggrowth include Twitter, LinkedInand Instagram.
CHATBOTS It’s no secret that consumers love chatbots.Alwaysfriendlyandinformative, these AI generated personalities can provide important and accurate details 24/7. Whilethesemightnotbeanactivepartof amarketingplan,companiesthatinclude these in their web design branding will alwayshavealegupontheircompetition.
AUTHENTICITY Authenticityissomethingthatwill nevergooutofstyle. Besuretoestablishastoryandmission for your brandand stand behind it in everythingyoudoaswellasthecontent you publish to increase trust and loyalty.