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CMS Dance Team Tryouts. CMS DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS. Tryouts are open to anyone who will be attending Collinsville Middle School for the 2014-2015 school year! ***Please bring a 4x6 or wallet sized picture with you to try-outs. These will not be returned.
CMS Dance Team Tryouts CMS DANCE TEAMTRYOUTS Tryouts are open to anyone who will be attending Collinsville Middle School for the 2014-2015 school year! ***Please bring a 4x6 or wallet sized picture with you to try-outs. These will not be returned. There is a mandatory parent meeting for anyone interested in trying out on May 21ndat 5:00 in the CMS Library. tryout dates: April29th4:00-6:00 @ CMS April 30th 4:00-6:00 @ CMS May 1st4:00- 6:00 @ CMS If you have any questions about tryouts please contact Coach Tatum Darr (DIS 5th grade teacher) tdarr@kahoks.org or Coach Brooke Bettorf bbettor2@kahoks.org.
CMS Dance Team Tryouts March2014 Dear Tryout Participants and Parents, We are delighted that you have chosen to try out for the Collinsville Middle School Dance Team. This can be a truly rewarding experience, but it is also a HEFTY TIME COMMITMENT and can be costly. Please be aware that it is a ten month time commitment. This packet has been prepared to familiarize you with our guidelines and to provide information about the tryout procedure. Please read all the information CAREFULLY. You will find that the basic qualifications to be a member are not difficult to achieve. Aside from academic eligibility, you must have pep and enthusiasm, want to be involved, enjoy performing in front of a crowd, be willing to work hard, and most importantly, HAVE A GREAT ATTITUDE. We are looking forward to a great year with dancers who are ready to work hard and have fun! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. For more information, or to download this packet, please visit our dance website at http://www.cmsdanceteam.weebly.com. Tatum Darr 346-6311 (Dorris Intermediate School) tdarr@kahoks.org Brooke Bettorf bbettor2@kahoks.org
CMS Dance Team Information CMS Dance Team Information Practices We will practice once a week during the summer and twice a week during the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All practices will be held at a location TBA, but most likely at CMS. We will attend technique classes on Wednesday evenings—see more info. below. There will be extra practices prior to competition and basketball season. Camp We will be attending a UDA camp this year during either June or July. We will either join the Kahok Dance Team at their camp or attend a camp overnight at a college. There will be an out-of-pocket cost for attending camp. We will learn routines to use throughout basketball season as well as important dance and networking skills. Camp is mandatory for all dance members. No exceptions! Choreography We will have a choreographer attend a mandatory practice closer to competition season in November. The girls will learn both routines and have a break for lunch. This practice will be tentatively from 10-6 on a Saturday or Sunday. There may be more than one choreography practice on the weekend. Technique Classes Technique is mandatory. We will attend Turning Pointe in Maryville on Wednesday nights from 3:30-4:30. The cost of technique is $40 per month for 4 months. This will last on Wednesday evenings from September-January (January will be reserved for make-up days from holidays/snow days). Payments due the first practice of every month to Tatum and Brooke. Costs The approximate costs are explained on a separate page in this packet. Please look through these costs and make sure that you understand that there is financial obligation in order to be on the CMS Dance Team.
CMS Dance Team Information CMS Dance Team Information Fundraising Fundraising is a necessary and mandatory part of the CMS Dance Team. Money raised through fundraisers is used to pay for choreography, competition fees, our banquet, poms, apparel for school functions and competition, and any additional items needed throughout the season. It is your obligation to fundraise. Fundraising is in addition to the money for consumable items that you purchase for your child. Each dancer will have an account and an amount they must fundraise. Most of our fundraisers require your presence and you get a portion of the proceeds. Parent Obligations We completely understand the hectic schedule that comes with your child being involved in athletics. Therefore, we try to only schedule parent meetings once a month as needed to discuss upcoming events. We also communicate through monthly calendars and emails. Please read the calendars carefully so you are aware of the upcoming week‘s events. The calendars and other important information will also be uploaded to our dancewebsite. Games The Collinsville Middle School dancers perform at home boys’ and girls’ basketball games. These games are typically held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from November through January. Competitions Our team is a competition dance team. We will compete in at least 3 competitions this season. The dance team members willneed to understand the importance of making a commitment and working hard when you join a competitive team. We will take a bus to all competitions. All other dance team members will be counting on you to keep your commitment and work hard all season. Uniforms Uniforms and poms are provided to each dancer. Each dancer is responsible for their uniforms, keeping them clean and in good repair. Shoes, bodysuit, and other consumable items are paid for by the parents or with fundraising money.
Approximate Cost List CMS Dance Team Information Tennis Shoes…………………… Dance Shoes x 2……………… Bodysuit x 2…………………... Dance Bag……………………… Camp Wear……………………. Camp…………………………… Technique..…………………….. $76.00 $60.00 $20.00 $30.00 $60.00 $75.00 $40.00/month for 4 months Total= $396for new girls $230 for returning girls Receipts will be handed out and kept track of to eliminate any concerns with payments to the coaches. Each girl will be responsible for fundraising $230.00towards the Dance Account which pays for competition fees, videos, gifts, and any other additional items needed during the season (these add up quickly!) Because dancing requires us to purchase many items, it is the responsibility of each dancer to pay for the items. If a dancer decides to quit the team after items have been ordered, it is still her responsibility to pay for all the items in full.
Dancing Application CMS Dance Team Information There are certain obligations and responsibilities which one must assume to qualify and remain a member of the dance team. First and foremost, dancing must come before all other activities. Each person is free to pursue other interests if they do not interfere with the duties and schedule of the team. The commitment to the dance team lasts roughly ten months. Attendance and punctuality to every practice and event is mandatory. Each candidate has been advised to the Dance Team Constitution and should know what is expected. ______________________________________________________ General Information Name:_________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ City:______________________________ Zip:________________ Phone Number:__________________________________________ Mother’s Name:__________________________________________ Father’s Name:___________________________________________ Circle Grade for 2013-2014 School Year: 7th Grade 8th Grade ______________________________________________________ Permission and Agreement I have been advised of the duties and responsibilities of the Dance Team and I agree to obey the rules as long as I am a member of the team. Candidate’s Signature______________________________________ Parent’s Signature_________________________________________