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RANDOLPH HIGH SCHOOL CADETTE DANCE TEAM. Parent/Member 2019-2020 Info!!!. Congrats!!!. We are so excited YOU made the team. This is going to be an awesome year, but before we get to all the fun…we need to go over a few important reminders!. Cadette Dance Team Coach: Mrs. Amanda Crumpler.

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  1. RANDOLPH HIGH SCHOOL CADETTE DANCE TEAM • Parent/Member • 2019-2020 Info!!!

  2. Congrats!!! • We are so excited YOU made the team. This is going to be an awesome year, but before we get to all the fun…we need to go over a few important reminders!

  3. Cadette Dance Team Coach: Mrs. Amanda Crumpler • *Cell: see email previously sent! • (text or call) • *School Phone: 210-357-2452 • *School Email: bauer@rfisd.net • Will be changing to crumpler@rfisd.net this summer • *Personal Email: see email previously sent! • (this is the one I check after 3pm)

  4. Responsibilities/Commitments: • *See the constitution for all of the specifics!!! But, here are some of the major ones…

  5. Attendance • *Attend all zero-hour practices, additional practices (including band practices), athletic games/events, performances, activities, competitions (including band competitions), camp, etc. The team cannot reach its goals if members are late or absent. • *Be on time (aka: five minutes early): refer to the constitution for info on tardiness • It is imperative that the dance team calendar be referenced before scheduling work, vacations, and appointments of any kind. • Members will not be released early from any class, practice, or performance for any reason except for a family emergency. • Treat this like a job. If you are going to be absent or late for any reason, you must notify Mrs. Crumpler in advance…text, call, email. This goes for both excused and unexcused absences!

  6. Attendance • For example: • If you wake up sick and are not able to come to zero-hour, you need to text/call Mrs. Crumpler prior to 6:45am. • If you have a vacation scheduled and are going to be absent, you need to tell Mrs. Crumpler about it in advance. • If you have a death in the family and are going to be absent, you need to let Mrs. Crumpler know. • Basically, no matter what the reason is for your absence, Mrs. Crumpler needs to know in advance—not when you return!

  7. Attendance UNEXCUSED *Personal illness or accident (with phone call/text in advance and note from doctor/parent upon return) *Funeral or death in the family *Special school activities *Religious activities *Wedding in the immediate family *Parent making a visit while on TDY or remote assignment *Mrs. Crumpler must be informed of all excused absences in advance in order for them to be excused…in the event of illness, she should be notified in advance AND a note must be turned in the day the student returns—if a note is not turned in, the absence will count as unexcused. *Work *Vacation *Oversleeping *Tiredness *Car problems *Personal illness or accident (without advance notice and/or no note upon return) *School make-up work/tutorials (this should be scheduled during the designated tutorial time 3-3:55pm or during lunch/advisory—we will not schedule practice/events during these times, so there should never be a conflict) • EXCUSED (only with advance notice)

  8. Attendance • When a member of the team is absent, it is her responsibility to call another member in order to find out what was missed prior to the next scheduled class/practice. The team is not responsible for teaching the absent member what was missed during practice/class time. • Any member who misses practice may forfeit performing in the next scheduled performance. If the member is not allowed to perform, she will still be expected to attend the function in uniform (unless told otherwise by Mrs. Crumpler).

  9. Attendance • If a dance team member has more than three unexcused absences (from any scheduled meetings, practices, performances, events, competitions, etc.) in a semester, it will be grounds for probation and/or dismissal from the team. • The member may not accumulate more than ten TOTAL absences per year (excused and/or unexcused)…any absences in excess of this numberwill be grounds for probation and/or dismissal from the team.

  10. Attendance • For example: • If you have three unexcused and four excused absences during first semester, then you have three unexcused absences during the second semester, any additional absences (whether excused or not) could result in probation and/or dismissal from the team. • (This is just one scenario—please let Mrs. Crumpler know if you have any questions regarding the policy so that she can clarify before it becomes an issue).

  11. Academics • All team members must maintain a 70 or above average in each class for every nine week report card grading period for the duration of the school year . • Failing a nine weeks grading period for the first time may result in probation for the following nine weeks grading period. • Probation for scholastic reasons will restrict the member from all performance activities; however, they must still attend zero-hour. • Failing a nine weeks grading period for the second time (whether it’s the same class or a different one) may be grounds for removal from the team for the duration of the academic year.

  12. Attitude • All members are expected to maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude at all times!  • This really should be a fun experience for everyone involved—we don’t have time for negativity or drama. • If you have a concern, please come to Mrs. Crumpler before or after practice, and she will be glad to have a conversation with you. Practice is not the time to complain/vent/whine/be mean/indulge in drama/etc. • We are a team, so let’s work together and make sure this is an awesome year for the Randolph High School Cadettes!!! 

  13. Accountability • All members are accountable for the uniforms/items assigned to them. This includes cleaning them, repairing any damages, replacing any lost items, and having them ready to wear at all times. This includes both student-owned and school-owned items!

  14. Accountability • All members must fulfill all duties assigned to them by Mrs. Crumpler. • Merits and/or demerits may be used at the discretion of Mrs. Crumpler—based on positive or negative behavior. Mrs. Crumpler will maintain a record of this information. An accumulation of 20 demerits in any semester can result in dismissal from the team. • All members must be familiar with all parts of the constitution…some of it has been covered in this power point but not everything—so, please read it thoroughly and make sure you let Mrs. Crumpler know if you have any questions. 

  15. Accountability • As a member of the RHS Cadette Dance Team, you are not only representing yourself and your family, but you are also representing Randolph High School. Please keep this in mind at all times! • No dance team member will be permitted to use and/or be in the possession of any tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal substances. • Please make sure you are being the kind of person you know you need to be—especially when you are wearing your uniform. People will be watching you, and you don’t want to give them an opportunity to have anything negative to say! • You are all beautiful young ladies…remember that in all that you do! 

  16. Activities • One really neat aspect of being on the dance team is getting to have/be a big/little sis! • Each week during football season the girls will exchange small gifts with their big/little sis. This will be done during zero-hour on game days! • The objective here is not to spend a lot of money! It is more about getting to know your big/little sis and making them feel special throughout the season. Some weeks your gifts may consist of special notes to each other or something hand-made…other times it may be your favorite candy, snack, or flower! We will have more details on this in the next couple of weeks, but we just wanted to let everyone know about it now. 

  17. After-Hour Activities • We will have a number of team building/social activities throughout the year! These events will typically not be mandatory (unless told otherwise by Mrs. Crumpler), so absences will not count against you; however, it is so important that all team members try to attend these fun activities whenever possible! • A lot of team bonding and special memory-making happens during these sort of activities, and the more people who are a part of that, the better.  • Activities may consist of any of the following: team outings, dinners, movie nights, game nights, craft nights, etc.

  18. Important Dates (so far!)

  19. Important Dates • Dance Camp: June 3rd and 4th and RHS (9am-5:15pm in the new gym)

  20. Important Dates • Monday June 3rd @ 5:30pm: Dance Team Dinner @ Chester’s Hamburger Co. on Pat Booker Rd. • All team members/parents/siblings are invited...we will catch up, have fun, and get to know each other better!

  21. Important Dates • Surprise team fun day! • Monday June 10th • Meet at RHS at 11am • Return to RHS approx. 5pm • Wear any combination of: blue, black, white, grey, silver (dress comfortably but cute) : - )

  22. Important Dates • Zero-Hour Begins: Monday 8/26/19 • Report to the designated area (dressed and ready to go) by 6:55am. Class starts promptly at 7am!! • Monday-Wednesday: we will typically meet in the old cafeteria (Aug.-March) • Thursday/Friday: we will typically practice on the track (Aug-Nov) • After football season, we will be in the old cafeteria and/or one of the gyms!

  23. Important Dates • Rally ‘Round the Rohawks: Wednesday 8/28/19 • Home Football Game: Friday 8/30/19 • Football @ Natalia: Friday 9/6/19 • Home Football Game: Friday 9/13/19 • Football @ Blanco: Friday 9/20/19 • Home Football Game: Friday 9/27/19 • Football @ Cotulla: Friday 10/4/19 • Home Football Game: Friday 10/11/19 (Pink Out-?) • NO GAME ON FRIDAY 10/18/19 • Football @ Cole: Friday 10/25/19 • Home Football Game: Friday 11/1/19 (Senior Night!) • Football @ Karnes City: Friday 11/8/19 • ***Not sure of homecoming date or pep rally dates yet, but I’ll update once I know!*** All games start @ 7:30pm!***

  24. Parent Communication • Please know that I would love to hear from you anytime you have a question, concern, positive comment, or anything else you want to talk about! :) You can email, call, text--whatever is easiest for you. If I cannot respond immediately, I will get back to you ASAP! • I will typically send out weekly newsletter-emails with important reminders/info!

  25. Don’t Forget…you are responsible for purchasing these items prior to camp: • Tall black socks • No-show socks • Underwear that do not show under jazz pants • Bra w/ clear straps • Nude and black jazz shoes • Make sure all of these items have been purchased prior to camp!

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