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Solutions to Child Poverty : Housing (Paper 18)

Solutions to Child Poverty : Housing (Paper 18). Philippa Howden-Chapman 19 September 2012. Housing and health. Housing is an important driver of health People spend 75% of time indoors, young, old & sick 90% of time at home NZ houses old & cold have lowest energy use in OECD

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Solutions to Child Poverty : Housing (Paper 18)

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  1. Solutions to Child Poverty:Housing (Paper 18) Philippa Howden-Chapman 19 September 2012

  2. Housing and health • Housing is an important driver of health • People spend 75% of time indoors, young, old & sick 90% of time at home • NZ houses old & cold have lowest energy use in OECD • Only one room usually heated • 70% children in poverty in rental houses • Crowding in cold houses increases infectious disease in children

  3. Specific Proposals:Housing • Improve the quality and quantity of housing • Prioritise housing in the National Infrastructure Plan (Treasury + MBIE) • Recognisehousing provides public &private goods

  4. Establish a Warrant of Fitness for all rental accommodation & enforce them -- Private rental housing stock requirements extremely limited Boarding houses and camping grounds increasingly housing of last resort including children Insecurity of tenure -> residential mobility -> irregular primary care -> school attendance + +

  5. Specific Proposals:Housing • Enhance the supply of social housing, currently ~ 5% • Register or license all social housing providers

  6. Statistics New Zealand, Crowded Housing in New Zealand 1986-2006

  7. Statistics New Zealand, Crowded Housing in New Zealand 1986-2006

  8. Specific Proposals:Housing • Re-focus the Accommodation Supplement and Income-Related Rent subsidies as part of wider package of income & housing support • Target more housing support to smaller number of low-income families in greatest need • large families • families living in areas with high rents • families with higher needs

  9. Crowding linked to high levels of infectious diseases in children • Rental houses smaller • Children in poverty most likely to be living in private rental accommodation (50%) • Families in poverty less likely to heat their houses • Cold, damp houses enable viruses and bacteria to survive for longer

  10. Baker, M., Telfar-Branard, L., Kvalsvig, A., Verrall, A., Zhang, J., Keall, M., Wilson, N., Wall, T. Howden-Chapman, P. Increasing incidence and inequalities in infectious diseases in a developed country.The Lancet, 2012,

  11. Healthy Housing Programme: Improving social housing & linking with primary health services • Cohort study links tenants to hospitalisations, 2004-2008 • After Healthy Housing Programme, acute and arranged hospitalisations fell (27%) year after • Fall in hospitalisations more marked (61%) for most intensive intervention Baker et al reports available on www.healthyhousing.org.nz

  12. Specific Proposals:Housing • Extend subsidies for insulation and heating

  13. Evaluation of Warm Up NZ: Heat Smart Programme • 100,000 houses in first 2 years of programme • $320 million,nottargeted to low income • Quasi-experimental study, detailed anonymised matching of first 46,655 houses • Small but significant drop in metered energy • Significant health outcomes in pharmaceutical usage, length of hospitalisation, avoidable mortality for over 65s • Benefit/cost ratio 3.9:1 http://www.motu.org.nz/news-media/detail/reports_on_warm_up_new_zealand_heat_smart_now_available.

  14. Specific Proposals:Housing • Enhance opportunities for home ownership for low-income families. • Measures should specifically address barriers for Maori and Pacific households

  15. Questions • Which proposals will be effective in reducing child poverty? • Which proposals are less likely to be effective? • What are the most important proposals to reduce child poverty? • What needs to be done first and why? • What is missing from the package?

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