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United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS), *National Center for Animal Health Programs (NCAHP). Brucellosis Affected Herd Report. December 1, 2013. January 2013. BRUCELLOSIS. October 2013. April 2013.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS), *National Center for Animal Health Programs (NCAHP) Brucellosis Affected Herd Report December 1, 2013 January 2013 BRUCELLOSIS October 2013 April 2013 July 2013 *Inquiries may be made by telephoning (301) 851-3559 or by writing to USDA APHIS Veterinary Services, 4700 River Road, Unit 43, Riverdale, MD 20737
. . . Brucellosis Eradication Program State Status Classification December 1, 2013 WA MT ME ND VT MN OR ID NH WI MA MI WY SD NY RI IA CT PA CA NV NE NJ OH UT IL IN DE CO MO KS MD WV VA KY AZ NC OK TN NM AR AL SC MS VI TX LA GA AK FL HI PR Class A Status Free 16-20 yrs Free 6-10 yrs Free Current Year Free 11-15 yrs Free 21+ yrs Free 1-5 yrs
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service National Prevalence Rate: Brucellosis Affected Cattle Herds FY 2004 = 0.0005% FY 2007 = 0.0001% FY 2010 = 0.0001% FY 2013 = 0.0001% FY 2005 = 0.0003% FY 2008 = 0.0003% FY 2011 = 0.0006% FY 2014 = 0.0001% FY 2006 = 0.0002% FY 2009 = 0.0000% FY 2012 = 0.0004% MT WA ND MN FY 14 = 1 FY 11 = 2 FY 13 = 1 FY 08 = 1 FY 12 = 1 FY 07 = 1 ME NH VT WI ID SD MI OR FY 12 = 1 FY 11 =3 FY 08 =1 FY 05 =1 FY 04 =3 FY 12 = 2 FY 10 = 1 FY 06 = 2 NY WY MA IA NE RI IL IN NV PA UT OH CT CO NJ KS MO WV DE KY VA CA FY 04 =1 MD AZ NM NC AR TN OK TX SC MS AL GA FY 11 = 1 FY 05 = 2 FY 04 = 2 LA PR FL FY 08 = 1 AK VI HI
Brucellosis Eradication ProgramBrucellosis Affected Herd Activities in the GYA • October 4, 2013 (FY 2014): • One brucellosis affected domestic beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*) • Detected via annual whole herd testing for herd certification. • Quarantine and DSA herd plan in place with affected herd management plan under development (to include specific movement controls and herd testing protocols. Nov 2013 whole herd test negative. Next whole herd test scheduled for March 2014. • Epi-investigations and testing of trace and contact herds associated with this case are in progress; all testing to date is negative. • September 26, 2013 (FY 2013): • One brucellosis affected domestic beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Madison County (in the DSA*). • Detected via Montana’s DSA* regulations requiring testing prior to change of ownership. • Quarantine and DSA herd plan in place with affected herd management plan under development (to include specific movement controls and herd testing protocols. The next whole herd test scheduled for January 2014. • Epi-investigations and testing of trace and contact herds associated with this case are in progress; all testing to date is negative. Montana: * DSA: Designated Surveillance Area • November 14, 2011 (FY 2012): One brucellosis affected privately owned bison herd disclosed. • Location: Madison County (in the DSA*) • Detected via trace testing associated with the 2010 brucellosis-affected bison herd. • Quarantine and affected herd management plan in place, including movement controls and annual herd tests. Oct/Nov 2013 herd test negative. • All epi-investigations and testing of trace and contact herds associated with this case have been completed and successfully closed. • September 23, 2011 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected domestic beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*). • Detected via Montana’s DSA* regulations requiring testing prior to change of ownership. • Released from quarantine in April 2012 following 3rd consecutive negative herd test. • All animals tested negative on the one year PQR assurance test conducted in November 2012 . • November 1, 2010 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected privately owned bison herd disclosed. • Location: Gallatin County (in the DSA*). • Detected via Montana’s DSA* herd management plan testing. • Quarantine and affected herd management plan in place, including movement controls and annual herd tests. Nov/Dec 2013 herd test is in progress. • All epi-investigations and testing of trace and contact herds associated with this case have been completed and successfully closed.
Brucellosis Eradication ProgramBrucellosis Affected Herd Activities in the GYA • May 7, 2012 (FY 2012): One brucellosis affected beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Fremont County – Located outside the DSA* when detected; the DSA boundaries have since been expanded. • Detected via MCI slaughter surveillance. • Quarantine and affected herd management plan in place, including additional herd tests and movement controls. • Post-calving herd test April /2013 identified one infected cow which was removed. All animals tested negative on July 2013 whole herd test. Oct 2013 herd test negative. Next whole herd test planned for Spring 2014 (post-calving). • All epi-investigations and testing of associated herds have been completed and successfully closed. • April 20, 2012 (FY 2012): One brucellosis affected privately owned bison herd disclosed. • Location: Bonneville County (in the DSA*). • Detected via DSA testing requirements. • Quarantine and affected herd management plan in place, including additional herd tests and movement controls. • All epi-investigations and testing of associated herds have been completed and successfully closed. • Next whole herd test planned for December 2013. Idaho: • * DSA: Designated Surveillance Area • October 13, 2011 (FY 2012): One brucellosis affected beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*). • Detected via on-farm pre-sale testing. • Released from quarantine in August 2012 following a 3rd consecutive negative whole-herd test (post-calving). • A one-year PQR assurance test is scheduled for Fall 2013. • February 22, 2011 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*). • Detected via testing at market. • Released from quarantine Fall 2011 following a final negative post-calving whole-herd test. • November 24, 2010 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected privately owned bison herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*). • Detected via on-farm pre-sale testing. • Quarantine & affected herd management plan in place, including annual Fall herd testing & movement controls. • All epi-investigations and testing of associated herds have been completed and successfully closed. • November 8, 2010 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected beef cattle herd disclosed. • Location: Park County (in the DSA*). • Detected via testing at market. • Released from quarantine May 2011 following a final negative post-calving whole-herd test. Wyoming: • * DSA: Designated Surveillance Area
Brucellosis Eradication ProgramBrucellosis Affected Herd Activities Outside the GYA • Texas: • January 26, 2011 (FY 2011): One brucellosis affected beef cattle herd disclosed. This was the first detection of brucellosis in a cattle herd in Texas in over five years. • Location: Starr County (southern Texas). • Detected via testing at market. • Affected herd depopulated with indemnity in March 2011. • Epi-investigation complete – no additional brucellosis-affected herds found. • There is no link between this brucellosis affected herd case and the brucellosis affected herd cases in the GYA States. • All 50 States remain classified as Class Free for bovine brucellosis. • Note: Class Free States may retain Class Free status provided: • Affected herds are maintained under quarantine • An individual herd plan, including a test-and remove schedule, is developed and implemented for each affected herd to prevent the spread of brucellosis • Appropriate surveillance is conducted to detect brucellosis in other herds or species. • There is no indication that brucellosis has spread outside the GYA.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Number of Brucellosis Affected Herds Depopulated: FY 2008 Brucellosis affected herd depopulated with indemnity in August 2008. FY 2007 Brucellosis affected herd depopulated with indemnity in July 2007. FY 2008 Brucellosis affected herd depopulated with indemnity September/October 2008. All FY 2005 and FY 2004 Brucellosis affected herds depopulated with indemnity. FY 2014 = 0 (to date) FY 2013 = 0 FY 2012 = 0 FY 2011 = 1 FY 2010 = 1 (partial herd depopulation) FY 2009 = 0 FY 2008 = 2 FY 2007 = 1 FY 2006 = 2 FY 2005 = 3 FY 2004 = 4 WA MN MT FY 08 = 1 FY 07 = 1 ND FY 2010 = partial herd depopulation. FY 2006: Both Brucellosis affected herds depopulated with indemnity in December 2005. ME ID WI SD VT MI WY NH OR FY 10 = 1 FY 06 = 2 FY 08 = 1 FY 05 = 1 FY 04 = 3 NY IA MA NE CT IL IN PA UT RI OH MO CO NJ NV KS WV DE KY VA MD CA AZ NM NC AR TN OK SC MS AL GA TX LA PR AK FY 11 = 1 FY 05 = 2 FY 04 = 2 FL HI VI FY 2011, FY 2005 and FY 2004 = All Brucellosis affected cattle herds depopulated with indemnity.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Number of Brucellosis Affected Herds Not Depopulated: • FY 14 = One brucellosis affected domestic cattle herd disclosed October 4, 2013. • FY 13 = One brucellosis affected domestic cattle herd disclosed September 26, 2013. • FY 12 = One brucellosis affected domestic bison herd disclosed on November 14, 2011. • FY 11 = One brucellosis affected domestic bison herd disclosed on November 1, 2010 and one brucellosis affected domestic cattle herd disclosed September 23, 2011. FY 2014 = 1 (to date) FY 2013 = 1 FY 2012 = 4 FY 2011 = 5 FY 2010 = 1 (partial herd depopulation) WA FY 14 = 1 FY 13 = 1 FY 12 = 1 FY 11 = 2 MN MT ND ME NH VT WI ID SD OR MI FY 12 = 1 FY 11 = 3 FY 12 = 2 FY 10 = 1 NY • FY 12 = One brucellosis affected domestic bison herd disclosed on April 20, 2012 and one brucellosis affected domestic cattle herd disclosed on May 7, 2012. • FY 10 = One brucellosis affected cattle herd disclosed December 1, 2009. IA WY MA NE IL IN PA UT RI OH CT MO CO NJ KS WV DE NV KY VA MD AZ NM NC AR TN CA OK SC MS AL GA TX LA PR AK • FY 12 = One brucellosis-affected domestic cattle herd disclosed October 13, 2011. • FY 11 = One brucellosis-affected domestic cattle herd disclosed November 8, 2010 (released from quarantine May 2011), one brucellosis-affected domestic bison herd disclosed November 24, 2010, and one brucellosis-affected domestic cattle herd disclosed February 22, 2011 (released from quarantine Fall 2011). FL HI VI
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service