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February Report

February Report . Academic Affairs 2013. Our Progress. Blue Team. Library Hours

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February Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. February Report Academic Affairs 2013

  2. Our Progress

  3. Blue Team Library Hours Meeting with Liz Benson to discuss results of SA’s library hour survey done by MAC. Concerned about sample size and proposed a new campus wide survey through MAC to be sponsored by the library. Currently polishing the survey questions. Tentative date to be before spring break

  4. Yellow Team Class Registration Meeting with Carla L. Boyd about class registration. AA attempted to write student proposal. We ran into issues with lack of information on registration lists including athletes, honors, and disabilities. After an attempt to find a more transparent list we were unable to find such a list. Plans to continue forward with written proposal.

  5. Red Team • Student Engagement – Expanded to include • Tutoring for upper core classes investigating • Upper to lower division student mentoring • Advising panel or collegiate open forum to talk about concerns professional faculty/ student • Improving collegiate specific communication working with SL (yell like hell collegiate edition) as well as events workshops • Mentoring for high school engagement

  6. Red Team Web Site Sent email to CLA Website director about collegiate specific website concern CEHSP and web site director got back and was thankful Phase 3 completed!

  7. Senate • SSCC Update • IT & the UniversityLooking for student comments/concerns/feedback •   - Increased wireless accessibility           - more online classes                  -accessibility                  - convenience • Corse Review Transparency: a way to make course reviews public • - have to work with law (professors and respondents have to opt to make public) • -This would be done with an opt in or opt out box on course review. • -Each school was asked to look into this issue in order to see what can be done without • changing laws, and school rules.

  8. CEHSP • CEHSP • Student Association update • Class lists need maintenance on grad planner • Social Media • Graduate School • Class lists were cleaned up last spring and courses offered each semester are influenced by the budget. This may need to be re-done every semester • ii. SA’s use of social media to engage students is one Dr. Munson is interested in as he learns more about social media. (Kimberly) • iii. It was brought up that there are no resources for students applying for graduate school to assist them in their search for programs. It was suggested that colleges or specific undergrad programs have some information on file to help students. • Invite Dean Update • Parking • Calendar • Loves the new system suggested • a. Wanted opinions on the interest in a UMD Facebook or Facebook pages for individual UMD schools.

  9. LSBE • Student Ideas for Improvement: • -Events board in club room facing out • -Involvement = commitment • -PR • -Higher chairs in tabling booth • -Laptops not in class • -Research • -Tutoring center use for more classes • -Encourage attendance incentives for classes • -Mentoring program • -Upper division to lower division student • -Current to incoming/DECCA high school students • -Incorporate into freshman seminar • -Forum

  10. LSBE • New things going on in LSBE --- from the Dean: • -8 courses in business and management online • -Open to only non-lsbe students • -2 credits each • -It will be a pre-req for MBA program if a person doesn’t have a business degree • -Cluster Electives • -Goes on transcript, in different section • -Purpose is to show validated interest in an area other than major & is not a minor • -Term for the program is still to be decided • -PR is essential • -Major in Economics now through LSBE • -One used to have to get it through CLA

  11. LSBE • Other topics addressed: • Life skills program • -How can attract more people? • -Partner with SOCC • Polar Bear Plunge • -Progress • -UMD’s involvement started through big LSBE push • Statistic course • -Is it an accurate measure of the program? • SA Events • -Support the U Day • -Petition on lowering tuition

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