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The Becta Self-review Framework and ICT Mark

The Becta Self-review Framework and ICT Mark. (An unofficial presentation!). Neil Adam Beacon ICT. What is the Self-review Framework?. The Self-review Framework (SRF): constitutes an agreed understanding of what good, mature ICT looks like provides consistency and clarity

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The Becta Self-review Framework and ICT Mark

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  1. The Becta Self-review Framework and ICT Mark (An unofficial presentation!) Neil Adam Beacon ICT

  2. What is the Self-review Framework? The Self-review Framework (SRF): • constitutes an agreed understanding of what good, mature ICT looks like • provides consistency and clarity • is nationally recognised • Becta • Ofsted • Naace • NCSL • will be supported by clear guidance on the standards

  3. What does the SRF cover? It is constructed from 8 elements relating to ICT in schools: • Leadership and Management • Curriculum • Learning and teaching • Assessment • Professional Development • Extending Opportunities for Learning • Resources • Impact on pupil outcomes

  4. What will the SRF do for our school? Your school will be able to: • Review its position • Reference to evidence • Develop an action plan • Use resources and support • Maintain high standards • Compare to national standards • Benchmark against similar schools • Work towards e-confidence

  5. What is the ICT Mark? The ICT Mark: • replaces the Naacemark for Schools • is an optional accreditation, based on the SRF • represents an agreed threshold within the SRF • demonstrates commitment to continual improvement through ICT • allows schools to celebrate achievements • gives public recognition for areas of strength • is awarded by Becta and administered by Naace

  6. Elements eg. Resources Strands Access Strands Provision Strands Management Aspects Flexible working Aspects Technical support Leveldescriptors (5 levels) Leveldescriptors (5 levels) How is the SRF structured?

  7. What are the levels of the framework? • Descriptors are arranged into five levels • These can be considered in the following way: 5 = Nothing in place 4 = Started developing ICT 3 = Strategy embedded 2 = Coherence across the school 1 = Aspirational and e-mature • Note: Level 1 is “best”

  8. What is the ICT Mark threshold? • Varies between aspects • Generally Level 2 • May be adjusted in the light of experience

  9. How does the SRF work? The SRF: • is an online tool, using the Becta “matrix” approach • is designed for schools to make judgments about themselves –“self-review” • saves the school’s judgments (if logged in) • snapshot of current position • support for continuing review • trigger for ICT Mark accreditation • suggests next steps and indicates relevant support

  10. Online view of an aspect

  11. How do we apply for the ICT Mark? • Schools apply “when ready” • You will be prompted when your school reaches the ICT Mark threshold in all 8 SRF elements • You must contact an accredited Assessor (from an online directory) • The Assessor will review the online evidence and make a school visit • The school will not have to create a full “portfolio” of evidence • There will be a fee to pay (details to be confirmed) • Accreditation is optional

  12. How should we get involved? • Realise that self-review is “now”! (NB. Ofsted’s SEF) • Create a school SRF login and have a look • Start with a key element such as Leadership and Management or Impact • Distribute tasks • Use online support or bring in consultancy(NB. A consultant that supports the school with SRF cannot also be their Assessor) • Consider working with schools in your Cluster

  13. Links Self-review Framework (SRF) matrix.ncsl.org.uk/selfreview Becta introduction to SRF www.becta.org.uk/schools/selfreviewframework Becta introduction to ICT Mark www.becta.org.uk/schools/ictmark Printed information (to order) www.becta.org.uk/corporate/publications • The self-review framework: a summary • The self-review framework: working in partnership • The self-review framework: guidance for leaders • School and College improvement through ICT: An essential guide

  14. Contact Neil Adam – Beacon ICT neil@beaconict.co.uk

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