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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 运用正确的洗手方法,养成良好的洗手习惯。. How to Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands regularly can help keep you and those around you healthy. So how do you wash your hands?.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 运用正确的洗手方法,养成良好的洗手习惯。 How to Wash Your Hands Washing your hands regularly can help keep you and those around you healthy. So how do you wash your hands?

  3. First, get your hands wet. Turn the tap on and rinse your hands in warm water. Then use soap. Any type of soap will work. Third, scrub on both sides of your hands, in between your fingers and your wrists, and under your fingernails. Remember to wash your hands for about 15 seconds. This is just about the time it takes to sing a “Happy Birthday” song. After that, put your hands under running water and rinse them thoroughly. Finally, dry your hands with a clean towel. Now your hands are clean!

  4. 你有没有幻想过把阳光装进罐子,夜晚再拿出来绽放光芒呢?你有没有幻想过把阳光装进罐子,夜晚再拿出来绽放光芒呢? Sun Jar Put the Sun Jar near a window and let it collect solar energy. At night, the glass jar will give out warm light.

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 regularly /'reGjUl=lI/ adv. 定期地,经常地 rinse /rIns/ v. 冲洗 wrist /rIst/ n.手腕 fingernail /'fI9G=neIl/ n.指甲 second /'sek=nd/ n. 秒 just /d32st/ adv.正好,恰好 thoroughly /'02r=lI/ adv. 彻底地

  6. jar /d31:/ n.罐子 turn the tap on 打开水龙头 any type of 任何种类的 scrub on both sides of one’s hands 搓洗手的两面 remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 running water 流动的水 collect solar energy 吸收太阳能

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. 马年说马。 All about Horses The year 2014 is the Year of the Horse in China.

  9. In the past, horses were used in wars. They were the four-legged stars in the field. When a man rides a horse, he will gain an advantage over his enemies. Genghis Khan (成吉思汗) said, “It is easy to conquer the world from the back of a horse.” He led his horsemen to conquer many places and founded the Mongol Empire (蒙古帝国) in the 13th century.

  10. Though horses are no longer used in wars, they are useful in daily life. Horses can help people carry heavy things. And they can make people happy just as other pets do. There is horse racing and horse showing. Do you like them?

  11. 辞旧迎新,龙马精神! Chinese New Year pay a New Year’s visit 拜年 get lucky money 拿压岁钱 wrap dumplings 包饺子 paste “Fu” upside down 倒贴“福”字

  12. 梦见马有特殊的含义呢! If You Dream of Horses ... ◆ If you dream of riding a horse, you may succeed in doing something. ◆ If you dream of falling off a horse, you may be worried about what you are going to do. ◆ If you dream of a horse tied to a tree, you may long to be free.

  13. 讲学指导 Genghis Khan 成吉思汗(1162~1227)原名孛儿只斤·铁木真,是蒙古帝国的可汗,成吉思汗是他的尊号,意为“拥有海洋四方的大酋长”。他是历史上杰出的政治家和军事家。蒙古族是马背上的民族,成吉思汗得益于马,在马背上得天下。他将蒙古帝国的版图扩展到亚洲和欧洲,成为史上最大的帝国。 (可汗,又称大汗,或简称为汗,原意为王朝、神灵和上天,是蒙古族对首领的尊称。)

  14. Quiz I. 请根据文章 All about Horses 的内容,判断对错, 正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。 ( ) 1. The year 2014 is the Year of the Horse in China. ( ) 2. Horses were very useful on the battlefield (战场). ( ) 3. Horses cannot make people happy because they are not pets. T T F

  15. Word Bank 超纲词汇 war /w6:/ n. 战争 four-legged /'f6:'leGId/ adj.四条腿的 field /fi:ld/ n.战场,(做某种用途的)场地 conquer /'k^9k=/ v.征服 lead /li:d/ v.带领(过去式为led) horseman /'h6:sm=n/ n. 骑马者 found /faUnd/ v.建立,创建

  16. though /8=U/ conj.虽然,尽管 carry /'k7rI/ v.搬运 dream /dri:m/ v.做梦,梦见 tie /taI/ v.系,绑(文中为被动语态) gain an advantage over one’s enemies 在敌人面前获得优势 in + the + 序数词 + century 在(几)世纪 daily life 日常生活 just as ... 正如……

  17. horse racing 赛马 succeed in doing something 做某事成功 be worried about 担心 long to be free 渴望自由

  18. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  19. 这个春节你会如何度过呢? Talk about the Spring Festival W=Wendy, D=Dan W: Happy Spring Festival, Dan. May all your wishes come true! D: Thank you, the same to you. W: How about your holiday? D: Well, we are busy these days, you know, cleaning our house for the New Year.

  20. W: And I guess you are preparing a nice dinner, right? D: Of course. Eating is the most important thing for me in the Spring Festival! W: Haha, me too. Tomorrow I will go to Hong Kong. My aunt and uncle live there, and we will visit them and spend the holiday in Hong Kong. D: It’s great! You will enjoy a warm Spring Festival. W: That’s right. And I am looking forward to the beautiful fireworks there.

  21. The Clock Is Ticking Down The clock is ticking down. Get ready for the sound. Boom! Bang! It’s 12 o’clock. Fireworks all around!

  22. Where were we? 这句话直译为“我们刚才在哪儿?”,但这么问是不是有点奇怪呢?其实这句话可理解为“我们说到/做到哪儿了?”的意思。当你和朋友的对话被某件事打断时,就可以用这句话来重拾之前的话题。 Linda: Oh, where were we? Betty: We were going to talk about our New Year’s plan (计划).

  23. Word Bank 超纲词汇 prepare /prI'pe=/ v.准备 important /Im'p6:tnt/ adj. 重要的,the most important是“最重要的”的意思 spend /spend/ v.度过 tick /tIk/ v.(钟等)发出滴答声 come true 实现,成真 How about...? ……怎么样?

  24. of course 当然 look forward to 盼望,期待 all around 四处,到处

  25. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  26. 大哥二哥相继被公主拒绝,愚笨的汉斯最后一个入场,他会成功吗?大哥二哥相继被公主拒绝,愚笨的汉斯最后一个入场,他会成功吗? Clumsy Hans (III) In front of the castle, there stood many people. They all wanted to marry the princess. However, when each of them went into the princess’s room, he became tongue-tied.

  27. Finally the first brother went in. The princess’s room was very hot. “That’s because my father is roasting chickens today,” said the princess. The first brother stood there and hadn’t a word to say. He was not ready for a speech of this kind. “No good!” said the princess. “Please go.” Next the second brother went in. He could not understand the princess’s words. So the princess told him to leave, too. Hans was the last one to go in.

  28. Word Bank 超纲词汇 clumsy /'kl2mzI/ adj. 笨拙的,不灵巧的 marry /'m7rI/ v.和(某人)结婚 however /haU'ev=/ adv. 然而,但是 roast /r=Ust/ v. 烤(肉等) speech /spi:t5/ n. 发言,演说 kind /kaInd/ n. 种类 last /l1:st/ adj. 最后的

  29. tongue-tied 舌头打结的 no good 不中用

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