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2010 MUSC Excellence Faculty/Staff Survey. Leadership Development Institute July 23, 2010. Sent to Faculty and Staff of University Not COM and F&A n=788 555 completions (entire or partial) ≈ 70% 28 multiple choice questions 2 open-ended questions. Survey.
2010 MUSC Excellence Faculty/Staff Survey Leadership Development Institute July 23, 2010
Sent to Faculty and Staff of University • Not COM and F&A • n=788 • 555 completions (entire or partial) ≈ 70% • 28 multiple choice questions • 2 open-ended questions Survey
Environment, Morale and Job Satisfaction MUSC Excellence Relationship with supervisor Human Resources Focus Compensation Question Categories
FY09-10 Pillar Goals08 University People Service Quality Growth Finance As we begin our pursuits in Excellence – we will be striving to reach or exceed the top quartile in most key areas (some yet unmeasured as indicated below). Once benchmark data are available, we will establish step goals to move us upwards at all times. Faculty made right choice in selecting MUSC at 90% or higher Graduating students believe they made the RIGHT choice in selecting MUSC at 90% or higher or would choose this experience again Achieve Pass Rate on licensure, credentialing, or board exams of 96% Develop an institutional infrastructure and platform for the delivery of international education programs Determine Key Sustainable Financial Metrics for each academic unit by that links unit goals to clearly identified unit Achieve 95% graduation rate within each program 90% of Staff pleased to be working at MUSC 75% of students agree their understanding of the contributions of other professionals to health care delivery or research increased through their experience at MUSC. Develop Baseline - Current students believe they are receiving a high quality education at __% or higher Assess the viability of an RCM model for the University Achieve E-Value score of 4.2 or higher for ‘students satisfied with faculty eff. as teacher’ 90% faculty, staff, & students evaluate MUSC’s culture as valuing diversity Each unit will define what service satisfaction is and how it will be measured by March 2010. 5% overall improvement in employee recognition score Faculty & Staff ‘believe their environment is conducive to performing high quality research and scholarship at 84% or higher Develop Baseline - Achieve __% patient satisfaction or higher in faculty clinical practice settings Achieve top 50% ranking for total funding of research as compared to ‘peer institutions’
Environment, Morale and Job Satisfaction • I made the right choice in selecting MUSC. • I am pleased to be working at MUSC. 100% Office of the President Office of the VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Division of Education and Student Life Office of Associate Provost for Research University Libraries and Learning Resources 100% Office of Development College of Graduate Studies College of Pharmacy = Goal * p<.05
Environment, Morale and Job Satisfaction Environment, Morale and Job Satisfaction • I believe the MUSC’s culture values diversity. • I believe that my environment is conducive to performing high quality research and scholarship. • I feel part of a team that is working toward a common goal. • Good performance is recognized in my work area. • If I know of a good person looking for a job in our industry, I would refer him or her here. • I feel my physical work environment is conducive to a productive workload. • Overall, I am satisfied with my job. 100% Office of Associate Provost for Research Office of Development College of Graduate Studies 93.8% Office of Associate Provost for Research 92% College of Nursing 89.2% College of Nursing 100% Office of Development 91.3% Office of the President 96.8% Office of Development = Goal * p<.05
MUSC Excellence • I understand why MUSC Excellence is important to our University. • I believe that MUSC Excellence is making a positive difference. 4.28 College of Health Professions 3.91 College of Nursing * p<.05
Relationship with supervisor • My immediate supervisor communicates our department/College’s goals and objectives effectively. • General communication from my immediate supervisor is timely and relevant. • My immediate supervisor treats me with respect. • My immediate supervisor recognizes the efforts of individuals. • My immediate supervisor sets a good, positive and professional example in our workplace. 4.41 College of Nursing 4.43 College of Nursing 4.52 College of Nursing 4.41 College of Nursing 4.49 College of Nursing * p<.05
Human Resources Focus • The people I work with cooperate and work as a team. • My immediate supervisor encourages me to develop my job skills. • I feel that performance evaluations are fair. • I have a safe workplace. • My immediate supervisor cares about me. • I have adequate tools and resources to do my job. • My department/College provides adequate ongoing training I need to perform my job. 4.61 Office of the VP for Academic Affairs & Provost 4.42 Office of the VP for Academic Affairs & Provost 4.34 College of Nursing 4.32 College of Nursing 4.40 College of Nursing 4.14 College of Health Professions 3.86 College of Health Professions * p<.05