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Exploring Links between Research and Teaching in Higher Education Professor Simon Haslett Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor @ ProfSHaslett Presented 11 th June 2013 Higher Education Academy, York. Context and r esources Exploring research-teaching l inks An institutional c ase s tudy
Exploring Links between Research and Teaching in Higher Education Professor Simon Haslett Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor @ProfSHaslett Presented 11th June 2013 Higher Education Academy, York
Context and resources Exploring research-teaching links An institutional case study An individual approach Contents
2004 www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/a_guide_to_the_research_evidence
2005 www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/ourwork/research/Institutional_strategies.pdf
2007 www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/LinkingTeachingAndResearch_April07.pdf
2009 www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/resources/publications/DevelopingUndergraduate_Final.pdf
2010 http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/ourwork/nations/wales/WalesRandTNexusENGLISH_Jun10.pdf
The R-T Nexus Action Set • Higher Education Academy Welsh Institutional Group set up the Research-Teaching (R-T) Nexus Action Set in February 2009 at Newport. • Representatives from Welsh HEIs at biannual meetings. • Gregynog Conference (Sept 2009) • Swansea Meeting (March 2010) • Publication of book (June 2010) • Undergraduate Research Workshop, Carmarthen (Sept 2010) • R-T Practice workshop, Aberystwyth (Feb 2011) • 2ndGregynog Conference (Sept 2011) Action Set Blog http://nexus-wales.blogspot.com/
Each "region [in Wales] should have research intensive (in which we will increasingly focus our QR funding in support of sustainable excellence and relevance to Welsh Assembly Government objectives) and strong community/widening access focused provision“ (HEFCW, Dec 2010). Does this vision imply that each region would comprise one research intensive and one access (teaching?) focused institution? Future shape of the HE sector in Wales?
Exploring R-T Links • Professional practice • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) • Pedagogic Research (PedR) • Research-informed Teaching (RiT) • Curriculum and student learning • Research-Teaching Nexus (R-T Nexus) • Research-Teaching Complex (R-T Complex) • Undergraduate Research
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Scholarship is keeping up-to-date through, including, academic reading, attending workshops and conferences, training, and perhaps dissemination (writing, speaking, training, mentoring). • individually-focused scholarship for personal use; • internally-focused scholarship for local (e.g. departmental, institutional) use; • externally-focused scholarship, such as defined by the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE, 2005, p. 34) as “the creation, development and maintenance of the intellectual infrastructure of subjects and disciplines”; and • research for external dissemination at conferences and in publications (i.e. pedagogic research). Where does your SoTL sit? (from Haslett, 2009, based on Ashwin and Trigwell, 2004; RAE, 2005)
SoTL and PedR • Why do/would you do it? • Strategic e.g. research-informed teaching • Contractual e.g. teaching-led research • Personal professional updating/reflection and career • Disseminate examples of practice • What do/would you research? • Generic issues e.g. student engagement • Case studies e.g. examples of teaching • How do/would you do it? • Individually or collaboratively? • Funding for research and publication e.g. grants? • Output types e.g. books, articles, conferences? • Time and space to undertake research and writing?
Promoting SoTL and PedR • Encourage staff to become active members of communities of practice. • Participate in internal schemes e.g. L&T grants. • Seek Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) (map against Professional Standards) • Membership of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE): Annual Conference at Newport 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and again in 2013? • Membership of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL).
Research-informed Teaching“Systematic inquiry into the L & T process” (Jenkins et al., 2007) My view is slightly different. Which approaches are you most involved in?
STUDENTS ARE PARTICIPANTS 4. Research-tutored Engaging in research discussions 3. Research-based Undertaking research and inquiry EMPHASIS ON RESEARCHPROCESSES AND PROBLEMS EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH CONTENT 1. Research-led Learning about current research in the discipline 2. Research-oriented Developing research and inquiry skills and techniques STUDENTS FREQUENTLY ARE AN AUDIENCE Research-Teaching Nexus Source:modified from M. Healey & A. Jenkins (2009) Developing students as researchers. In: S. K. Haslett & H. Rowlands (eds) Linking research and teaching in Higher Education. University of Wales, Newport, pp. 7-11. How does your teaching map within the R-T Nexus?
The Research-Teaching Complex From Haslett (2009) Newport CELT Journal, Vol. 2.
Undergraduate Research • Stuart Hampton-Reeves and I hatched the idea over breakfast in January 2010. • Coordinated by a Steering Group. • 2011 University of Central Lancashire (170 student delegates) • 2012 Warwick University (250 students) • 2013 University of Plymouth (15-16 April) • 2014 University of Nottingham (14-15 April) • 2015 University of Winchester
Institutional Case StudyUniversity of Wales, Newport, CELT • Learning and Teaching Strategy 2007-2010 • “To establish a University-wide research cluster to lead development in pedagogy”. • Main function to assist staff in: • Devising pedagogic research projects; • Presenting papers at conferences; and • Writing and disseminating published outcomes.
Newport NEXUS Conferences Annual Learning and Teaching Conference http://celt.newport.ac.uk/nexus June 2009 and 2010
Varied Conference Symposia For example: Undergraduate Research Research-informed Teaching Community Education ESDGC International Scholarship Linking Teaching and KT Professional Development Student Engagement Technology Enhanced Learning Hazard and Geoscience Research Delegates used #nexus2010 when tweeting
Published its own journal: • Teaching Practice • Learning Insights • Development and Innovation • Pedagogic Research • (Re)Views • Framework Issues
CELT Writing Retreat The Academic Writing Process • Inventing and research • Planning • Drafting • Revising • Editing • Submission • Peer review process • Revisions • Proof stage and publication
CELT Research Programmes Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL); Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC); Flexible Learning in Employer and Community Scenarios (FLECS). Research Communities Coordinators PhD Students
Pedagogic Research ‘Expeditions’ (ExPedR) Legs 1 and 2 Leg 1 Australia 2009 Leg 2 Canada 2010 10 ‘expedition’ members Attend HERDSA 2009 Attend STLHE 2010 Visit other HEIs Disseminate best practice Develop research links. Developing International Networks Using #expedr2010 Blog - http://expedr2010.blogspot.com YouTube – NewportCELT Channel
PGCert Developing Professional Practice in HE • 60 M-Level credits • HEA accredited • One year, part-time • Distance learning online (from Feb 2010) • Covers not only teaching but research • Assessment: teaching portfolio and action research project • Developed into an MA in HE.
An Individual Approachan example from my own curriculum practice • Bath Spa University Geography Department, set up in 1968-69. • 1994 started as Lecturer in Physical Geography. • Inherited courses, but adapted them and developed new courses. • Major contribution to biannual field course to Brittany, France.
Year 1 Field Skills • Geographical Skills • Training, equipment, numeracy, etc. • Campus-based, in lab class timetabled slot. • 90+ students • Collect survey data • Calculate and plot • Submit answers via Blackboard VLE. • Automated marking.
Year 1 Techniques • Landform Analysis • Geomorphological mapping exercise. • Blended learning using topographic maps and Google Earth. • Area is a staff research field site with some publications available. • Students learn about staff research.
Year 1 Techniques • Landform Analysis • Sedimentology exercise using microscopy. • Samples collected for staff research project. • Students can refer to publications. • Learn about staff research on ‘live’ samples.
STUDENTS ARE PARTICIPANTS Research-tutored Engaging in research discussions Research-based Undertaking research and inquiry EMPHASIS ON RESEARCHPROCESSES AND PROBLEMS EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH CONTENT Research-led Learning about current research in the discipline Research-oriented Developing research and inquiry skills and techniques STUDENTS FREQUENTLY ARE AN AUDIENCE Year 1 analysis SOME NOT MUCH YES SOME
Year 2 Field Research • The Brittany field course began in late 1970’s or early 1980’s, with good links with University of Brest, including some collaborative research. • 1998-2001: Funded staff to undertake and publish research to underpin teaching in Brittany. • The field course evolved over time: • Until 2001 was not an assessed course. • 2001-2004: part of a Yr 2 Geographical Research Methods module – emphasis on field skills. • After 2004: emphasis on preparation for Honours dissertation.
Coastal Geomorphology • Survey of gravel shoreline transect at Ru Vein, Baied’Audierne. • Set up in 1997 with research in mind, but • used for assessed student field techniques, but • Later as an assessed student research exercise.
Developing Field Research Skills Beach Surveying
An analysis of wave-coast interaction in the Baie d’ Audierne byBecky, Corinne, Holly, Lizzie and Tom Photographs by H. Winlow
Average volume (cm3) of particles along transect of storm beach profile, Ru Vein. Larger rocks at back of profile. “Steps” Large rocks at start of “step”.
Position changes 1997-2007 c. 25 m retreat of the toe of the beach; c. 15 m retreat of the crest; Sediment volume loss, due to washover and littoral drift. (Haslett, 2008, Coastal Systems (2nd Ed). Routledge) 1996 2005
STUDENTS ARE PARTICIPANTS Research-tutored Engaging in research discussions Research-based Undertaking research and inquiry EMPHASIS ON RESEARCHPROCESSES AND PROBLEMS EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH CONTENT Research-led Learning about current research in the discipline Research-oriented Developing research and inquiry skills and techniques STUDENTS FREQUENTLY ARE AN AUDIENCE Year 2 analysis SOME YES YES SOME
Year 3 DissertationsHonours-level is learning at the cutting edge of the discipline • Individual projects • Linked to staff research where appropriate • Skills, methods, analysis, literature. • Present results at Departmental Student Conference (also BCUR?). • Sometimes publish, usually with staff.
STUDENTS ARE PARTICIPANTS Research-tutored Engaging in research discussions Research-based Undertaking research and inquiry EMPHASIS ON RESEARCHPROCESSES AND PROBLEMS EMPHASIS ON RESEARCH CONTENT Research-led Learning about current research in the discipline Research-oriented Developing research and inquiry skills and techniques STUDENTS FREQUENTLY ARE AN AUDIENCE Year 3 analysis YES YES SOME YES
Research Content Continuum • Year 1: students frequently are an audience of research, but are trained in research skills. • Year 2: emphasis on research processes and problems with students as participants and audience (more skills training and methods). • Year 3: students are participants, undertaking their own research projects.
Evaluating Curriculum • Audit modules annually to ensure they are supported and informed by recent (within last three years) research and scholarship, both in terms of curriculum and teaching. • As a course team, to obtain an overview, map all module provision using the R-T Nexus grid and place in the context of the research content continuum.
For further information, please consult the references cited in the presentation, and: Join the HEA R-T Nexus Blog: http://nexus-wales.blogspot.ac.uk Look at and comment on (in the blog) the case studies in: Linking research and teaching in Wales (2010) edited by Simon K Haslett http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/ourwork/nations/wales/WalesRandTNexusENGLISH_Jun10.pdf Register for the British Conference for Undergraduate Research: http://www.bcur.org Strengthen Research-Teaching Links in your institutional strategies. Thank you