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Investigation of different types radio sources by IPS method at 111MHz

Investigation of different types radio sources by IPS method at 111MHz. S.A.Tyul’bashev Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astro Space Center of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute. Plan of report:. Introduction

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Investigation of different types radio sources by IPS method at 111MHz

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  1. Investigation of different types radio sources by IPS method at 111MHz S.A.Tyul’bashev Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astro Space Center of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute

  2. Plan of report: • Introduction • Samples (CSS, GPS, FSS, Core dominated ……….sources, the sources of IPS survey) • Sensitivity of observations • What are the base objects observations at 111MHz? • Physical conditions in compact details of sources • Conclusion

  3. Two applications of IPS method • Standard application: The sources are candles for solar wind • Other application: If we know the medium we can estimate flux densities of compact details of sources.

  4. Why we investigate sources? • Cosmology of compact radio sources; • Estimations of physical conditions in compact details of sources;

  5. Cosmology of compact radio sources • All results are published: (Artyukh&Tyul’bashev - 11 papers). • Main conclusion: Cosmological evolution of compact and extended radio sources are different.

  6. Sensitivity of IPS observations at Large Phased Array

  7. 395 scintillating sources were founded in Pushchino IPS survey • 380 compact sources from 395 were detected first time • we believe 15000-20000 scintillating sources at 100MHz on the north sky

  8. Quasars with steep spectrum of compact (scintillating) components are more probable candidate for optical identification (Tyul’bashev S.A., Astron.Rep., 1997,41,723) • optical identifications have 46% sc.sources of survey. Red shifts were founded 27% sources. Quasars are 60% and compact (<3”) radio galaxies are 40% (Artyukh V.S. et al., A&A,2003,403,555; Kopylov A.I. et al., A&A,2004,421,455)

  9. Different types of objects

  10. Physical parameters from observations

  11. variability at 15GHz (Kovalev Y.Y. et al., 2005,AJ,130,2473)

  12. Equipartition or not equipartition

  13. Conclusion • More then 95% of all scintillating (at 111MHz) sources have not high angular resolution observations at high frequencies • Most part of scintillating sources have steep spectra for compact and extended components • Investigation of physical condition of compact sources give us results which not agrees with hyphothesis of equipartition between energy magnetic field and energy of relativistic particles

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