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INAF IN CTA: Il progetto ASTRI Bruno Sacco IASF-Palermo /INAF. HESS, (4*12m) telescopes , Namibia . VERITAS, Arizona. MAGIC (2*17m) telescopes , La Palma Canary Islands. 2011. http://www.mppmu.mpg.de/ ~rwagner / sources /
INAF IN CTA: Il progetto ASTRI Bruno Sacco IASF-Palermo/INAF B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
HESS, (4*12m) telescopes, Namibia VERITAS, Arizona MAGIC (2*17m) telescopes , La Palma CanaryIslands B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
2011 http://www.mppmu.mpg.de/~rwagner/sources/ R.Wagner, VHE g-ray Sky Map and Source Catalog> 100 Sources B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
Gainoneorderofmagnitude in sensitivity at 1 TeV (1mCrab), more and more sources FUTURE ! Reach 10-20 GeV in lowerenergythreshold: Spacemission upper threshold Reach 100-200 TeV in upper energythreshold:accelerationprocesses and Cosmic Ray paradigma Improveangularresolution (< 1 arc-minute) : extensivesources, unidentifiedsources. Increase the FoV (2-4 ° ==> 8-10°): trigger efficiencyfor high energyevents, surveys B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
CherenkovTelescopeArray n1 LST: 24 m telescopesfor the low energy (E > 0.01 TeV) n2 MST: 12 m telescopesfor the medium energy (E > 0.1 TeV) n3 SST: 4/7 m telescopesfor the high energy (E > 10 TeV) > 60 The telescopeswillbe spread in > 2*2 km square Artists view of a possible CTA configuration, with three different telescopes types covering the overlapping energy ranges, and area coverage which increases with increasing gamma-ray energy. ( from the CTA –PP, PreparatoryPhase) B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
CTA constructioncostsfor 2 sites = > 200 Meuro, roughorderofmagnitude CTA Consortiumiscomposedby more than 100 scientificInstitutesbelongingto 23 countries : 14 fromEuropeanUnion (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Holland, Poland, Spain,Sweden and UK), 3 European (Armenia, Croatia and Switzerland) and 6 extra-european (Argentine, Brasil, Japan, Namibia, South Africa e USA). Participations in fieri: India, Slovenia 2008 : CTA is in the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research and Infrastructure (ESFRI). 2009: CTA hasbeenevaluatedby ASPERA asoneof the sevenmostimportantEuropeanprojectsfor the Astro-particlephysics. 2010: The PreparatoryPhasefor the CherenkovTelescopeArray (October 1, 2010 – September 30, 2013) isfundedby CE in the frameworkof the FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1 callfor 5.2 Meuro 2013/2014: Start of the CTAconstruction B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
PREPARATORY PHASE B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
G. Pareschi B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
Italianparticipationto CTA: INAF + Universityof Padova (Siena, Udine) INAF ==== 56 (Scientists, Engineers, Technicians) (24 FTE) Dip.Progetti, IFSI-To, OAB, IASF-Mi, OAPd, OATs, OABo, OARm, IASF-Rm, IASF-Pa, OACt + OANa, TNG Within the CTA_PP INAF hasrepresentativemembers in: ResourceBoard , GeneralBoard, Executive Board, TechnicalCommittee INAF isresponsiblefor the CTA_PPProcurement (C. Perna) INAF isresponsiblefor the SST Mirror&Structure (G. Pareschi) INAF participatestoseveralCTA_PPactivities: Science, Mirrors, TelescopeStructures, MC, Data Handling, SST camera sensors and electronics, SST dual/single mirrorchoice B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
ASTRI ( Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) R&Dprogramfinanciedby MIUR In the spring 2010 INAF submittedto the ItalianMinistryofReaserch the ASTRI project, wherehasbeenrequested a financialsupport (8Meuro) for a threeyearsprogram (2011-2013) todeveloptechnologiesfor the CTA : Mirrors (with replica tecnique) , sensors and electronicsfor the telescopecameras ASTRI hasbeenapprovedasoneof the, so called, “Progetti Bandiera “and INAF received 3Meuro in 2011. B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
Single mirror DC is the opticalmodelof the presentCherenkovtelescopes Single mirror DC is the baselinefor LST and MST of CTA. Dualmirror SC, originallyproposedby the american AGIS group , in the CTA isnow in competitionwith DC for SST and itisalsostudiedasalternaitvesolutionfor MST. B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
Output of ASTRI B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
ASTRI givessupporttootheractivities Science: contributionto CTA science & scientific performance of the SST prototype MC Simulation: contributionto CTA MC & specificactivitiesfor the SST prototype Data Handling: contributionto CTA specificwps Site: contributionto CTA sitesspecificwp B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011
Conclusions: CTA is a project of a largearrayofCherenkovtelescopesforTeVastronomy. CTA is in the PreparatoryPhasefundedby the EuropeanCommission (October 2010- Sep. 2013). CTA willbelocated in twosites (southern and nothernemispheres). CTA iswellsupported at International level and ithasgoodchancestoberealized. CTA constructionwill start in 2013/2014 CTA willbeoperatedasanobservatory on the base of the scientificmerit INAF isfundedby EC for the preparatoryphase INAF has a major role in the CTA and itispresent in the relevantboards INAF isresponsiblefor the CTA_PPProcurement and for the SST structure&mirrors INAF participatestoseveralCTA_PPactivities (Science, Mirrors, TelescopeStructures, MC, Data Hand., Obs. definition) In the frameworkof the program ASTRI fundedby the ItalianMinistryofResearch : INAF planstobuildan end_to_end prototypeof the DualMirror SST INAF willcontributeto the mirrors and structureof the Single Mirror SST prototype INAF willcontributeto the mirrorsfor MST prototype INAF willsupport the CTA activityancillaryto the ASTRI program B.Sacco relazione al MeraTeV , Merate 4-6 ottobre, 2011