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Technical University of Liberec - Offering a Diverse Academic Experience

Established in 1953 as a Technical College of Mechanical Engineering, now transformed into a mid-size University offering technical and science-humanities courses. With a community feel, TUL has six faculties and specialized institutes, focusing on various disciplines. The institution boasts academic excellence, industry connections, and a collaborative environment.

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Technical University of Liberec - Offering a Diverse Academic Experience

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  1. University with a positive charge

  2. Basic dates 1st Oct. 1953 The Technical College of Mechanical Engineeringopensitsgates to thefirst 259 students. 1960TheFacultyof Textile Engineeringarrives and thenameofthe college changes to the Technical College ofMechanical and Textile Engineering. 1995WetransformourselfintotheTechnical University of Liberec.

  3. Studying in Liberec Sixfaculties and the Institute ofHealthStudiesmakes up a mid-size university whichoffersbothtechnical and science-humanitiescourses. Theheadquartersofthe university islocated in Liberec, but wehavesatellitedepartments, studios and otherinstitutions inMladá Boleslav, Česká Lípa, Prague and otherplaces. Ourcurrentrector, theninthsincethe university wasestablished, isprofessorZdeněk Kůs.

  4. Studying in Liberec TUL isattended by almost 9000 students. Academicsdistinguishthestudents, but alsothestudentsexist more as a communitythanatthelargeuniversities.

  5. Studying in Liberec We are theholdersofECTS markfor 2011 – 2014 and Diplomasupplementfor 2009-2013.

  6. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes FoundedName 1953FacultyofMechanicalEngineering 1960Facultyof Textile Engineering 1990Facultyof Science, HumanitiesandEducation 1992FacultyofEconomics 1994FacultyofArtsandArchitecture 1995FacultyofMechatronics, InformaticsandInterdisciplinaryStudies 2005Institute ofHealthStudies 2009Centre fornanomaterials, advancedtechnologiesandinovations

  7. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Theoldestfacultywith more than 9 000 graduatesoffersstudies in elevendepartments. Itsgreatestadvantageisitscontactwithindustrydomestically and internationally. Ourexpertsparticipate in a numberofprojectswhichhave a lot ofpotential and so support itshigh, long-term competitiveness. FacultyofMechanicalEngineering

  8. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Todaythefacultyprovidescourses in eightdepartments in accordancewiththecurrentdemandsofthe textile trade. Itscomplexscopemakesittheonlyinstitutionofitskind in Europe. Thedraftsofourtalentedstudents are representedatfashion and design showsathome as well as abroad. Facultyof Textile Engineering

  9. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Facultyof Science-HumanitiesandEducation Itoffersteching and non-teachingsubjects in fifteendepartments. Thefaculty‘scredois to educateteacherswho do not onlyapplytheirknowledge and abilities to teaching, but alsotheirown personality. Amongothersthings, thefacultyoffersitsattendants a widerangeof sport activitiesincludingsomepopularskiingcourses.

  10. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes The faculty has ten departments and runs courses in economics, legislation, finance and accounting, marketing and management and information skills. The high standard of language teaching and lectures by renowned specialists are especially noteworthy as well as ourcooperationwitchHuddersfield University and the University Nisa project. Economics Faculty

  11. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes It is defined in theprospectusas a small, open and dynamic school for talent. Besides contemporary architecture, it offers unique courses in design and creative art. It is one of the best faculties of its kind.Allstudents in thefacultyhave full use of a spacious studio and allitsequipmentfortheircreativework. Faculty of Arts and Architecture

  12. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Inter-Disciplinary Studies It is the only faculty of its kind in the Czech Republic. The four research institutes educate professionals at the cuttingedge of the traditional disciplines of mechanical engineering, electro-technology and informatics.

  13. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Institute ofHealthStudies The institute has complementedtheothersixfacultiessince 2005. It has two accredited bachelor programs. A large part of the courses take place at health institutes all over the country, where students gain invaluable experience. Graduates can then find work either in institutes of this type or as specialists in the development, production and distribution of health equipment.

  14. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes Centre for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technology and Innovation The aim of the institute is to support innovative activities in the region's industry and ensure a high level of competitiveness. The main pillars to achieve these objectives will be the expertise of its staff and high standard of its equipment. The Institute will mostly focus on the preparation and application of new materials (in particular nanomaterials), advanced mechanical engineering construction and technology using new materials, computer modeling and mechatronic principles.

  15. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes The centre organizes a rangeofcoursesforfurtherandlife-longeducation, forexampleteachertrainingandlanguagecourses. The centre alsohoststhe University oftheThirdAgeforstudentsover 50 yearsofage. Center ofFurtherEducation

  16. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes The University Library Thelibrarycanbefound in H building on Voroněžská Street. Thelibrary's collectionisfocussed on science, technology, architecture, artsandconstruction. Thereis a study area on site, whilethebasementiscomfortablyfurnished.

  17. Facultiesandspecialistinstitutes University forchildren UndertheprojectStarttech – Start with Technology! weorganize so-calledChildren‘s University whichletschildrenspendoneschoolyear in thesameway as anordinary university student – frommatriculation, throughgettingcredits and exams to thefinalgraduation.

  18. We open theworld to thestudents In touchwithabroad Wecooperatewith more than 40 universitiesfromallovertheworld. ThecooperationofourEconomicsFacultywithHuddersfield University in United Kingdomisoutstanding. Thesamefaculty co-organizesthethree-yearinternationalprogramme, Nisa University, as part ofbachelor‘sstudyingprogrammeInformation and Communication Management.

  19. In touchwithabroad Currentlyabout 500 foreignstudentsattendthe university. Withinthe Erasmus programmealonewe had 351 exchangestudents in theacademicyear 2011/2012.

  20. TheStudents‘ Union Students‘ life Since2011 there has been a Students‘ Union atthe university whichorganizesentertainment, social and educationaleventsforourstudents, e.g. Students‘ Christmass, „NaTUL“ – thefreshmenevent and the university ball.

  21. Services Accomodation The Liberec hallsof residence are amongthebestequipped in theCzechRepublic . TheHarcovoneswontheTheHallsof Residence oftheYearprice in 2011. Our university offersaccommodation in twopartsoftown:  

  22. Services Harcov – Thehallswiththehighestconcentrationof university students. The area ismadeupof 6 blockslabelled A-F, a canteen, conferencefacilities, sportscentres, three student clubsandotheramenities. Thehallsuderwentcompletereconstruction in 2009 and nowoffercompletecomfort. Vesec – These halls are situated in a more remote part ofthe city, but nonethelessstudentsfindhere a widerangeofsportsfacilities, a canteen, mutlimedialouge and a branchoftheRegionalResearchLibrary.

  23. Services Threecanteens (Husova, Harcov and Voroněžská) and thecanteen in the Vesec hallof residence providemealsforstudents and staff. Twobuffets, in Harcovand Husova Street, complementtheservice. The university café servesupgreattastingcoffeeand much more besideson the first floor of the Information Centre. Foodand drink

  24. Services Child care Thecosilyfurnishedcreche, situated on thecornerof Komenská and Jablonecká Street in the centre of town,isavailable to childrenofempoyeesandstudents. The university received the title “Friendly Employer of the Year” for introducing this creche in 2010.

  25. Services Disabledstudents We pay extra special attention to the needs of handicapped students. For instance, in 2010 we purchased 170,000 CZK's worth of aids for a blind student. Support for handicapped students is provided by the Academic Council and TUL support centre.

  26. Science andResearchat TUL Weconnecttheresearchwithstudies The proportion of S&R as part of the overall activity of the TUL has been growing in recent years. At present it accounts for about 25% of the university's overall activityand in future the TUL leadership wants to raise this further, as well as to broaden existing cooperation with businesses. We would also like to continue to implement new knowledge directly into teaching and pass on our experiences to students.

  27. Science andResearchat TUL Ourexperts are deeplyinvolved in thefieldof science and research and almostallofourfacultiesprovidesit‘sownprojects, for instance: „Students‘ specialpractices“ (FS) „Polymer compositematerialswith natural fillers and nanofillers“ (FS) „Starttech – start with technology!“ (FM) „Aninnovativeapproach to solvingthe disparity in comparableregions“ (EF) „Thesystemoflifelongeducation in thefieldof textile, material and technologicalresearch “ (FT)

  28. Science andResearchat TUL Specialists from our university have developed or participated in the creation of a number of inventions and technologies: NanospiderTM– this is a machine for the mass production of nanofibers, invisible to the naked eye, and producing nanofiber, non-woven textiles for filtering water and air. Usage:Nanofibers are used in the automotive, construction, health and pharmaceutical industries and various other fields.

  29. Science andResearchat TUL • Prowell– a new material based on 3D terry cloth, which uniquely absorbs water and maintains temperature at the same time. Thematerialconsistsofcotton and polystyrene and itwasdevelopedby theacademicsattheFacultyof textile togetherwiththeirstudents. Usage: Thenewmaterialwouldbesuitableespeciallyforthebathrobeproductionfor big hotels and health and beautycentres.

  30. Science andResearchat TUL • Text transcriptionofhumanspeech–theaimis to make acces to the archive ofThe Czech BroadcastingCompany so youcanfindinformationstored in thetensofthousandsofrecordings. Thefour-year-long projectisbeingcarriedout by the profesor Jan Nouza‘s team in „Thecomputertranscriptionofhumanspeechlab“ on FM TUL. • Awide array of patents and utility models have proved successful at TUL. A special suit for patients and people with reduced mobility, a coating containing additives for improving abrasion resistance and flexibility, vibro-insulation equipment for seats and a rotation mechanism for a disc cutter blade are just a few examples.

  31. Liberec Liberec – university town Liberec has almost 100 000 citizensanditisthefifthbiggesttown in TheCzechRepublic. The university issituatednearthe city centre and everythingeasilyaccessible. Youcan go by tram to the zoo, to Jestedor to theNorth-Bohemian museum.

  32. Liberec – university town The terrain of the surrounding countryside is suitable for both summer and winter sports and activities. The university istightlyconnectedwiththesportsthanks to many ofitssuccesfulgraduates, forexample, Nikola Sudová or Tomáš Okrouhlický.

  33. Contacts Theaddressofthe university is: Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 2, 461 17 Liberec 1 Phone: +420 734 518 422 Online: Homepage - www.tul.cz| www.jetulip.cz Facebook-www.facebook.com/TUL.cz Youtube-http://www.youtube.com/user/TULiberec

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