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Explore the basics of fusion and the progress of fusion research, including the ITER project. Discover the potential of the plasma focus fusion reactor as a new, limitless source of energy.
International School on Magnetohydrodynamics & Fusion Applications (ISMFA 2011) 9-17 September 2011, ITAP, Turunc, Marmaris, Turkey Fusion Energy and the Plasma Focus S Lee and S H Saw INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, Chadstone VIC 3148 Australia e-mail: leesing@optusnet.com.au sorheoh.saw@newinti.edu.my
Content • A clean limitless energy supply-Mankind’s greatest challenge • Basics of fusion • Progress of fusion research • ITER • The Plasma focus fusion reactor- what it takes
The biggest challenge facing Mankind is Energy Energy is the most basic of resources With energy food can be grown, manufactured, processed With energy, materials can be mined, manufactured, processed With energy, infrastructure can be built to provide transport, communication, health and education With energy, Man can explore further afield, to the far corners of the Earth even to extra-terrestrial destinations With energy, life can be more comfortable, more in conformity with Man as a civilised creature Not surprisingly, there is close correlation between the wealth of a country and its energy consumption per capita. ENERGY is EVERYTHING!!! Ibrahim Dincer (NURER2010):
Plasma Fusion & the Future of Human Civilization A new source of abundant (limitless) energy is needed for the continued progress of human civilization. Mankind now stands at a dividing point in history: For 10,000 years, the Earth was underpopulated with abundant energy resources Even 200 years ago, abundant energy resources 100 years from now, the Earth will be over-crowded, with little energy resources left Will history show Man’s civilization peaking in a flash? A couple of hundred years out of ten thousand? Is that Man’s destiny?
World Population and Energy Consumption Past 100 years the doubling time of world population was 50 years whilst the doubling time of energy consumption was 30 years. Were this trend to continue, world population would reach 27 billion in another hundred years whilst energy consumption would increase another 10 times.
Estimates of world energy production projected into the future in a scenario [3]
Without a new abundant source of energy Human civilization cannot continue to flourish. Only 1 good possibility: Fusion (CTR) Energy from Plasma Reactors
STARS:- Nature’s Plasma Fusion Reactors And a dream lies on the river And a glamour veils the night Whilst above the white stars quiver With nuclear fusion burning-bright!
The Singular, arguably Most Important Future Technological Contribution, essential to Continuing Progress of Human Civilization:- A NEW LIMITLESS SOURCE OF ENERGY
Introductory: What is a Plasma? Matter heated to high temperatures becomes a Plasma SOLID LIQUIDGASPLASMA Four States of Matter
Characteristics of Plasma State • Presence of electrons and ions • Electrically conducting • Interaction with electric & magnetic fields • Control of ions & electrons • High energy densities/selective particle energies -Cold plasmas: several eV’s; (1eV~104K) -Hot plasmas: keV’s ; (1keV~107K) • Most of matter in Universe is in the Plasma State (e.g. the STARS)
Collisions in a Plasma The hotter the plasma is heated, the more energetic are the collisions
Nuclear Fusion If a Collision is sufficiently energetic, nuclear fusion will occur
Fusion Energy Equivalent 50 cups water • 1 thimble heavy water, extracted from 50 cups of water
Fusion Energy Equivalent • One litre of water contains 30mg of deuterium. If fully burned in fusion reactions, the energy output would be equivalent to 300 litres of gasoline. • Available D2 in sea water is equivalent to filling the worlds oceans 300 times with gasoline. • Would satisfy the entire world's energy needs for millions of years.
1Q=1018 BTU~1021Jestimates: various sources (conservative) World consumption per year: 1860: 0.02Q 1960: 0.1 Q 1980: 0.2 Q 2005: 0.5Q Doubling every 20-30 years into the future (depending on scenario)
1Q=1018 BTU~1021JWorld reserves: -H R Hulme • Coal: 100Q • Oil: 10Q • Natural gas: 1 Q • Fission: 100Q • Low grade ore for fission (economic?): 107 Q • D-T fusion (Li breeding): 100Q • D-T fusion (low grade Li economic?): 107 Q • Fusion deuterium> 1010 Q
Cross sections for D-T, D-D reactions- 1 barn=10-24 cm2;1 keV~107K
Power densities for D-T, D-D reactions and Bremsstrahlung defining Ideal Ignition Temperatures- for 1015 nuclei cm-3
Mean free paths and mean free times in fusion plasmas • These have also to be considered, as at the high temperatures, the speeds of the reactons are high and (at low pressures) mfp of thousands of kms are typical before a fusion reaction takes place. • Such considerations show that at 10 keV, the plasma lifetime (containment time) has to be of the order of 1 sec for a density of 1021 m-3
Summary of Conditions Technological Targets: • T> 100 million K (10keV) • nt>1021 m-3-sec Two approaches: n=1020 m-3, confined t=10s (low density, long-lived plasma) or : n=1031 m-3, confined 10-10s(super-high density, pulsed plasma) Combined: ntT>1022m-3-sec-keV
Containing the Hot Plasma Long-lived low-density Confinement Pulsed High Density Confinement Continuous Confinement
JET (Joint European Torus) • Project successfully completed January 2000 • In 1997 JET achieved a Q of 0.7 with 17 MW fusion power
Fusion Temperature attained Fusion confinement one step away
International Collaboration to develop Nuclear Fusion Energy-ITER • 1985- Geneva Superpower Summit: • Reagan (US) & Gorbachev (Soviet Union) agreed on project to develop new cleaner, sustainable source of energy- Fusion energy • ITER project was born • Initial signatories: former Soviet Union, USA, European Union (via EURATOM) & Japan • Joined by P R China & R Korea in 2003 & India 2005 • ITER Agreement- signed in November 2006
ITER Construction has now started in Cadarache, France First plasma planned 2018 First D-T planned 2022
Q>10 and Beyond ITER : to demonstrate: possible to produce commercial energy from fusion.Q= ratio of fusion power to input power. Q ≥ 10 represents the scientific goal of ITER : to deliver 10x the power it consumes. From 50 MW input power to 500 MW of fusion power - first fusion experiment to produce net energy. Beyond ITER will be DEMO (early 2030’s), demonstration fusion power plant which will put fusion power into the grid as early as 2040
How fast can we expect the take-up of nuclear fusion energy? Example: History of the uptake of nuclear fission energy. The first commercial fission power station installed at Calder Hall, UK, 1956 with 50 MW. By 1960 1 GW was installed. By the late 70’s the installed nuclear fission power world-wide had reached 100 GW. From 1 GW to 100 GW in some 18 years (10-fold increase every 9 years)
The other approach: Pulsed Super-high Density (Inertial Compression) • Radiation Compression
Pulsed Fusion: Radiation Compression • Radiation PressureCompression:Ignition:Burn: • e.g. powerful lasers fuel is compressed by density of fuel core Thermonuclear fusion • beamed from all rocket-like blow-off of reaches 1000 times spreads rapidly through • directions onto D-T hot surface material density of water super-compressed fuel • pellet (0.1mm radius) & ignites yielding many times • at 100 million K input energy
Large scale Fusion Experiments • Tokamaks: Low density, long confinement plasmas • Laser Implosions: Super-dense, sub-nanosecond plasmas Smaller scale Fusion Experiments Pinches: Dense, microsecond plasmas
One of most exciting properties of plasma focus is its neutron yield Yn • Early experiments show: Yn~E02 • Prospect was raised in those early research years that, breakeven could be attained at several tens of MJ . • However quickly shown that as E0 approaches 1 MJ, a neutron scaling deterioration (misnamed neutron saturation effect) was observed; Yn does not increase as much as expected, as E0 was progressively raised towards 1 MJ. • Question: Is there a fundamental reason for Yn saturation? Yes
Yn ‘saturation’ observed in numerical experiments (solid line) compared to measurements on various machines (small squares) -IPFS
Insight- neutron saturation • A major factor for ‘neutron saturation’ is simply: Axial Phase Dynamic Resistance With this effect explained we now progress to set the technological requirements for Plasma Focus Fusion energy:
Yn scaling From both numerical experiments as well as from accumulated laboratory data (D-D): D-D Yn= 3x1011Ipinch4.5 Ipinch in MA D-T scaling from x-section differential up to 200 keV beam energy D-T Yn= 3x1013Ipinch4.5
1.Using above Fig compute Pout at 1 Hz assume efficiency 0.32. Then for Q=2; compute E0 to generate the required Ipinch
What we need for Focus fusion based on D-T: b-t regime Now: 3x1011 D-D neutrons for 1 MA pinch current; 10x for D-T Scaling is Ipinch4.5 (note: 1 D-T neutron has 14.1 MeV of KE) One scenario: Ipinch : 30 MA D-T n from scaling: 8x1019 Kinetic energy: 180 MJ Rep rate: 1 shot per second Then Pfusion (0.3 efficiency): 54 MW If E0=27 MJ; input power at 1 Hz 27 MW Net Power 27 MW Technical Requirement: Ipinch= 30MA using E0=27 MJ; 1 Hz capacitor voltage limited to 60kV