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Amphibian Taxonomy

Amphibian Taxonomy. Amphibian Basics. Ectothermic vertebrates 3 Chambered heart Glandular Skin Cryptic Scaleless. Metamorphosis. Aquatic to land Primary Changes: -Legs -Lungs -Eyes -Tail (anurans) -Skin. http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/art/tadpole-to-frog.gif.

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Amphibian Taxonomy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Amphibian Taxonomy

  2. Amphibian Basics Ectothermic vertebrates 3 Chambered heart Glandular Skin Cryptic Scaleless

  3. Metamorphosis Aquatic to land Primary Changes: -Legs -Lungs -Eyes -Tail (anurans) -Skin http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/art/tadpole-to-frog.gif

  4. Metamorphosis Exceptions Environmental stress induction Terrestrial egg metamorphosis http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,356774,00.html

  5. Timeline for Metamorphosis Weeks to years Species and environment dependent

  6. Taxonomy-Three Orders Caudata Anura Gymnophiona

  7. Order Differences Limbs Tails Vision Fertilization

  8. Salamander vs. Lizard Water requirements Skin Eggs & young AMPHIBIAN VS. REPTILE

  9. Size-Largest -Chinese Giant Salamander-up to 180 cm -Goliath Frog-up to 32 cm http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/gallery/2008 www.sandiegozoo.org

  10. Size-Smallest Smallest- Thorius sp. - 15 mm. Eleutherodactylus sp.- 10 mm http://www.state.tn.us/twra/tamp/salamanders.htm http://www.science.psu.edu/alert/FROG.htm

  11. Owning an amphibian • Life Span: up to 55 years! • Aggressive vs. Friendly http://www.maroochy.qld.gov.au

  12. Owning an amphibian Research and Plan!!!!! LIBRARY!!! KNOW Natural History

  13. Pet Trade Restrictions Within the U.S.: ex. African Clawed Frog CITES listings -Appendix I= 16 spp. ~Giant Salamanders -Appendix II- 98 spp. ~Dendrobates www.cites.org

  14. Gymnophiona(caecilians) • 6 families, 172 species • Pantropic • Not kept as pets http://farm1.static.flickr.com/149/415329423_cd21aeb1cb_o.jpg

  15. Yellow-striped caecilian

  16. Aquatic caecilian

  17. Caudata • 10 families, >500 species • N./S. America, Europe, Asia • Common Pets: -Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger Salmander) -Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander) -Cynops pyrrhogaster (Fire Bellied Newt) http://michaelcravens.com

  18. HellbenderCryptobranchus alleganiensis

  19. Greater sirenSiren lacertina

  20. Amphiuma

  21. Mudpuppy

  22. Mexican axolotl

  23. Tiger salamander

  24. Waterdog

  25. Lungless salamander

  26. Arboreal salamander

  27. Palm salamander

  28. Ensatina

  29. Red salamander

  30. Anura • 33 families, >5000 species • Worldwide* • Common Pets/Research: -Xenopus spp. (African clawed frog) -Rana spp. (Leopard frog) -Dendrobates spp. (Poison arrow frog) -Hylidae family. (Tree frogs) http://www.johnelkington.com/weblog/african_clawed_frog_500w.jpg

  31. Frog vs. Toad http://www.isd12.org/bhe/ -Water -Skin -Leg length and power -Predators

  32. Dwarf frog

  33. Surinam toad

  34. African clawed frog

  35. Asian leaf frog

  36. Harlequin toad

  37. American toad

  38. Houston toad

  39. Marine toad

  40. Asian tree toad

  41. Tomato frog

  42. Malaysian toad

  43. Dendrobates Poison dart frogs Red-backed poison dart frog

  44. Hylidae - Tree frogs

  45. Green tree frog

  46. Monkey frog

  47. White’s tree frog

  48. Ranidae - Mantellas

  49. American bullfrog

  50. African pyxie frog

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