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Amphibian. What is an Amphibian?. Vertebrate Live in the water as larva and on land as adults Breaths w/ lungs Moist skin with mucus glands Lacks scales and claws. Evolution of Amphibians. Movement: stronger bones and limb girdles Breathe Air: lungs & breathing tubes
What is an Amphibian? • Vertebrate • Live in the water as larva and on land as adults • Breaths w/ lungs • Moist skin with mucus glands • Lacks scales and claws
Evolution of Amphibians • Movement: stronger bones and limb girdles • Breathe Air: lungs & breathing tubes • Sternum: supports & protects internal organs
Characteristics • Feeding • Tadpoles: herbivores • Frog: carnivores; shorter digestive tract • Respiration • Larval: skin & gills • Adult: skin & lungs replace gills
Characteristics • Circulation: double loop • 1st: O2 poor blood: heart lungs skin O2 rich blood: lungs & skin heart • 2nd: O2 rich blood: heart body O2 poor blood: body heart • Heart: 2 atrium and 1 ventricle • Excretion: kidneys that filter wastes from blood urine
Shell-less eggs & must be in water Female lays eggs & male externally fertilizes Embryo hatch as larva called tadpoles Tadpoles metamorphosis to Frogs Reproduction
Other Characteristics • Response: well developed • Nictitating Membrane: transparent surface on the eye for protection and to keep moist • Tympanic Membrane: Eardrum; in response to sound, it vibrates and sends sound waves to inner ear
Groups of Amphibians • Salamanders • long bodies & tails and four legs • Carnivores • Moist woods • Frogs & Toads • Jump & No tails • Frogs: long legs, live near water • Toads: short legs, live in moist woods or in deserts
Groups of Amphibians • Caecilians • Legless • Live in water or moist soil • Feed on small invertebrates • Fishlike scales