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STRING Base,Bla,Leine,Quest(7),LordPath,Lord2Path,TeosPath,JediPath,UlbyPath,MyPath. INTEGER i. if (instr(ppepath(),":")=0) then. shell 1,Bla,"CHDIR"," > "+ppepath()+"WHEREAMI.DIR". MyPath=rtrim(readline(ppepath()+"WHEREAMI.DIR",1)+ppepath(),"")+"". else. MyPath=PpePath().
STRING Base,Bla,Leine,Quest(7),LordPath,Lord2Path,TeosPath,JediPath,UlbyPath,MyPath
if (Exist(PpePath()+"WHEREAMI.DIR")) Delete PpePath()+"WHEREAMI.DIR"
if (Exist(PpePath()+"RESULT.DIR")) Delete PpePath()+"RESULT.DIR"
println "Please read the dox before you do anything you might regret later."
println "If you think some files are missing or something is fucked up you still can"
println "The first thing you have to do is to enter a path that has all"
println "your online games and ULBY.DAT in its subdirectories, e.g. D:\PCB."
println "The directory ",base," does not exist! Try again..."
println "This PPE will now start to search all suported files in this directory"
println "and in its subdirectories. This can take a while if you entered e.g. D:\"
shell 1,Bla,"DIR"," /A /B /S "+Base+"*.DAT > "+ppepath()+"RESULT.DIR"