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PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED 2014-15 BUDGET WITH PREVIEW OF THE 2014 WARRANT PUBLIC HEARING ON BOND ISSUE JANUARY 14, 2014 HAMPSTEAD MIDDLE SCHOOL. School Board Goals:. 1. Community Relations 2. Capital Improvement 3. Curriculum CCSS 4. Technology 5. Budget.
School Board Goals: 1. Community Relations 2. Capital Improvement 3. Curriculum CCSS 4. Technology 5. Budget “The Mission of the Hampstead School District is to provide challenging education experiences that enable all students to succeed to their individual potential in a rapidly changing global community.” Mission Statement: Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget Public Hearing on Bond Issue
To the inhabitants of the School District of the Town of Hampstead, New Hampshire, qualified to vote in District affairs: First Session of Annual Meeting (Deliberative) You are hereby notified to meet at the Hampstead Middle School, 28 School Street, Hampstead, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, the 4th day of February 2014, at 7:00 p.m. This session shall consist of explanation, discussion, and debate of warrant articles number 2 through 7. Warrant articles may be amended subject to the following limitations: (a) warrant articles whose wording is prescribed by law shall not be amended, (b) warrant articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for a final vote on the main motion, as amended, and (c) no warrant article shall be amended to eliminate the subject matter of the article. Second Session of Annual Meeting (Voting) Voting on warrant articles number 1 through 7 will be conducted by official ballot to be held in conjunction with town meeting voting to be held on Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 2014 at the Hampstead Middle School, 28 School Street, Hampstead, New Hampshire. Polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. and remain open until 8:00 p.m. 2014 School District Warrant 2014 School District Warrant
To choose the following school district officers: School Board Member 3-year term School Board Member 3-year term School District Clerk 3-year term School District Treasurer 3-year term School District Moderator 3-year term The filing period for vacancies is January 22 to January 31 with the District Clerk at HCS or at the Superintendent’s Office. There is a $1 filing fee for district vacancies (no filing fee for school board vacancies). Article 1 – Election of Officers 2014 School District Warrant
Change of Order Open public hearing on 2014-15 Proposed Budget. Motion to move the 2014-15 Budget public hearing until after the public hearing on the Bond. Second. Call the vote. Close the public hearing on the budget. Open the public hearing on the bond.
PUBLIC HEARING ON BOND Article 2 – Bond Issue/Phase I Hampstead Central School and Hampstead Middle School Renovation and Construction Project/10 Year Bond Shall the voters of the Hampstead School District raise and appropriate the sum of $6,180,520 for the Phase I Renovation and Construction Plan of the Hampstead Central School and Hampstead Middle School and to authorize the issuance of not more than $6,180,520 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the District to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon; and to further raise and appropriate an additional sum of $133,911.27 for the first year’s interest payment on the bond? (3/5 MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED) Public Hearing on the Bond
Breadloaf Presentation Public Hearing on the Bond
Estimated Bond Payments Public Hearing on the Bond
Close the public hearing on the bond. Re-open the public hearing on the budget. Public Hearing on the Budget Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Shall the voters of the Hampstead School District raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $23,863,412? Should this article be defeated, the operating budget shall be $23,853,314, which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Hampstead School District or by law; or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. Note: Warrant Article 3 (Operating Budget) does not include appropriations proposed under any other warrant articles. (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED) Article 3 – Operating Budget Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
District Goals • Budget Drivers • Budget Changes by Department • Increases / decreases • Facilities Projects • Staffing • Overall Budget Proposal • Default Budget Budget Presentation Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Student Proficiency • By the end of 2015, district proficiency results will increase by 5% of the baseline in reading and math as measured by Dibels and iReady. • Data-Driven Decisions • Decisions about instruction will be based on data as evidenced by the use of data documents, meeting notes, agendas, observations and staff reflections. District Goals Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Insurance Rates increased 5.4% GMR • Retirement rates remain the same • SAU Budget line is removed from the budget and will be added as a warrant article • Capital Reserve Contribution $75,000 as separate Warrant Article • Enrollments for 2015 • Decrease @ 30 students at Pinkerton • Increase at K-8 (11 students at the Middle School ) • Pinkerton Tuition increase of 4.9% Budget Drivers Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
14 students Enrollment 25 11
30 students Enrollment- Pinkerton 19 students Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
HCS Changes Math Textbooks -$104,600 • Implementation costs built into previous budget, 0 in 14-15 Supplies -$3,074 • Drops in 6 elementary lines Testing – scoring +$3,350 • Costs for I-ready, per student expense, curriculum lines for workbooks and curriculum +$7,283 • Math instructional equip, spelling workbooks, science kits information access fees +$1,080 • Costs to expand accessibility for Brain Pop software
HMS Changes Increases • Math Textbooks = $53, 750 – new series and materials • Testing= 1,140 – i-Ready testing/scoring for all HMS students Decreases • Music = $,2400 – one time purchase of timpani removed from line • Reading Texts = $700 – some texts are on-line Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Curriculum Changes 2212-112-01-31 District Curriculum Development +$17,248 • Staff stipends for summer 2014 LETRS training • Curriculum development for new math program adoption 2213-112-01-31 District In-Service Training -$2,800 2213-320-01-31 District In-service training +$7,400 • Trainer costs for LETRS 2212-580-01-31 Curriculum Director +$1,690 • Expenses for staff participation in summer 2014 • Performance Assessment Ntwk cohort and LETRS training Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Technology Changes • 1100.430-Tech repairs +$2,125 • 1100.643-Information access fees +$5,600 • 1100.650-Instructional software - $7,845 • 1100.734-New Technology equipment +$11,062 • 1100.738-Replacement Tech equipment -$11,000 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Special Education Changes • Tuitions • Increase in tuition to other LEAs $38,620 • Increase in tuition for Special Education programs for Pinkerton Academy $70,650 • Increase in Tuition to private schools $43,974 • Decrease in Residential costs $63,587 • Increase in Specialized transportation $55,000 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Facilities Changes • $11,980 decrease in utilities overall due to anticipated favorable pricing • $15,200 increase in Grounds replacement equipment to replace aging lawn mower • $15,000 increase in Facilities Projects line over last year ($90,000 cut from last year) Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Facilities Projects 2014-15 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Staffing Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Staffing Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Staffing • Proposed a new 6th grade teacher due to 25 new students coming into HMS $ 47,280 • All salaries $200,332 • (includes 3% for non union) • 9 single health plans plus 1 new teacher $ 93,100 • All Benefits: $221,769 Bottom line: Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Overall Budget Proposal $23,863,412 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Budget Distribution FY 15 Budget $23,863,412 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Default Budget Should the proposed budget be defeated, the Default Budget would be: $23,853,314 Default: $23,853,314 Proposed: $23,863,412 Difference: $10,098 Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Default Budget RSA 40:13, IX (b) "Default budget" as used in this subdivision means the amount of the same appropriations as contained in the operating budget authorized for the previous year, reduced and increased, as the case may be, by debt service, contracts, and other obligations previously incurred or mandated by law, and reduced by one-time expenditures contained in the operating budget. For the purposes of this paragraph, one-time expenditures shall be appropriations not likely to recur in the succeeding budget, as determined by the governing body, unless the provisions of RSA 40:14-b are adopted, of the local political subdivision. Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Shall the voters of the Hampstead School District adopt a school administrative unit budget of $1,487,025 for the forthcoming fiscal year in which $329,283 is assigned to the school budget of this school district? This year's adjusted (default) budget of $1,455,409, with $322,187 assigned to the school budget of this school district, will be adopted if the article does not receive a majority vote of all the school district voters voting in this school administrative unit. 194-C:9-b Alternative Budget Procedure. I. In a school administrative unit composed of 2 or more school districts which has adopted the provisions of RSA 194-C:9-a, the school administrative unit budget adopted according to RSA 194-C:9… Notwithstanding RSA 32 and RSA 40:13, the budget adopted by the school administrative unit board shall not be amended or changed in any way prior to the vote… Article 4 – SAU Budget Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Shall the voters of the Hampstead School District raise and appropriate up to $75,000 to be placed in the School Renovation, Reconstruction and Capital Improvement Capital Reserve Fund established in 2006, with such amount to be transferred from the June 30, 2014 unreserved fund balance (surplus) in excess of $150,000? (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED) (The first $150,000 of surplus will be returned to the taxpayers. The next $75,000 of the surplus will be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund. Any additional surplus will be returned to the taxpayers. The funds from this article come from the 2013-14 school budget surplus, not from additional taxes.) Article 5 – Capital Reserve Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Shall the Hampstead School District accept reports of agents, auditors, and committees as written in the 2013 Annual Report? (MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED) Article 6 – Accept Reports Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Shall the voters of the Hampstead School District within school administrative unit number 55 rescind the adoption of RSA 194-C:9-b, relative to the alternative school administrative unit budget adoption procedure, and adopt the provisions of RSA 194-C:9 as the method for governing the adoption of the school administrative unit budget? Article 7 – Rescind SAU Budget on Warrant by Petition of Judith Graham et al Public Hearing on 2014-15 Budget
Deliberative session7:00 PMTuesday, February 4, 2014Hampstead Middle School