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A dvocacy and P olicy D ialogue of Bulgarian NG(D)Os in 2005 and 2006. Seminar for NGDO Platforms of New Member States Budapest, Thursday 9 – Friday 10 of March 2006 TRIALOG Central Training. 2005: Successes and P roblems in International Development Cooperation.
Advocacy and Policy Dialogue of Bulgarian NG(D)Os in 2005 and 2006 Seminar for NGDO Platforms of New Member States Budapest, Thursday 9 – Friday 10 of March 2006 TRIALOG Central Training
2005: Successes and Problems inInternational Development Cooperation • National ODA Policy Formulation * Since the middle of 2004 some work has been carried out at the MFA and line ministries, esp. at the MEE. It refers mainly to a very early stage of defining approaches to a National ODA Policy. * A number of meetings and study visits, mainly through diplomatic channels, organized. An initial, largely coherent, vision surfaced at the Workshop on ODA of Republic of Bulgaria, Gabrovo, 16-17 Dec. 2005, MFA & MEE.
2005: Successes and Problems inInternational Development Cooperation • NG(D)Os Sustainability and Advocacy * Beginning of 2005 - 8,000 NG(D)Os, approx. 2,000 active. * The sector continues toexpand its scope to representcitizen interests and provide needed services, as well as developed stronger partnerships with thegovernment, business community, andmedia.
2005: Successes and Problems inInternational Development Cooperation * The increased focus of the sector on communitydevelopment in the more marginalized,poorer regions of the country has continued. Efforts weakened by thewithdrawal of foreign funding. * Advocacy groups activein lobbying the legislature and monitoringthe executive and judicial branches. • Ingeneral, the public continues to perceivelobbying activities as a form of corruption. • The largest obstacle for developingfuture advocacy efforts is that donorsprefer to invest in community serviceprojects rather than advocacy projects.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • MFA and MEE, the Gabrovo Seminar: * Elaboration of a Conceptual Framework for Bulgaria’s Development Cooperation Policy - within six months. A medium term strategy 2007–2011 taking into account the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to follow. * Legislation on ODA - within the next two years. * Provisional ODA Council at deputy-ministerial level to be created. * Multilateral Aid, Bilateral Aid and NGO work * First installment of 0,03 % Gross Domestic Income (GDI), around 15 Mil. Euros from 2007
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • Implications for the NG(D)Os: * Partnership with state bodies and other CSO: • New approaches from the NG(D)Os. They may vary but should continue to be permeated by the perspective of partnership within all sectors. * Organizational Change • Internal capacity building to strengthen NG(D)Os by introducing strategic planning, sound financial management systems and transparency. Where necessary, adopt changes in missions and goals. Prepare for participation in EU ODA projects via consortia or utilize the new options in financing.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • National Platform needed for representation at national and international level. • Its creation = a purely voluntary act of the internal actors as a response to the existing situation, to their needs and agenda. • Principles: transparency, equal rights and interaction. * Public Awareness raising: • Gradual efforts to be made to explain internationaldevelopment cooperation to the publicand to promote acceptance. NG(D)Os involvement is essential, as well as of other CSO, the state bodies and media.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • Possible key political messages: * To the state institutions: • Adopt a coherent and effective National Policy on IDC; • Continue with theestablishedpartnership practices; further invite NG(D)Os to participate in initiatives for capacity building within state bodies. * To NG(D)O sector: Build your organizational capacity. • Implement internal changes where necessary to meet EU membership challenges and the redirection of funding. Aim to secure financial sustainability; • Support the creation of an official Forum for information exchange, discussions and member capacity building which could lead to the setting up of a national Platform;
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • Continue with the creation of direct links with your counterparts in the NMS and acrossthe EU. * To CSO: Partnership for development. • Prepare to promote national priorities in ODA policy via projects and consortia formation; • Identify areas where government and the EU should do more to mobilise public support for developmentissues; • Build links across the EU to allow your fairaccess to EC funds for CSO financing; • Fight corruption practices within organizations; and • Maintain autonomy and provide innovative approaches to international development cooperation as “seekers” for development.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • Activities at the national level: * Collaboration within the NG(D)O sector to officially set-up a Forum for information exchange, discussions and member capacity building. To be followed by the setting up of a National Platform. * Production of a cross-sector research report and/or collection of materials on MDG &Future Bulgarian ODA Policy. • Dissemination and discussion through own website; • Present the findings to the MFA and line ministries within our partnership rounds.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level * Organization of trainings in cooperation with TRIALOG on: • building up the capacityfor obtaining EU funding - EU funding possibilities, project cyclemanagement and applications for EUCalls for Proposals; • organizational capacity building; • co-financing measures and in privatefundraising; • developmenteducation andthe increasingof public awareness of developmentissues; and • advocacy and policy dialogue * Dissemination of research, articles, results from workshops on EU and National ODA policy through own Website and to national media.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level • Activities at the European level: * Lobbying for the inseparable link between internal and international development issues(MDG) with regard to poverty reduction as the case currently stands for Bulgaria. * Support the lobbying activities of TRIALOG and CONCORD towards theEC in order to achieve weakeningof the eligibility criteria forNMS and AC NG(D)Os for a transition periodof some years by identifying and making contacts with Bulgarian decision-makers.
2006: Main Issues in International Development Cooperationat National and International Level * Support the building of regional NG(D)O partnerships and networks in South Eastern Europein order to benefit from different experiences and synergies, as well as to strengthen civilsociety.Website & Electronic publishing. * Support exchange/trips to Brussels for mixed groups of governmental, parliamentary and NG(D)O representatives.
Presentation: Evgeni Lestanski, Index Foundation Bulgarian Central Training Participants: Desislava Koleva, Save the Children Bulgaria Elena Stoyanova, Gender Project for BulgariaFoundation Bojura Pavlova, GERT Miryana Malamin-Siriyski, Pokrov Foundation