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Dealing With Deployment

Dealing With Deployment. Lisa M. Mort COUN 511: Computers & Technology Website: http://lmort78.angelfire.com/ Holy Family University March 17, 2011. Welcome Video. Click here to view the introductory video of this presentation. Notes Page. Table of Contents. Introduction

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Dealing With Deployment

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  1. Dealing With Deployment Lisa M. Mort COUN 511: Computers & Technology Website: http://lmort78.angelfire.com/ Holy Family University March 17, 2011

  2. Welcome Video • Click here to view the introductory video of this presentation. Notes Page

  3. Table of Contents • Introduction • Deployment Sites • Deployment Videos • Conclusion • Additional Resources and Links • Additional Information Notes Page

  4. Introduction • Previous studies proved that school personnel, educational settings, children and families do not have enough resources to fully prepare for the venture involved with Deployment. • The effects of the deployment may be devastating to a child’s personal, social, and academic development; therefore, it is essential that all parties involved with the child are prepared for the phases of the deployment. • In order for an individual to help a military child, he or she must be knowledgeable and resourceful to ensure that appropriate and effective interventions are implemented for the youth. Notes Page

  5. West Virginia Department of Education URL: http://wvde.state.wv.us/counselors/group-lessons.html • Focus on grade levels K-12 • Target audience: Educators & School Personnel • Guidance Lessons • Guidance Curriculums • Lesson Plans • Various topics for students of all grade levels • Corresponding handouts Notes Page

  6. Lee’s Summit Site URL: http://its.leesummit.k12.mo.us/counseling.htm • Covers grades K-12 • Target Audience: Teachers & School Personnel • Various topics for students of all grades and ages • PowerPoints and Articles • Specific focus on “Deployment” • Corresponding topics that affect a child during the phases of deployment Notes Page

  7. Philly Counselor URL: http://www.phillycounselor.com/elementary/elementary_guidance_plans.html • Focus on Elem & Middle School • Target Audience: Counselors • Parents & School Personnel will also benefit • Students experiencing deployment also face hardships with making friends, dealing with anger, coping, stress and appropriate management. This site provides tips, strategies, and activities to help the troubled military youth accomplish these hardships. • Site also offers lesson plans Notes Page

  8. Indiana Gold Star Counseling URL: http://asai.indstate.edu/goldstar/resources/lessons.htm • Focus grades: K-12 (modifications may be needed) • Target Audience: Counselors, Teachers, & School Personnel • Site breaks down into Academic, Career and Personal / Social Development • Lesson Plans and PowerPoints Available under each section • Site offers “Anger Management” information; but may require some creative work by the facilitator. • Site mainly focuses on Academic and Career Development • Military youth may be struggling in the academic setting, due to the effects of coping with the deployment. This site will be beneficial in helping the military youth get back on track. Notes Page

  9. American School Counseling Association (ASCA) URL: http://www.schoolcounselor.org/ • Focus on grades K-12 • Target Audience: School Counselors (Membership) • Resourceful site for numerous topics affecting youth • Articles, lesson plans, curriculums, topics, ideas, tips, strategies and communication with other members. • Site provides extensive information regarding War / Deployment issues, including Journal articles & magazines, and the ability to order the “Dealing with Deployment” curriculum. • Aydlett, A.A. (2006). Dealing with Deployment. American School Counselor Association. 1-48. Retrieved from www.schoolcounselor.org Notes Page

  10. Independence School District“Inspiring Greatness” URL: http://allofe.indep.k12.mo.us/gen/indep/Counseling_Resources_m1041.html • Focus on groups K-12 • Target Audience: Counselors & School Personnel • Additional information for Parents & Students • Specific topic of “Deployment” is addressed. • Additional topics are also addressed that coincide with the effects of the deployment process. • Activities • Articles • PowerPoint presentations for Counselors • Guidance lessons and curriculums • School Counselor Resources (including printables) Notes Page

  11. Kids.Gov URL: http://www.kids.gov/educators/ed_health.shtml • Focus on children and parents • Target Audience: Parents & Children • Helps students to acquire information and resources on coping with terrorism. • Department of Homeland Security provides information on becoming familiar with natural disasters and learning about “heroes”. • School personnel may utilize this site, but would require creativity on their behalf to develop and implement a lesson plan, curriculum, activities for small groups. Notes Page

  12. Lesson Planet: A Search Engine for Teachers URL: http://www.lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=military+deployment&media=lesson • Focus on K-12 • Target Audience: Teachers • Provides lesson plans, activities, and ideas regarding the world and becoming familiar with geographic locations . • This site may be beneficial for helping the military child becoming familiar with the geographic location of his or her parent and to feel safe about the area that the family member is currently deployed to. • This site may require a creative facilitator to develop and implement the ideas, but this site is beneficial for an individual that is not familiar with the geographic locations of the world. Notes Page

  13. DeploymentKids.Com URL: http://www.deploymentkids.com/ • Focus on K-12 • Target Audience: Students • Parents and School Personnel will find this site extremely beneficial as well. • Easily accessible and ease of use is user friendly for all ages. • Visually stimulating • Downloads, activities, ideas, and a plethora of resources Notes Page

  14. NC Supports Military Children URL: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/militarysupport/deployment/educators • Focus grades K-12 • Target Audience: School Personnel • Provides a bullet point list of Interventions and Resources for Educators on “How You Can Help” the military child and the family through the deployment process. • Useful guidelines for “In the Classroom”, “Beyond the Classroom”, and ideas for “Lesson Plans and Activities” within the school setting. Notes Page

  15. Health.mil URL: http://www.health.mil/Themes/Military_Children.aspx • Focus on children • Target Audience: Children • Section for Kids, Parents and Professionals • Tips and suggestions on “Helping Your Child Cope” to help the child overcome the burdens involved with being a military child. • Link for Sesame StreetTalk, Listen, Connect is a workshop program designed to help military children (age 2-5) and their families. Services are free through MilitaryOneSource or through the Sesame Workshop Web Site (Both accesible through the Health.mil site). Notes Page

  16. Educator’s Guide to the Military Child During Deployment URL: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/os/homefront/homefront.pdf • Focus on the military child • Target Audience: School Personnel and Parents • Helps educators understand the stages of the deployment phases, the importance of involvement, education, training on the school’s behalf . • Site helps educators and parents to better understand what is expected of the military child during each phase and while he or she is coping. Notes Page

  17. Helping Children Cope When A Loved One is On Military Leave URL: http://journal.naeyc.org/btj/200701/pdf/btjallen.pdf • Focus on military children • Target Audience: School Personnel • Additional information for parents. • Full of educational material regarding implications for teachers. • How to support children through the emotional stages of deployment. • Useful information on how to help the transition of the child’s living arrangements. • Suggestions for the deployed parent (the parent at home and the deployed parent). • Suggestions for the school. Notes Page

  18. The USAA Educational Foundation- Military Families Dealing with Deployment URL: http://www.usaaedfoundation.org/pdf/538.pdf • Focus on Family and Caregivers Prep Process • Target Audience: Family & Parents • Provides steps for the family to prepare for the deployment process (easing the transition from deployment to returning home). • Helps with preparation of finances, budgeting, and ensuring that the home life is situated for when departure occurs and the parent returns. Notes Page

  19. A LifeCare Guide: Coping with Military Deployment URL: http://www.pittsburgh.afrc.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070820-023.pdf • Focus on Family & Caregiver Prep • Target Audience: Family & Parent • Helps the family and caregiver prepare for the deployment process. • Detailed steps of planning for the deployment • Provides examples of how to better deal with the deployment process. • Provides warning signs and suggestions on dealing with the problems and emotions that occur during the deployment and coping phases (depression, anxiety, and stress, etc…) Notes Page

  20. Support for Military Children & Adolescents (American Pediatric Association) URL: http://www.aap.org/sections/uniformedservices/deployment/videos.html • Focus on grades K-12 • Target Audience: Students • Additional information for School Personnel & Parents • Interactive site with videos for coping • Support Video Program • Mr. Poe and Friends Discuss Reunion after Deployment • Military Youth Coping with Separation: When Family Members Deploy • Interactive Military Youth Stress Management Plan Notes Page

  21. Military Wives: 21 Best Tips for Dealing with a Spouse’s Deployment (iVillage) URL: http://www.ivillage.com/military-wives-21-best-tips-dealing-spouses-deployment/4-a-284120 • Target Audience is the Spouse of the Deployed Individual • Bullet point list developed from other Military Wives that are experiencing the same situation. • How to deal with responsibilities and sacrifices of being a military wife. • Conclusion of the article provides additional links to other articles – “4 steps to preparing for your spouse’s deployment” Notes Page

  22. Grief Speaks URL: http://www.griefspeaks.com/id70.html • Focus on Grief and Bereavement for all • Target Audience: Parent & School Personnel • Information centered website around grief and tragedy and how to cope. • 9-point symptom checklist for depression that may be utilized to help identify the level of depression that the military child may be experiencing. • Specific tab for “Dealing with Deployment” section Notes Page

  23. University of Kentucky: How to Help Military Families as a Teacher or School Professional URL: http://www.ca.uky.edu/HES/fcs/FACTSHTS/HFD-JGV-214.pdf • Focus on the School Professional and Educational environment • Target Audience: School Personnel • Informative bullet list of suggestions for the school personnel and environment on how to help the coping child deal with deployment and how to transition the child through the stages of the deployment process in a healthy manner. • Additional links are available at the conclusion of the site that may provide additional resources. Notes Page

  24. PBS Kids.Org: It’s My Life URL: http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/index.html • Focus on: student’s needs • Target Audience: Students • Additional information for Parents & School Personnel • Website offers great videos for students that are experiencing depression and anger issues. • Games are available for students to play • Offline activities, printables, worksheets, etc… • Lesson plans available for select topics Notes Page

  25. Videos • Working with Military Families (also addresses TBI concerns): • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so0N9od5Q6A • Coming Home: Military Families Cope with Change: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QoOlBjXESU • Sesame Street and Military Kids • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLFa07f5LDw • 60 second clip • Talk, Listen and Connect • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukoho5WJh24&feature=related • Sesame Street and Military Families • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBcGQyqg7Ds&feature=related • Stress on Military Kids with a Parent Deployed • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iTOT0Nm7p8&feature=related • The Kids From Nowhere • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roIEY5NOABE&feature=related Notes Page

  26. Conclusion • The topic of deployment is limited • Students reported feeling discouraged approaching counselors & school personnel due to the limited amount of skills, training and knowledge they have on the subject of coping with deployment. • School personnel reported low confidence when dealing with a military child experiencing the deployment phases due to lack of information and training. • The attached information should help students, families, and school personnel uncover resources and links to help a military child “deal with deployment”. Notes Page

  27. Additional Resources & Links • http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/children-coping-deployment.asp • Coloring book pages for military children • http://www.military.com/spouse/fs/0,,fs_sesame_052406,00.html • Sesame Street Teaches Troops Kids Coping Skills • http://www.health.mil/News_And_Multimedia/News/detail/10-04-08/Video_Programs_Aim_to_Help_Military_Children_Cope_With_Deployment.aspx • Videos that are able to be ordered through Military One (free of charge) • http://utah4h.org/htm/featured-programs/4hmilitary/ • Operation Military Kids • http://www.behavioralhealth.army.mil/families/index.html • Additional videos for the coping military child. • See below for additional information on the resources that were used to help you “Deal with Deployment” • Click here to get to the IAB Analysis • Click here to get to the Research Excerpts Report • Click here to get to the Research Report Notes Page

  28. Additional Information • Dealing with Deployment Screencast • Click here for a “walk through tour” of “DeploymentKids.com” website • Dealing with Deployment Site • http://lmort78.angelfire.com/ Notes Page

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