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Carefully read the following question and consider possible answers, but don’t share your ideas. Welcome!. You must cut a birthday cake into exactly eight pieces, but you're only allowed to make three straight cuts, and you can't move pieces of the cake as you cut. How can you do it?.
Carefully read the following question and consider possible answers, but don’t share your ideas. Welcome! You must cut a birthday cake into exactly eight pieces, but you're only allowed to make three straight cuts, and you can't move pieces of the cake as you cut. How can you do it? * Please find your assigned seat based on the posted seating charts and sit quietly
Solution • Use the first two cuts to cut an 'X' in the top of the cake. Now you have four pieces. Make the third cut horizontal, which will divide the four pieces into eight. Think of a two by two by two Rubik's cube. There's four pieces on the top tier and four more just underneath it. My goal is to teach you how to think and problem solve…with these skills you can do anything!!!!
Ms. SchweitzerBackground • Life-long Learner • Northwestern High School Graduate • Purdue University: BS in Electrical Engineering • Indiana Wesleyan: Masters in Business Administration • Indiana Wesleyan: Teaching License • Middle School/High School Math • Middle School Science • Math & Science Teacher at Kokomo Center Schools • Algebra Teacher at Ivy Tech • Manager/Engineer at Delphi Electronics • I’m very excited about my first year at Lewis Cass and am looking very forward to our time together this year!
Classroom Rules • Always Be Prepared • On time • Supplies/Binder/Homework • Ready to learn • Respect • Self • Teachers/Substitute Teachers • Classmates • Property • Give your best effort each day • Follow all School Rules and Policies
Consequences • 1st Violation: Warning • 2nd Violation: Student conference with teacher after class • 3rd Violation: Detention, Phone call to parent/guardian and potential after school conference with student, parent/guardian, and teacher (depending upon severity of incident) • 4th Violation: Administrator intervention
Expectations • Students are expected to be in the classroom and in their seat when the bell rings. • Students are expected to be prepared for class and bring the following materials to class each day: Three-Ring Binder with paper and tab dividers (6 tabs labeled as follows) • Bell work • Notes • Homework • Quizzes • Tests • Classroom Rules and Procedures Other Materials required: • Pencils with Eraser • Red pen • Scientific calculator (TI-30 is sufficient) • Textbook • Completed homework assignment
Expectations • Students are expected to sharpen pencils prior to class or come prepared with already sharpened pencils. • Students are expected to raise their hands for questions, comments, or to leave seat during class except when specifically directed. However, tissues are available near the door. If a student needs a tissue, you may leave your seat without permission as long as you can do it quietly and avoid walking in front of the teacher during lecture time • Students are expected to keep cell phones turned off and put away during class. Cell phones and electronic devices (except stand alone calculators) that are not turned off or that ring, including vibration, during school hours will be confiscated by the faculty and staff member and given to the office.
Expectations • Students are expected to take notes during class lectures and place them into their binder. Each page of notes should include the proper date and title. • Students are expected to complete all homework, quizzes, and tests in pencil. • Students are expected to pay attention in class, cause no disruptions in the classroom, and have only math related materials on their desks. Unrelated materials will be placed away during the class period.
Expectations • Students are expected to keep all bell work, notes, homework, tests, and quizzes in their binder in the appropriate sections. • Students are expected to do their own work. Cheating will not be tolerated. Consequences will be as follows: 1st Violation – Zero points for the assignment, test, or project. 2nd Violation – Student will be referred to an administrator. • Students are expected to not touch items on the teacher’s desk without specific permission. Teacher’s desk, computer, and chair are off limits to students.
Expectations • Students are expected to not have candy, food, or beverages in class. • Students are expected to throw trash away before/after class or during work time. Do not throw away trash during lecture or discussion time.
Think about this one? At McDonald's you can order Chicken McNuggets in boxes of 6, 9, and 20. What is the largest number of nuggets that it is not possible to obtain by purchasing some combination of boxes?
Solution • You can buy any number of nuggets that is evenly divisible by three except for three just by using combinations of boxes of 6 and boxes of 9. (Use at most one box of 9, then multiples of boxes of 6.) If the number is not divisible by three, use a box of 20. If, after a box of 20 is purchased, the remaining number is divisible by three, you're all set. Otherwise, use a second box of 20. The remaining number will necessarily be divisible by 3, and you're all set. • So the largest number that cannot be purchased would be one that requires two boxes of 20 before the remainder is reduced to a number divisible by three. Since three is the only number evenly divisible by three that cannot be purchased, the largest impossible number is 3 + 20 + 20 = 43.
PROCEDURES Why Procedures? Procedures are a part of life. They allow complex operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time. • Airports • Driving • Restaurants • Movies • School
Entering the Room *Greet the teacher by name *Enter the room quietly *Read board to make sure you have all materials *Sharpen pencils if necessary *Go directly to your seat – be in your seat by the bell *Copy the assignment from the board into your student planner *Begin bell work immediately
Entering the classroom during class *Knock on the door (if locked) *Wait for door to be opened *Enter quietly * Hand teacher pass if you have one *Then, Go directly to your seat *Join class in session without disruption
When you are absent • You are responsible for missing work. Assignments can be found on class web page, absence folder, or posted in classroom. • The student will have one day for each day absent plus one day up to five days to make up work for excused absences. For unique or extreme circumstances special extended time arrangements may be considered.
Coming to attention • The teacher will say, “I need your attention” and I will hold up my hand. • When you see my hand you are to *Stop talking *Look at the teacher * Raise your hand until the class is silent *Continue working when instructed
Asking a question during a discussion *Raise your hand *Wait to be called on *When called on, ask your question .
Getting materials without disturbing others *Quietly walk directly to where the materials are located *Get your materials *Return directly to your seat *Continue working
Exchanging papers *Pattern of exchanging papers will vary *Listen carefully to the pattern * Follow the directions quickly and quietly
Heading on assignments Heading on assignments: every paper you turn in should have the heading S-T-A-N-D, if your paper does not “STAND” it will not be accepted. S-T-A-N-D is an acronym for: S-subject ` N-name T-teacher D-date A-assignment
Passing in papers Pass all papers to the front of the row *The front person in the row will wait for all papers in their row and then pass the stack of papers to the left *The person in the front right will place the stack in the appropriately marked paper tray *Independent work should be turned in independently into the appropriate period tray *Late work will be accepted one time with a 10% deduction on grade. Late work must be turned in directly to the teacher at the end of class period.
Participating in class discussions *Raise your hand *Wait to be called on *If you don’t get called on, wait quietly for your turn *When it is your turn, speak loudly, clearly, and discuss
If you finish early *Work on this week’s logic puzzles *Work ahead on other assignments *You may go to the front table and get a puzzle to work on. When you are done, you must put the puzzle back into the appropriate package and return it to the bin on the table.
End of class dismissal *The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell, the clock or the students *Return classroom materials to the proper location (ie. Dry-erase board, marker box, puzzle, borrowed pencil) *Exit quietly
When visitors are in the classroom • *Continue with your work • *Be polite to the guest, answer questions if asked • *Maintain work if the teacher is called away • *If appropriate, engage in conversation with the visitor
If the teacher is out of the classroom *Continue with your work *Be quiet, responsible, and mature
When a school-wide announcement or classroom page is made *Stop talking *Listen to the announcement *Then continue working quietly
Saying “thank you” *Look the person in the eye who you are thanking *Say “thank you,” following by the person’s name *Explain why you are thanking them. *Smile *Thank you should be said whenever someone does something for you (gift, help, etc.)
If you are suddenly ill *If time, ask the teacher for a pass *If no time, go directly to the restroom *If you cannot make it to the restroom, please grab the waste basket on your way out *Report back when you are done, to get a pass to the nurse’s office
Responding to a fire drill *Quietly Line-up at the door *Listen for the teacher’s instructions *Follow posted directions
Responding to a tornado drill *Quietly Line-up at the door *Listen for the teacher’s instructions *Follow posted directions
Responding to a intruder drill *Turn off light *Door locked *Blinds closed *Huddle together silently out of range of window/door * Remain quiet and still until directed further by teacher
grading • Homework may be graded in class, by the teacher, or by completion. Note: Not every homework assignment will receive a grade in PowerSchool. • All homework, quizzes, and tests require all necessary work be shown to receive credit. • No name equals no credit. • All grades will be recorded into the schools online grading system. • Binders will be periodically graded. Binder check grades will be based on completeness, neatness, and organization. • Grading scale per student handbook
grading • Course Grading Scale • Semester grades will be determined using a mathematical formula to average the nine week grades and the semester exam grade. Each nine week’s grade percentage will be doubled and the semester exam percentage will be added in as a single grade. The value will then be divided by five to get the semester average or grade.
Special Incentives Each grading period students may earn 10 extra credit points and one free ½ homework pass by doing all of the following: • Fully complete each homework assignment • Receive an A, B, or C on each test for that grading period
Remember . . . To enjoy our year together-- • Always try your best • We will be working hard this year, but it will pay off! • Come and see me if you have any concerns or problems with the course or what is happening at the school • I am excited to have you in my class!!!