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Network. coordinated by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann. Input from L. Bottura, J.-P. Koutchouk, E. Laface, L. Rossi, D. Tommasini, K. Wittenburg,. H igh Energy H igh Intensity H adron Beams. http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/. CARE-HHH network.
Network coordinated by W. Scandale and F. Zimmermann Input from L. Bottura, J.-P. Koutchouk, E. Laface, L. Rossi, D. Tommasini, K. Wittenburg, High EnergyHigh IntensityHadron Beams http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/ HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris, April 17-18, 2007
CARE-HHH network Coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior High-Energy High-Intensity Hadron Beam facilities for Europe • road map for the upgrade of the European accelerator infrastructure (LHC and GSI accelerator complex) • coordinate activities and foster future collaborations • dissemination and outreach WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) Participating institutes: CEA, CERN, CSIC-CIEMAT, CCLRC, DESY, GSI, INFN, PSI, TEU, WUT Associated institutes: CRPP, ENEA, TUBE, ESRF, UPSA, FZK, TEMF, US-LARP (BNL,FNAL,LBNL,SLAC), JINR, IHEP, KEK Additional collaborations: Texas A&M U., U. Geneva, U. Bologna HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
activities since CARE’06 • Events: • 3 HHH workshops held + HHH-US-LARP coordination meetings • 8 further workshops/symposia planned • Dissemination and outreach: • presentations at 2 LHC-detector upgrade workshops, at 3 CERN & INFN management meetings, 3 departmental/project seminars • 3 HHH workshop proceedings close to completion • 3 articles published in CERN Courier • HHH web sites maintained & developed • Exchanges and education: • several Russian, 2 US, and 1 EU accelerator physicist plus 3 representatives of European industry supported for HHH workshops • 1 EU scientist supported for 2-week visit to CERN • 5 doctoral students • recruited for summer 2007: 3 EU summer students HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
workshops since CARE’06 • 4th CARE-HHH-ABI workshop on Simulation of BPM Front-End Electronics and Special Mechanical Designs, Lüneburg, Germany, 30 November - 1 December 2006, Proceedings CARE-Conf-06-087-HHH • Joint CARE-HHH-APD, CARE-ELAN, and EUROTeV mini-workshop on E-Cloud Clearing (ECL2), CERN, Geneva, 1-2 March 2007 • CARE-HHH-APD mini-workshop on Crystal Channeling for Large Colliders: Machine and Physics Applications (CC-2007), CERN, 22-23 March 2007 HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
major presentations INFN CSN1 Meeting, Frascati, 28 November 2006 - “H8-RD22 Experiment to test Crystal Collimation for the LHC” W. Scandale LHCb Upgrade Workshop, Edinburgh, 11 January, 2007 - “LHC Upgrade Plan and Ideas - Scenarios and Constraints from the Machine Side,” invited talk, F. Zimmermann Joint AB & LHC Project Seminar, CERN, 18 January 2007 – “Baseline Scenario for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade, summary of the CARE-HHH LHC-LUMI-06 workshop” W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann ATLAS & CMS Detector Electronics Upgrade Workshop, CERN, March 2007 • “Two Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade” W. Scandale LHC Project Seminar, CERN, 15 March 2007 - “H8-RD22 Experiment to Test Crystal Collimation for the LHC” W. Scandale HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Stones (MS) and Intermediate Deliverables (ID). deliverables & milestones compared with original plan (CARE’06) 2004: HHH & HHH-APD web site => OK 2005: creation of first web-based beam dynamics code repository => OK http://oraweb.cern.ch:9000/pls/hhh/code_website.startup 2006: web based database for s.c. cables and magnets => OK, 40% complete http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb milestones: web reference for IR optics => OK http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/SuperLHC_IRoptics/IRoptics.html booster synchrotron optics => delayed to 2007 structured list of intensity limits => nearing completion scaling laws for magnet and cryogenic cost => 2007 2 summer students + 1 doctoral student 1 summer student HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007 The workshop on Coil Manufacturing Optimization was postponed to
WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Superconductors Database (SDB) http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb • database structure complete • web interfaces complete • since January’07 collaboration with FNAL and BNL on magnet & cable data sharing • main work left to do: creation of automatic tools which import data from existing databases, e.g., for LHC, Tevatron and RHIC, to SDB core • this last task will be completed with the help of two summer students in 2007 Courtesy E. Laface HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
SDB example Courtesy E. Laface HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
AMT activity OSOM • design of 2 T pulsed superferric magnet, follow-up of ECOMAG • cable and coil in the iron configured to minimize loss; • conceptual design that dissipates less than 10 W/m in the superconducting coil, and a warm iron (i.e. negligible loss power); • two variants: wide iron and compact version with correction coil, both suitable for a PS upgrade. • other options also examined, such as transmission-line magnets using large current (typically 100 kA), and open gap magnets; these options were discarded because of practical issues (bending radius, magnet size); • summary report within next few weeks [L. Bottura] • also ongoing: comparison of s.c. and n.c. options for fast cycling “PS2” HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
AMT exchanges • F. Broggi (Milano) visited CERN for 2 weeks in April to work on heat deposition in low-b region Primary goal: change of energy deposition versus distance between triplet and IP. First study showed little dependence. Question byh US-LARP. Present activity: consolidate the conclusions and explore other parts of the parameter space; collaboration with C. Hoa/CERN on precise FLUKA description of IR1 and IR5, including exact magnetic fields (well advanced); set up a few PC's running the latest version of FLUKA (done); switch to latest FLUKA source (DPMJET), used at CERN; confirm the Valencia results with the latest descriptions, source and FLUKA version; prepare a study program of study showing parameter regions still to be explored; investigate these (aperture, insertion length, crossing angle) [J.-P. Koutchouk] • E. Laface visited FNAL & BNL for 1 week to coordinate work on s.c. database HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
planned AMT workshop • 27-28 September: CARE-HHH-AMT workshop onHeat Generation and Heat Transfer in Superconducting Magnets (THERMOMAG’07), Paris, 2 days minimizing and evacuating heat in the next generation of superconducting magnets for high intensity particle accelerators, such as the IR magnet for the LHC luminosity upgrade and the fast cycling magnets for FAIR and for the LHC injector chain upgrade; identify the state of the art on (1) cooling techniques (fluids and regimes), (2) heat transfer mechanisms, (3) modeling of heat transfer from coils to cooling system, (4) heat transfer experiments; identify a common set of thermal design criteria HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
4th ABI workshop • 27 participants: 6 CERN, 7 DESY, 5 GSI, 1 CEA, 2 RAL, 2 Globes Electronics, 3 Kyocera, 1 FNAL • topics: BPM sensors, BPM electronics, cold BPMs • proceedings almost ready, will be published as CARE-Conf-06-087-HHH HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
planned ABI workshop • End of 2007: HHH-ABI annual workshop on Tools for Diagnostic Systems at High-Intensity (Pre-) Accelerators; Emittance Preservation and Measurements in the Accelerator Chain, GSI, Germany HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
CERN Courier 2, 2007 HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
LHC upgrade parameters two LHC upgrade scenarios developed at LUMI’06: 25 ns and 50 ns spacing HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
nominal 25 ns new alternative! ultimate & 25-ns upgrade 25 ns 50-ns upgrade, no collisions @S-LHCb! 50 ns new baseline! 50-ns upgrade with 25-ns collisions in LHCb 50 ns 25 ns upgrade bunch structures HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
luminosity evolution 25 ns spacing 50 ns spacing average luminosity initial luminosity peak may not be useful for physics HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
event pile up 50 ns spacing 25 ns spacing HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
assuming 5 h turn-around time HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
luminosity evolution with leveling 150 events / crossing 25 ns spacing 50 ns spacing average luminosity HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
dynamic b squeeze for 50-ns option DN150 HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
dynamic bunch length change for 50-ns option we might also reduce the charge/bunch and go for shorter bunches HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
IR upgrade optics compatible with 50-ns upgrade path “compact low-gradient” NbTi, b*=25 cm <75 T/m (Riccardo De Maria, Oliver Bruning) “modular low gradient” NbTi, b*=25 cm <90 T/m (Riccardo De Maria, Oliver Bruning) “low bmax low-gradient” NbTi, b*=25 cm <125 T/m (Riccardo De Maria, Oliver Bruning) standard Nb3Sn upgrade, b*=25 cm ~200 T/m,2 versions with different magnet parameters (Tanaji Sen et al, Emmanuel Laface, Walter Scandale) + crab-waist sextupole insertions? (LNF/FP7) early separation with b*=8 cm, Nb3Sn includes D0; either triplet closer to IP or Q0; being prepared for PAC’07 (Jean-Pierre Koutchouk et al) HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
crab waist scheme initiated and led by LNF in the frame of FP7; first beam tests at DAFNE later in 2007 Hamiltonian minimizes b at s=-x/qc realization: add sextupoles at right phase distance from IP focal plane HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
phased LHC upgrade • recent CERN management decision: early IR upgrade (“phase-1”): based on NbTi magnets, implemented ~2012 • “low-gradient” large-aperture NbTi optics solutions developed by HHH are three good candidates • IR optics selection by Lyn Evans in 2007; input from HHH studies • more ambitious Nb3Sn upgrade and higher luminosity planned in a 2nd phase HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
ECL2 workshop • 35 participants: 16 CERN (4 AB/ABP, 1 AB/OP, 7 AB/RF, 2 AT-VAC, 2 TS), 3 German enamel industry (Eisenwerke Dueker, Wendel Email), 4 US (BNL, Cornell, LBNL & SLAC), 1 KEK, others from European institutes (Astec, LNF, DESY, ANKA, U. Rostock, CELLS, U. Sannio, ESRF) • topics: CERN NEG coating facility, motivation, technological solutions, simulations, beam measurements, impedance, - for PS2, SPS upgrade, LHC upgrade, CLIC & ILC HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
ECL2: solutions against electron cloud slotted vacuum chamber (W. Bruns)New! enamel electrodes (F. Caspers) New! electrete inserts (F. Caspers)New! NEG coating (P. Chiggiato) slotted chamber enamel-based electrode HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
CC-2007 topics: • critical review of experimental results • crystal production technologies • application of bent crystals to LHC collimation system • assessment of new crystals through experiments at SPS and Tevatron • use of crystals for diffractive physics co-sponsored by INTAS 45 participants: INFN Genova, U. Ferrara, INFN Legnaro, PNPI Gatchina, IHEP Protvino, FNAL, JINR Dubna, INFN Frascati, INFN Roma, U. Manchester, U. Texas, HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
PRL article on 2006 SPS experiments published last week!including CARE acknowledgement SPS crystal collimation test HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
2007 crystal experiments • 7 weeks of SPS runs allocated to collaboration • Goals: • test multi-strip crystals • check the effect on ions • verify their fragmentation and e.-m. dissociation inside the crystal, • test the effectiveness of crystal collimation for ILC • Support: • CARE-HHH , INTAS-CERN, INFN-NTA, • Russian Foundation for Basic Research, CERN AB • and AT Departments HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
APD exchanges • R. De Maria (grad student) visited FNAL for 1 month in February-March to work on heat deposition in low-b region for NbTi “low-gradient” IR optics solutions Collaboration with N. Mokhov, US-LARP • W. Scandale visited FNAL for 1 week in February to participate in Tevatron crystal experiment • Two graduate students (U. Dorda, G. Sterbini) will participate in RHIC beam-beam compensation experiments for two weeks this June, in the frame of HHH/US-LARP collaboration HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
planned APD workshops • CARE-HHH-APD CERN-GSI bi-lateral working meeting on Collective Effects–Coordination of Theory and Experiments, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland • 1-5 October: CARE-HHH-APD event BEAM’07 , CERN - mini-workshop on LHC Injectors Upgrade& FAIR PS2, SPS enhancements, GSI upgrades - mini-workshop on LHC Beam Parameters Upgrade beam parameters and upgrade scenarios; e.g. bunch spacing, operation with large Piwinski angle, luminosity performance - Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium (Oct. 3) • 7-9 November: CARE-HHH-APD workshop onLHC IR Upgrade (LUMI'07), INFN Frascati, Italy new low-beta quadrupoles, detector-integrated dipoles and quadrupoles, crab cavities, wire compensation, experience with new DAFNE IR HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Francesco Ruggiero Memorial Symposium 3 October 2007 during HHH-APD BEAM’07 Tentative speakers: S. Berg, C. Biscari, O. Bruning, W. Chou, M. Furman, K. Hirata, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, C. Petit-Jean-Genaz, S. Petracca, E. Picasso, W. Scandale, J. Thomashausen, F. Zimmermann ,… HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Gantt chart for next 18 months AMT and ABI HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Gantt chart for next 18 months APD HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007
Conclusions • numerous high-impact workshops • focused activities in many frontier areas - crystal collimation, slim magnets, e-cloud suppression, low-angle crab cavities, beam-beam compensation, novel optics design schemes, fast cycling s.c. magnets, new beam diagnostics • results benefit global accelerator community - code repository, s.c. database, intensity limits • enhanced dissemination & training effort - mutual visits between partner labs, publications, seminars, web pages, summer students and graduate students • HHH is “high-return investment for Europe” HHH, CARE Meeting, Paris. April 17-18, 2007