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MOOD. A mood is a relatively long lasting emotional state . Moods differ from emotions in that they are less specific , less intense , and less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event .
A mood is a relativelylonglastingemotionalstate. Moodsdifferfromemotions in thattheyarelessspecific, lessintense, andlesslikelyto be triggeredby a particularstimulusorevent.
Moodsgenerallyhaveeither a positiveornegativevalence. Inotherwords, peopletypicallyspeak of being in a goodmoodor a badmood. Unlikeacute, emotionalfeelingslikefearandsurprise, moodsoftenlastforhoursordays
Moodalsodiffersfromtemperamentorpersonalitytraitswhichareevenlongerlasting. Nevertheless, personalitytraitssuch as optimismandneuroticismpredisposecertaintypes of moods. Longtermdisturbances of moodsuch as depressionandbipolardisorderareconsideredmooddisorders. Mood is an internal, subjectivestate, but it often can be inferredfrompostureandotherbehaviors
Moodis a product of twodimensions: energyandtension.[2] A person can be energeticortiredwhilealsobeing tense orcalm. Peoplefeelbestwhentheyare in a calm-energymood, andworstwhen in a tense-tiredstate. Peopleoftenusefoodtoregulatemood.
Mood is consideredto be a longlastingeffectthatmakes a difference in thewayyouinteractwithpeopleorexternalstimuli. "Moodsarefrequentlydescribed as morediffuseandnonspecific".[5]Moodsareconsideredto be mild, differentfromtheconcept of an emotion. “Moodsaremostoftendescribedbytheir valence eitherpositiveornegative, happyorsad, goodorbadorneutral”.[5]Therearemainlytwotypes of moodsthatpeopleconsider; thesearepositivemoodandnegativemood
Positivemood can be causedbymanydifferentaspects of life as well as havecertaineffects on people as a whole. Peopleseemtoexperience a positivemoodwhentheyhave a cleanslate, have had a goodnightsleep, andfeel no sense of stress in their life. "Generally, positivemood has beenfoundtoenhancecreative problem solvingandflexible yet carefulthinking".[7]Goodmood is usuallyconsidered a displacedstate; peoplecannotpinpointexactlywhytheyare in a goodmood.
Negativemoods can affect an individual’sjudgmentandperception of objectsandevents. Negativemoodshavebeenconnectedwithdepression, anxiety, aggression, poor self esteem, physiologicalstressanddecrease in sexualarousal. Insomeindividuals, there is evidencethatdepressedoranxiousmoodmayincreasesexualinterestorarousal. Negativemoods, such as anxiety, oftenleadindividualstomisinterpretphysicalsymptoms
The literary device ‘mood’ refers to a definitive stance the author adopts in shaping a specific emotional perspective towards the subject of the literary work. It refers to the mental and emotional disposition of the author towards the subject, which in turn lends a particular character or atmosphere to the work. The final tone achieved thus is instrumental in evoking specific, appropriate responses from the reader.
Mood is an emotionorfeelingthat a readerabsorbsfrom a piece of literature. Since it is a literary element it must be described, it is wrongtouse it simply as a noun. Herearesomeexamples of mood: -sarcastic -patronizing -relaxed -dark -angry -reminiscent -fond -playful -childlike -moody -charming -influential -sardonic
Inliterature, themood of a story is theatmosphere of thestory. A lovestorymighthave a dramaticatmosphere, while a horrorstorymighthave a tense, fearfulmoody.
Example: In Erich Segal’s Love Story, the relationship of the two protagonists is handled with such beauty, delicateness and sensitivity that the reader is compelled to feel the trials and tribulations of the characters.
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