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Zabriskie Quartzite, Eagle Mountain, California. In well-cemented, very pure quartz arenites like this, planar lamination can be difficult to detect. Here it is probably the product of upper-regime plane-bed traction transport. Blackleaf Fm (Cretaceous), Ulm Pishkun, near Great Falls, Montana.
Zabriskie Quartzite, Eagle Mountain, California In well-cemented, very pure quartz arenites like this, planar lamination can be difficult to detect. Here it is probably the product of upper-regime plane-bed traction transport.
Blackleaf Fm (Cretaceous), Ulm Pishkun, near Great Falls, Montana The substantial thickness of this planar-laminated sandstone bed suggests protracted plane-bed transport as the bed slowly aggrades.
Blackleaf Fm (Cretaceous), Ulm Pishkun, near Great Falls, Montana Bill Arnott calls this “gently undulating planar lamination”.
Bird Spring Fm (Permian), southern Bird Spring Range, Nevada nA alternation of cherty and noncherty laminae in a poorly cemented quartz arenite.
Noonday Dolostone, southern Nopah range Alternating laminae of dolostone and chert.
Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Upper-foreshore beach lamination. The darker layers are enriched in heavy-mineral grains, as part of a beach placer.