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Research Skills-. Important information for tackling your 1st Research Skills paper! By Mrs. Ricker. Searching PHS’s Catalog & Databases & the Internet. Keywords-Using them to search the library’s online catalog, databases and the internet. How to use the library’s online catalog.
Research Skills- Important information for tackling your 1st Research Skills paper! By Mrs. Ricker
Keywords-Using them to search the library’s online catalog, databases and the internet How to use the library’s online catalog. How to find a book on the shelf after finding it on the computer. What is an index? How do you use an index?
PHS Library Online Access: Website through city/school: http://www.cityofportsmouth.com/school/phs/library.htm New library wiki: http://portsmouthhighschoollibrary.wikispaces.com/ Library Moodle: http://moodle.portsmouth.k12.nh.us/
Basic Research:-Try using the encyclopedias for beginning research on a topic for background information-When using subject encyclopedias and books/reference materials that include a lot of general information look for the table of contents or the index, in the back or front of the book to help locate your specific topic or keyword
Keywords—Topic Ideas Economy Job creation Agriculture Energy Human Rights Genetic Engineering War Teen Pregnancy Global Warming Religion Endangered Species Obama Education Government What other keywords could you use?
Keywords-if you can’t find it using a specific word or phrase, think of what other KEY word it might fall under http://libcat.cityofportsmouth.com/ For example, if you are searching for a person or event and cannot find it, try searching the keyword that is the UMBRELLA for the person or event you are trying to find. Cannot find results for “energy efficiency”, try another search with the broader umbrella term.
Searching the internet-ways to utilize a search engine What is a Boolean Search/Operator? AND example: Portland and Oregon OR example: liberal or democrat (like synonyms) NOT example: Oregon not travel New York Times Google Search- NYT uses the Google search engine to search their own site, not outside the NYT site www.nytimes.com The Google search allows more results, Boolean searching, book searches, scholar (journal articles), patents, images, blog searches etc. And the results pages are collected by popularity --100s of factors such as the ones mentioned above are included in the Google searching
Databaseshttp://www.cityofportsmouth.com/school/phs/library.htmDatabaseshttp://www.cityofportsmouth.com/school/phs/library.htm Primary Sources-Information/documents created during the time period the event occurred or the person lived Examples: legal documents, speeches, diaries, interviews *Ebscohost has some Primary Sources and many public and academic libraries have these sources or access to them as well
Ebsco– username=portsmouthh password=03801http://search.epnet.com/login.asp Newspaper articles Magazine articles Journal articles Current issues Remember to Click on “Full-Text” Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources
Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context-password=nhaishttp://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/nhais_htfk?db=OVIC Pro/Con articles on controversial issues Both sides are represented in multiple articles Search using keywords Good resource for background information or common opinions on your topics
News Resources (many of these are included in Ebscohost) New York Times CNN USA Today MSNBC Fosters BusinessWeek Portsmouth Herald Newsweek Boston Globe Union Leader
Works Cited: www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/SearchEngines.html