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Green Jobs for Social Inclusion: Best Practices in European Cities

This publication aims to showcase how green initiatives combat poverty, promote social inclusion, and create employment opportunities. It provides insights on integrated approaches and coordination for a sustainable future.

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Green Jobs for Social Inclusion: Best Practices in European Cities

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  1. Utrecht 28 Feb 2014 Good practice publication Green jobs for social inclusion Paulina Banas EUROCITIES

  2. Aim of the publication • To facilitate mutual learning between cities on how greening can contribute to combating poverty and social exclusion; • To demonstrate to the EU institutions and national policy makers the role of cities in: • implementing Social Investment Package • reaching the EU2020 targets related to employment, poverty and climate change • with a special emphasis on the effectiveness gains arising from an integrated approach (advocacy).

  3. Why is it valuable to be involved? • Visibility to your city: • your practice will be part of a printed report • the report will be disseminated on many occasions • we will write about the report on EUROCITIES’ website, in our newsletters etc. • Other cities will become aware of your work and will be able to transfer your project. • You may be invited to participate in dissemination and follow-up activities (tbc)

  4. Terms of Reference • Mid-March call • fill in provided template; return by 1st May • If your city’s practice is selected for the publication: • Providing details or clarifications, if necessary (via phone, email) • Approving the first draft for the report • Approving the final draft for the report

  5. Indicative Timeline

  6. Terms of Reference EUROCITIES will: • convert the information you provide into the first draft of the publication chapter; • exchange with you on the first draft, finalise the chapter; • make sure that the overall style of all practices published is coherent and that the relevant elements are highlighted; • write an introduction to the publication; • arrange proof-reading, design, layout and printing.

  7. Selection Criteria • Must fulfil the key characteristics: • clear social inclusion angle and/or labour market inclusion /employability/skills development • clear greening city angle • integrated approach and coordination • geographical coverage • overall quality of the proposal

  8. Green jobs for social inclusion • Greening: various (transport, spaces, buildings etc.) • Social inclusion through one or both: • creates employment opportunities for vulnerable groups or people facing deprivation (can include up-skilling) • addresses the issues poverty, for instance by reducing the costs for heating social housing or homes of people at risk of social exclusion.

  9. Selection Criteria – added value • Large transferability potential • Innovative • Quantitative or qualitative evidence • Additional aspects: • promotes participation in society and empowers disadvantaged people • shows a role of city as an facilitator of collaboration between different partners (SMEs, large companies, NGOs, etc.) • uses public procurement as a tool for providing opportunities to disadvantaged people • is part of a larger area-based regeneration programme, targeted at a disadvantaged neighbourhood

  10. Dissemination • Printed report: • events of EUROCITIES • events of external actors at EU level • EUROCITIES’ website: • articles • online version • EUROCITIES’ newsletters + policy updates • External events (possible engagement of the participating cities) -tbc

  11. Follow-up • ALL tbc (depend on funding) • Rolling activity building on the publication • Publication: mid-point not end-point • In 2014: • event at annual conference? • Annual Convention on Poverty? • Lobby/ advocacy?: • EC Communication on ‘Job creation in the green economy’? • Funding opportunities? • other

  12. Follow-up • Beyond 2014: • study visit(s)? • workshops/ trainings? • Conference? • Tool-kit? • Also depends on: • Interests of other cities • Interest of EU stakeholders • Success in establishing us as the key player in the area of ‘green jobs for social inclusion’

  13. What is in the template? • Context • Problem • Summary of the project • Impact: • General (city) • Poverty • Local environment • Local economy (job creation)

  14. What is in the template? • Integrated approach • Innovation • Challenges • Funding • Future plans • Transferability potential • Maximum word 50-150 + help questions

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