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Junta Distributions and the Average Case Complexity of Manipulating Elections. A. D. Procaccia & J. S. Rosenschein. Lecture outline. Voting. Manipulation. Our Approach. Main Result. Conclusions. Introduction to voting Scoring protocols Manipulation Our approach Junta distributions
Junta Distributions and the Average Case Complexity of Manipulating Elections A. D. Procaccia & J. S. Rosenschein
Lecture outline Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Introduction to voting • Scoring protocols • Manipulation • Our approach • Junta distributions • Main Result: Manipulating scoring protocols is NP-hard but easy in the average-case • Closing remarks and future research
What is Voting? Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • In multiagent environments, different agents may have diverse preferences. • A common scheme for preference aggregation is voting. • Agents reveal their preferences by ranking m candidates. • Winner determined by a voting protocol. • Plurality.
Scoring Protocols Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • = <1,…, m> where i ≥ i+1. Candidate receives i points for each voter that ranks it in i’th place. • Examples: • Plurality: <1,0,…,0> • Veto: <1,…,1,0> • Borda: <m-1,m-2,…,0> • Sensitive scoring protocols = scoring protocols where m-1>m=0. • Including Veto and Borda.
Why lie? Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Selfish agents may prefer to reveal their intentions untruthfully. • This is problematic, since the outcome may be one that is socially undesirable. • COALITIONAL MANIPULATION. Given: a set S of weighted votes, a set T of manipulators’ weights, and a candidate p. Can the votes in T be cast so that p wins? 21 3 11 10 10 4 3
Motivation Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Voting protocol is non-dictatorial elections where an agent is better off voting untruthfully. • Bounded rationality comes to the rescue! • Individual manipulation of some protocols is NP-hard. • We prove: coalitional manipulation of sensitive scoring protocols is NP-hard, even when m=3. • A weak guarantee of resistance to manipulation. • Given a reasonable dist., how hard is it to manipulate?
Avg. Case Analysis Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Traditional average case complexity theory seems inappropriate for our purposes. • Distributional problem = <L,>; L is a decision problem, is a distribution over the possible inputs. • Algorithm ALG is a heuristic polynomial time algorithm for <L,> if ALG runs in poly time, and p s.t. Prx[ALG(x)≠L(x)]≤1/p(|x|).
Junta Distributions Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • If an algorithm succeeds in deciding instances drawn from a junta distribution, it will also succeed with most reasonable distributions. • Properties: • Hardness: Still enough hard instances. • Dichotomy: Instances are either probable or impossible. Zero prob. Low prob. High prob. Easy instance Hard instance
Susceptibility to manipulation Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • A mechanism is susceptible to a manipulation M if there exists a junta dist. , s.t. there exists a heuristic poly time algorithm for <M, >. • Theorem: Let P be a sensitive scoring protocol. Then P is susceptible to coalitional manipulation when m=O(1).
A junta distribution Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Sampling algorithm for *: • All v in T: randomly choose w(v) in [0,1]. Total weight is W. • All candidates≠p: randomly choose initial score in [(1-2)W, 1W]. • * is a junta distribution. • * is intuitively appealing.
A heuristic poly time alg Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Greedy algorithm: each voter in T ranks p first, and the other candidates in an order inversely proportional to their current score. a b p a b p 4 4 3.9 3 3.1 3.1 3 2.9 2.6 2.1 2 2.1 2.1 2 1.6 1 1 1 0 T 0.5 0.5 1 T 0.5 1
Remarks and future research Voting Manipulation Our Approach Main Result Conclusions • Paper contains additional results on individual manipulation with uncertainty about others’ votes. • Starting point for studying average case complexity of manipulating different protocols and mechanisms. • Can be regarded as an impossibility result; which protocols are average-case hard to manipulate?