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The Policies of Prosperity

The Policies of Prosperity. Chapter 21, Section 3. Andrew Mellon – man behind 1920s economic policy Government should follow business principles Balance budget , reduce debt , cut taxes Supply-side economics Herbert Hoover– Cooperative Individualism

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The Policies of Prosperity

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  1. The Policies of Prosperity Chapter 21, Section 3

  2. Andrew Mellon– man behind 1920s economic policy • Government should follow business principles • Balance budget, reduce debt, cut taxes • Supply-side economics • Herbert Hoover– Cooperative Individualism • Businesses should form their own trade associations Prosperity

  3. Isolationism • Dawes Plan • Naval Arms Race • Washington Conference– Five-Power, Four-Power, and Nine-Power Treaties • Kellogg-Briand Pact– “Abolished War” Foreign Policy

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