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Space News Update - May 3, 2013 -. In the News Story 1: New Detector Begins Search for Dark Matter Particles Story 2: Herschel Observatory Goes Dark after Four-year Mission Story 3: NASA Invites Public to Send Names and Messages to Mars Departments The Night Sky
Space News Update - May 3, 2013 - In the News Story 1:New Detector Begins Search for Dark Matter Particles Story 2:Herschel Observatory Goes Dark after Four-year Mission Story 3: NASA Invites Public to Send Names and Messages to Mars Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities NASA-TV Highlights Space Calendar Food for Thought Space Image of the Week
> New Detector Begins Search for Dark Matter Particles
The Night Sky Friday, May 3 · As soon as the evening gets fully dark, look for the Big Dipper very high in the north-northeast. It's upside down, with its handle to the right and its bowl to the left. It's "dumping water" onto the much dimmer Little Dipper down below. Saturday, May 4 · The three brightest stars in the May dusk are all zero magnitude: Capella in the northwest, Vega lower in the northeast, and Arcturus high in the east. (Jupiter, far lower left of Capella, is brighter but doesn't count.) · The Eta Aquariid meteor shower, usually the year's best for the Southern Hemisphere, should be strongest just before dawn. Fewer of its meteors can be seen from the latitudes of the southern U.S., and few or none from the northern U.S. and Europe. Sunday, May 5 · The western Arch of Spring (as I call it) is on fine display in late twilight. Its top consists of Pollux and Castor high in the west. They're lined up roughly horizontally and are about three finger-widths at arm's length apart. Look far to their lower left for Procyon, and farther to their lower right for brighter Capella. Far below the arch this spring, two more points make it a pentagon. These are bright Jupiter and, about two fists to Jupiter's left, Betelgeuse. Monday, May 6 · The brightest star high in the southeast after nightfall is Arcturus. Far to its lower right are Spica and, lower, Saturn. To the right of these two, look for the quadrilateral of Corvus, the Crow.
ISS Sighting Opportunities For Denver: No sighting opportunities until May 14 Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting Information
NASA-TV Highlights May 6, Monday 12:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 35 In-Flight Event for the Canadian Space Agency with Commander Chris Hadfield and “Music Monday” in Canada - JSC (Public and Media Channels) 3 p.m. - Video File of the ISS Expedition 36/37 Qualification Training Simulation Runs at Star City, Russia - JSC (All Channels) Watch NASA TV on the Net by going to NASA website.
Space Calendar May 03 - [Apr 26] Space Day May 03 - Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova At Opposition (3.918 AU) May 03 - Asteroid 17656 Hayabusa Closest Approach To Earth (1.805 AU) May 03 - Asteroid 189202 Calar Alto Closest Approach To Earth (2.118 AU) May 03 - Asteroid 3623 Chaplin Closest Approach To Earth (2.000 AU) May 03 - Asteroid 84882 Table Mountain Closest Approach To Earth (2.242 AU) May 04 - [Apr 26] Proba-V/ VNREDSat 1A/ ESTCube 1 Vega Launch May 04 - [May 03] Pluto Occults UCAC2 (14.2 Magnitude Star) May 04 - Comet 98P/Takamizawa At Opposition (0.929 AU) May 04 - Comet 240P/NEAT At Opposition (4.204 AU) May 04 - Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) Open House, Rosman, North Carolina May 05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak May 05 - Comet C/2013 G6 (Lemmon) At Opposition (1.257 AU) May 05 - Comet 256P/LINEAR At Opposition (1.784 AU) May 05 - Asteroid 3663 Tisserand Occults HIP 69773 (6.5 Magnitude Star) May 05 - Asteroid 2013 GR38 Near-Earth Flyby (0.048 AU) May 05 - Asteroid 2013 GQ38 Near-Earth Flyby (0.053 AU) May 05 - Asteroid 10101 Fourier Closest Approach To Earth (1.453 AU) May 05 - Asteroid 1996 Adams Closest Approach To Earth (1.788 AU) May 05 - Asteroid 9357 Venezuela Closest Approach To Earth (2.110 AU) May 06 - Asteroid 253 Mathilde Occults HIP 65540 (7.1 Magnitude Star) May 06 - Asteroid 165347 Philplait Closest Approach To Earth (1.252 AU) May 06 - Asteroid 293934 MPIA Closest Approach To Earth (1.712 AU) JPL Space Calendar
Food for Thought NASA Opens New Era in Measuring Western U.S. Snowpack
Space Image of the Week Cool Andromeda Image Credit: ESA/Herschel/PACS & SPIRE Consortium, O. Krause, HSC, H. Linz